// Copyright 2005-2019 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #include "SocketRPC.h" #include "Channel.h" #include "ClientUser.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "ServerHandler.h" #include #include #include #include // We define a global macro called 'g'. This can lead to issues when included code uses 'g' as a type or parameter name (like protobuf 3.7 does). As such, for now, we have to make this our last include. #include "Global.h" SocketRPCClient::SocketRPCClient(QLocalSocket *s, QObject *p) : QObject(p), qlsSocket(s), qbBuffer(NULL) { qlsSocket->setParent(this); connect(qlsSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(disconnected())); connect(qlsSocket, SIGNAL(error(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError)), this, SLOT(error(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError))); connect(qlsSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead())); qxsrReader.setDevice(qlsSocket); qxswWriter.setAutoFormatting(true); qbBuffer = new QBuffer(&qbaOutput, this); qbBuffer->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); qxswWriter.setDevice(qbBuffer); } void SocketRPCClient::disconnected() { deleteLater(); } void SocketRPCClient::error(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError) { } void SocketRPCClient::readyRead() { forever { switch (qxsrReader.readNext()) { case QXmlStreamReader::Invalid: { if (qxsrReader.error() != QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError) { qWarning() << "Malformed" << qxsrReader.error(); qlsSocket->abort(); } return; } break; case QXmlStreamReader::EndDocument: { qxswWriter.writeCurrentToken(qxsrReader); processXml(); qxsrReader.clear(); qxsrReader.setDevice(qlsSocket); qxswWriter.setDevice(NULL); delete qbBuffer; qbaOutput = QByteArray(); qbBuffer = new QBuffer(&qbaOutput, this); qbBuffer->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); qxswWriter.setDevice(qbBuffer); } break; default: qxswWriter.writeCurrentToken(qxsrReader); break; } } } void SocketRPCClient::processXml() { QDomDocument qdd; qdd.setContent(qbaOutput, false); QDomElement request = qdd.firstChildElement(); if (! request.isNull()) { bool ack = false; QMap qmRequest; QMap qmReply; QMap::const_iterator iter; QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = request.attributes(); for (int i=0;ishow(); g.mw->raise(); g.mw->activateWindow(); ack = true; } else if (request.nodeName() == QLatin1String("self")) { iter = qmRequest.find(QLatin1String("mute")); if (iter != qmRequest.constEnd()) { bool set = iter.value().toBool(); if (set != g.s.bMute) { g.mw->qaAudioMute->setChecked(! set); g.mw->qaAudioMute->trigger(); } } iter = qmRequest.find(QLatin1String("unmute")); if (iter != qmRequest.constEnd()) { bool set = iter.value().toBool(); if (set == g.s.bMute) { g.mw->qaAudioMute->setChecked(set); g.mw->qaAudioMute->trigger(); } } iter = qmRequest.find(QLatin1String("togglemute")); if (iter != qmRequest.constEnd()) { bool set = iter.value().toBool(); if (set == g.s.bMute) { g.mw->qaAudioMute->setChecked(set); g.mw->qaAudioMute->trigger(); } else { g.mw->qaAudioMute->setChecked(! set); g.mw->qaAudioMute->trigger(); } } iter = qmRequest.find(QLatin1String("deaf")); if (iter != qmRequest.constEnd()) { bool set = iter.value().toBool(); if (set != g.s.bDeaf) { g.mw->qaAudioDeaf->setChecked(! set); g.mw->qaAudioDeaf->trigger(); } } iter = qmRequest.find(QLatin1String("undeaf")); if (iter != qmRequest.constEnd()) { bool set = iter.value().toBool(); if (set == g.s.bDeaf) { g.mw->qaAudioDeaf->setChecked(set); g.mw->qaAudioDeaf->trigger(); } } iter = qmRequest.find(QLatin1String("toggledeaf")); if (iter != qmRequest.constEnd()) { bool set = iter.value().toBool(); if (set == g.s.bDeaf) { g.mw->qaAudioDeaf->setChecked(set); g.mw->qaAudioDeaf->trigger(); } else { g.mw->qaAudioDeaf->setChecked(! set); g.mw->qaAudioDeaf->trigger(); } } ack = true; } else if (request.nodeName() == QLatin1String("url")) { if (g.sh && g.sh->isRunning() && g.uiSession) { QString host, user, pw; unsigned