// Copyright 2005-2019 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #include "Themes.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "MumbleApplication.h" // We define a global macro called 'g'. This can lead to issues when included code uses 'g' as a type or parameter name (like protobuf 3.7 does). As such, for now, we have to make this our last include. #include "Global.h" boost::optional Themes::getConfiguredStyle(const Settings &settings) { if (settings.themeName.isEmpty() && settings.themeStyleName.isEmpty()) { return boost::none; } const ThemeMap themes = getThemes(); ThemeMap::const_iterator themeIt = themes.find(settings.themeName); if (themeIt == themes.end()) { qWarning() << "Could not find configured theme" << settings.themeName; return boost::none; } ThemeInfo::StylesMap::const_iterator styleIt = themeIt->styles.find(settings.themeStyleName); if (styleIt == themeIt->styles.end()) { qWarning() << "Configured theme" << settings.themeName << "does not have configured style" << settings.themeStyleName; return boost::none; } return *styleIt; } void Themes::setConfiguredStyle(Settings &settings, boost::optional style, bool &outChanged) { if (style) { if (settings.themeName != style->themeName || settings.themeStyleName != style->name) { settings.themeName = style->themeName; settings.themeStyleName = style->name; outChanged = true; } } else { if (!settings.themeName.isEmpty() || !settings.themeStyleName.isEmpty()) { settings.themeName = settings.themeStyleName = QString(); outChanged = true; } } } void Themes::applyFallback() { qWarning() << "Applying fallback style sheet"; QStringList skinPaths; skinPaths << QLatin1String(":/themes/Mumble"); QString defaultTheme = getDefaultStylesheet(); setTheme(defaultTheme, skinPaths); } bool Themes::applyConfigured() { boost::optional style = Themes::getConfiguredStyle(g.s); if (!style) { return false; } const QFileInfo qssFile(style->getPlatformQss()); qWarning() << "Theme:" << style->themeName; qWarning() << "Style:" << style->name; qWarning() << "--> qss:" << qssFile.absoluteFilePath(); QFile file(qssFile.absoluteFilePath()); if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { qWarning() << "Failed to open theme stylesheet:" << file.errorString(); return false; } QStringList skinPaths; skinPaths << qssFile.path(); skinPaths << QLatin1String(":/themes/Mumble"); // Some skins might want to fall-back on our built-in resources QString themeQss = QString::fromUtf8(file.readAll()); setTheme(themeQss, skinPaths); return true; } void Themes::setTheme(QString &themeQss, QStringList &skinPaths) { QDir::setSearchPaths(QLatin1String("skin"), skinPaths); QString userStylesheetFn = userStylesheetPath(); QString userStylesheetContent; if (readStylesheet(userStylesheetFn, userStylesheetContent)) { qWarning("Themes: allowing user stylesheet at '%s' to override the stylesheet", qPrintable(userStylesheetFn)); } qApp->setStyleSheet( themeQss + QLatin1String("\n") + userStylesheetContent ); } bool Themes::apply() { const bool result = applyConfigured(); if (!result) { applyFallback(); } if (g.mw != NULL) { g.mw->qteLog->document()->setDefaultStyleSheet(qApp->styleSheet()); } return result; } ThemeMap Themes::getThemes() { return ThemeInfo::scanDirectories(getSearchDirectories()); } QDir Themes::getUserThemesDirectory() { return QDir(g.qdBasePath.absolutePath() + QLatin1String("/Themes")); } QVector Themes::getSearchDirectories() { QVector themeSearchDirectories; // Built-in themes contained in the binary have the lowest priority themeSearchDirectories << QDir(QLatin1String(":themes")); // Next come themes found in the applications Themes directory themeSearchDirectories << QDir(MumbleApplication::instance()->applicationVersionRootPath() + QLatin1String("/Themes")); // Highest priorty have themes located in the user directory themeSearchDirectories << getUserThemesDirectory(); return themeSearchDirectories; } QString Themes::userStylesheetPath() { return g.qdBasePath.absolutePath() + QLatin1String("/user.qss"); } bool Themes::readStylesheet(const QString &stylesheetFn, QString &stylesheetContent) { QFile file(stylesheetFn); if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { stylesheetContent = QString(); return false; } stylesheetContent = QString::fromUtf8(file.readAll()); return true; } QString Themes::getDefaultStylesheet() { return QLatin1String(".log-channel{text-decoration:none;}.log-user{text-decoration:none;}p{margin:0;}#qwMacWarning,#qwInlineNotice{background-color:#FFFEDC;border-radius:5px;border:1px solid #B5B59E;}"); }