// Copyright 2011-2021 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #include "WebFetch.h" #include "NetworkConfig.h" #include "Global.h" #include WebFetch::WebFetch(QString service, QUrl url, QObject *obj, const char *slot) : QObject(), qoObject(obj), cpSlot(slot), m_service(service) { url.setScheme(QLatin1String("https")); if (!Global::get().s.qsServicePrefix.isEmpty()) { url.setHost(prefixedServiceHost()); } else { url.setHost(serviceHost()); } qnr = Network::get(url); connect(qnr, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(finished())); connect(this, SIGNAL(fetched(QByteArray, QUrl, QMap< QString, QString >)), obj, slot); } QString WebFetch::prefixedServiceHost() const { if (Global::get().s.qsServicePrefix.isEmpty()) { return serviceHost(); } return QString::fromLatin1("%1-%2.mumble.info").arg(Global::get().s.qsServicePrefix, m_service); } QString WebFetch::serviceHost() const { return QString::fromLatin1("%1.mumble.info").arg(m_service); } static QString fromUtf8(const QByteArray &qba) { if (qba.isEmpty()) return QString(); return QString::fromUtf8(qba.constData(), qba.length()); } void WebFetch::finished() { // Note that if this functions succeeds, it should deleteLater() itself, as this is a temporary object. Q_ASSERT(qobject_cast< QNetworkReply * >(sender()) == qnr); qnr->disconnect(); qnr->deleteLater(); QUrl url = qnr->request().url(); if (qnr->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) { QByteArray a = qnr->readAll(); // empty response is not an error if (a.isNull()) a.append(""); QMap< QString, QString > headers; foreach (const QByteArray &headerName, qnr->rawHeaderList()) { QString name = fromUtf8(headerName); QString value = fromUtf8(qnr->rawHeader(headerName)); if (!name.isEmpty() && !value.isEmpty()) { headers.insert(name, value); if (name == QLatin1String("Use-Service-Prefix")) { QRegExp servicePrefixRegExp(QLatin1String("^[a-zA-Z]+$")); if (servicePrefixRegExp.exactMatch(value)) { Global::get().s.qsServicePrefix = value.toLower(); } } } } emit fetched(a, url, headers); deleteLater(); } else if (url.host() == prefixedServiceHost() && url.host() != serviceHost()) { // We have tried to fetch from a local service domain (e.Global::get(). de-update.mumble.info) // which has failed, so naturally we want to try the non-local one (update.mumble.info) // as well as maybe that one will work. // This of course only makes sense, if prefixedServiceHost() and serviceHost() are in fact // different hosts. url.setHost(serviceHost()); qnr = Network::get(url); connect(qnr, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(finished())); } else { emit fetched(QByteArray(), url, QMap< QString, QString >()); deleteLater(); } } /** * @brief Fetch URL from mumble servers. * * If fetching fails, the slot is invoked with a null QByteArray. * @param url URL to fetch. Hostname and scheme must be blank. * @param obj Object to invoke slot on. * @param slot Slot to be triggered, invoked with the signature of \link fetched. */ void WebFetch::fetch(const QString &service, const QUrl &url, QObject *obj, const char *slot) { Q_ASSERT(!service.isEmpty()); Q_ASSERT(url.scheme().isEmpty()); Q_ASSERT(url.host().isEmpty()); Q_ASSERT(obj); Q_ASSERT(slot); new WebFetch(service, url, obj, slot); }