short port; QUrl u; g.sh->getConnectionInfo(host, port, user, pw); u.setScheme(QLatin1String("mumble")); u.setHost(host); u.setPort(port); u.setUserName(user); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 QUrlQuery query; query.addQueryItem(QLatin1String("version"), QLatin1String("1.2.0")); u.setQuery(query); #else u.addQueryItem(QLatin1String("version"), QLatin1String("1.2.0")); #endif QStringList path; Channel *c = ClientUser::get(g.uiSession)->cChannel; while (c->cParent) { path.prepend(c->qsName); c = c->cParent; } u.setPath(path.join(QLatin1String("/"))); qmReply.insert(QLatin1String("href"), u); } iter = qmRequest.find(QLatin1String("href")); if (iter != qmRequest.constEnd()) { QUrl u = iter.value().toUrl(); if (u.isValid() && u.scheme() == QLatin1String("mumble")) { OpenURLEvent *oue = new OpenURLEvent(u); qApp->postEvent(g.mw, oue); ack = true; } } else { ack = true; } } QDomDocument replydoc; QDomElement reply = replydoc.createElement(QLatin1String("reply")); qmReply.insert(QLatin1String("succeeded"), ack); for (iter = qmReply.constBegin(); iter != qmReply.constEnd(); ++iter) { QDomElement elem = replydoc.createElement(iter.key()); QDomText text = replydoc.createTextNode(iter.value().toString()); elem.appendChild(text); reply.appendChild(elem); } replydoc.appendChild(reply); qlsSocket->write(replydoc.toByteArray()); } } SocketRPC::SocketRPC(const QString &basename, QObject *p) : QObject(p) { qlsServer = new QLocalServer(this); QString pipepath; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN pipepath = basename; #else { QString xdgRuntimePath = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().value(QLatin1String("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR")); QDir xdgRuntimeDir = QDir(xdgRuntimePath); if (! xdgRuntimePath.isNull() && xdgRuntimeDir.exists()) { pipepath = xdgRuntimeDir.absoluteFilePath(basename + QLatin1String("Socket")); } else { pipepath = QDir::home().absoluteFilePath(QLatin1String(".") + basename + QLatin1String("Socket")); } } { QFile f(pipepath); if (f.exists()) { qWarning() << "SocketRPC: Removing old socket on" << pipepath; f.remove(); } } #endif if (! qlsServer->listen(pipepath)) { qWarning() << "SocketRPC: Listen failed"; delete qlsServer; qlsServer = NULL; } else { connect(qlsServer, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(newConnection())); } } void SocketRPC::newConnection() { while (true) { QLocalSocket *qls = qlsServer->nextPendingConnection(); if (! qls) break; new SocketRPCClient(qls, this); } } bool SocketRPC::send(const QString &basename, const QString &request, const QMap ¶m) { QString pipepath; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN pipepath = basename; #else { QString xdgRuntimePath = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().value(QLatin1String("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR")); QDir xdgRuntimeDir = QDir(xdgRuntimePath); if (! xdgRuntimePath.isNull() && xdgRuntimeDir.exists()) { pipepath = xdgRuntimeDir.absoluteFilePath(basename + QLatin1String("Socket")); } else { pipepath = QDir::home().absoluteFilePath(QLatin1String(".") + basename + QLatin1String("Socket")); } } #endif QLocalSocket qls; qls.connectToServer(pipepath); if (! qls.waitForConnected(1000)) { return false; } QDomDocument requestdoc; QDomElement req = requestdoc.createElement(request); for (QMap::const_iterator iter = param.constBegin(); iter != param.constEnd(); ++iter) { QDomElement elem = requestdoc.createElement(iter.key()); QDomText text = requestdoc.createTextNode(iter.value().toString()); elem.appendChild(text); req.appendChild(elem); } requestdoc.appendChild(req); qls.write(requestdoc.toByteArray()); qls.flush(); if (! qls.waitForReadyRead(2000)) { return false; } QByteArray qba = qls.readAll(); QDomDocument replydoc; replydoc.setContent(qba); QDomElement succ = replydoc.firstChildElement(QLatin1String("reply")); succ = succ.firstChildElement(QLatin1String("succeeded")); if (succ.isNull()) return false; return QVariant(succ.text()).toBool(); }