// Copyright 2015-2021 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #include "ThemeInfo.h" #include #include #include QFileInfo ThemeInfo::StyleInfo::getPlatformQss() const { #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) return qssFiles.value(QLatin1String("WIN"), defaultQss); #elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX) return qssFiles.value(QLatin1String("LINUX"), defaultQss); #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) return qssFiles.value(QLatin1String("MAC"), defaultQss); #else return defaultQss; #endif } boost::optional< ThemeInfo::StyleInfo > readStyleFromConfig(QSettings &themeConfig, const QString &styleId, const ThemeInfo &theme, const QDir &themeDir) { QRegExp qssPlatformRegex(QString::fromLatin1("^%1/qss_(.*)").arg(styleId)); ThemeInfo::StyleInfo style; style.name = themeConfig.value(QString::fromLatin1("%1/name").arg(styleId)).toString(); style.themeName = theme.name; style.defaultQss = QFileInfo(themeDir.filePath(themeConfig.value(QString::fromLatin1("%1/qss").arg(styleId)).toString())); if (style.name.isNull()) { qWarning() << "Style " << styleId << " of theme" << theme.name << " has no name, skipping theme"; return boost::none; } if (!style.defaultQss.exists() || !style.defaultQss.isFile()) { qWarning() << "Style " << style.name << " of theme " << theme.name << " references invalid qss " << style.defaultQss.filePath() << ", skipping theme"; return boost::none; } foreach (const QString &platformQssConfig, themeConfig.allKeys().filter(qssPlatformRegex)) { qssPlatformRegex.indexIn(platformQssConfig); const QString platform = qssPlatformRegex.cap(1); QFileInfo platformQss = (themeDir.filePath(themeConfig.value(platformQssConfig).toString())); if (!platformQss.exists() || !platformQss.isFile()) { qWarning() << "Style" << style.name << " of theme " << theme.name << " references invalid qss " << platformQss.filePath() << " for platform " << platform << ", skipping theme"; return boost::none; } style.qssFiles.insert(platform, platformQss); } return style; } boost::optional< ThemeInfo > loadLegacyThemeInfo(const QDir &themeDirectory) { ThemeInfo theme; theme.name = themeDirectory.dirName(); QStringList filters; filters << QLatin1String("*.qss"); foreach (const QFileInfo &qssFile, themeDirectory.entryInfoList(filters, QDir::Files)) { ThemeInfo::StyleInfo style; style.name = qssFile.baseName(); style.themeName = theme.name; style.defaultQss = qssFile; theme.styles.insert(style.name, style); } if (theme.styles.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << themeDirectory.absolutePath() << " does not seem to contain a old-style theme, skipping"; return boost::none; } theme.defaultStyle = theme.styles.begin()->name; return theme; } boost::optional< ThemeInfo > ThemeInfo::load(const QDir &themeDirectory) { QFile themeFile(themeDirectory.absoluteFilePath(QLatin1String("theme.ini"))); if (!themeFile.exists()) { qWarning() << "Directory " << themeDirectory.absolutePath() << " has no theme.ini, trying fallback"; return loadLegacyThemeInfo(themeDirectory); } QSettings themeConfig(themeFile.fileName(), QSettings::IniFormat); if (themeConfig.status() != QSettings::NoError) { qWarning() << "Failed to load theme config from " << themeFile.fileName() << ", skipping"; return boost::none; } ThemeInfo theme; QStringList styleIds; theme.name = themeConfig.value(QLatin1String("theme/name")).toString(); styleIds = themeConfig.value(QLatin1String("theme/styles")).toStringList(); if (theme.name.isNull()) { qWarning() << "Theme in " << themeFile.fileName() << " does not have a name, skipping"; return boost::none; } if (styleIds.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Theme " << theme.name << " doesn't have any styles, skipping"; return boost::none; } foreach (const QString &styleId, styleIds) { boost::optional< ThemeInfo::StyleInfo > style = readStyleFromConfig(themeConfig, styleId, theme, themeDirectory); if (!style) { return boost::none; } theme.styles.insert(style->name, *style); } theme.defaultStyle = theme.styles.begin()->name; return theme; } ThemeInfo::StyleInfo ThemeInfo::getStyle(QString name_) const { Q_ASSERT(styles.contains(defaultStyle)); return styles.value(name_, styles.value(defaultStyle)); } ThemeMap ThemeInfo::scanDirectory(const QDir &themesDirectory) { ThemeMap themes; foreach (const QFileInfo &subdirInfo, themesDirectory.entryInfoList(QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { QDir subdir(subdirInfo.absoluteFilePath()); boost::optional< ThemeInfo > theme = ThemeInfo::load(subdir); if (!theme) { continue; } themes.insert(theme->name, *theme); }; return themes; } ThemeMap ThemeInfo::scanDirectories(const QVector< QDir > &themesDirectories) { ThemeMap themes; foreach (const QDir &themesDirectory, themesDirectories) { foreach (const ThemeInfo &theme, scanDirectory(themesDirectory)) { themes.insert(theme.name, theme); } } return themes; }