ACLEditor Deny Drausti Allow Leisti Allow %1 Leisti %1 Deny %1 Drausti %1 Mumble - Add channel Mumble - Pridėti kanalą Default server value Numatytoji serverio reikšmė Failed: Invalid channel Nepavyko: Neteisingas kanalas Mumble - Edit %1 Mumble - Keisti %1 ID: %1 ID: %1 This grants the %1 privilege. If a privilege is both allowed and denied, it is denied.<br />%2 Channel must have a name Kanalas privalo turėti pavadinimą This revokes the %1 privilege. If a privilege is both allowed and denied, it is denied.<br />%2 Dialog Dialogas Name Pavadinimas Enter the channel name here. Čia įrašykite kanalo pavadinimą. Description Aprašas Password Slaptažodis Enter the channel password here. Čia įrašykite kanalo slaptažodį. Check to create a temporary channel. Pažymėkite, kad sukurtumėte laikiną kanalą. Temporary Laikinas <b>Position</b><br/> This value enables you to change the way Mumble arranges the channels in the tree. A channel with a higher <i>Position</i> value will always be placed below one with a lower value and the other way around. If the <i>Position</i> value of two channels is equal they will get sorted alphabetically by their name. <b>Position</b><br/> This value enables you to change the way mumble arranges the channels in the tree. A channel with a higher <i>Position</i> value will always be placed below one with a lower value and the other way around. If the <i>Position</i> value of two channels is equal they will get sorted alphabetically by their name. <b>Pozicija</b><br/> Ši reikšmė leidžia jums keisti būdą, kuriuo Mumble išdėsto kanalus medyje. Kanalas su aukštesne <i>pozicijos</i> reikšme bus visada išdėstytas žemiau to, kurio reikšmė yra žemesnė, ir atvirkščiai. Jeigu dviejų kanalų <i>pozicijų</i> reikšmės vienodos, tuomet jie bus išdėstyti abėcėlės tvarka pagal savo pavadinimą. Position Pozicija &Groups &Grupės Group List of groups Grupių sąrašas Remove selected group Šalinti pasirinktą grupę Remove Šalinti Inherit group members from parent Inherit Make group inheritable to sub-channels Inheritable Group was inherited from parent channel Inherited Members Add Pridėti Add member to group Pridėti narį į grupę Remove member from group Šalinti narį iš grupės &ACL Active ACLs List of entries Inherit ACL of parent? This sets whether or not the ACL up the chain of parent channels are applied to this object. Only those entries that are marked in the parent as "Apply to sub-channels" will be inherited. Inherit ACLs Move entry up Perkelti įrašą aukštyn This moves the entry up in the list. As entries are evaluated in order, this may change the effective permissions of users. You cannot move an entry above an inherited entry, if you really need that you'll have to duplicate the inherited entry. &Up A&ukštyn Move entry down Nuleisti įrašą žemyn This moves the entry down in the list. As entries are evaluated in order, this may change the effective permissions of users. &Down Ž&emyn Add new entry Pridėti naują įrašą This adds a new entry, initially set with no permissions and applying to all. &Add &Pridėti Remove entry Šalinti įrašą This removes the currently selected entry. Tai pašalina šiuo metu pasirinktą įrašą. &Remove Ša&linti Context Kontekstas Entry should apply to this channel. Entry should apply to this channel Įrašas turėtų būti taikomas šiam kanalui. This makes the entry apply to this channel. Tai padaro, kad įrašas būtų pritaikytas šiam kanalui. Applies to this channel Taikoma šiam kanalui Entry should apply to sub-channels. Add new group Pridėti naują grupę <b>Add</b><br/> Add a new group. Inherited members Contains the list of members added to the group by this channel. Contains a list of members whose group membership will not be inherited from the parent channel. Contains the list of members inherited by other channels. Type in the name of a user you wish to add to the group and click Add. Type in the name of a user you wish to remove from the group and click Add. Exclude Excluded members This makes the entry apply to sub-channels of this channel. Applies to sub-channels Permissions Leidimai User/Group Naudotojas/Grupė Group this entry applies to Grupė, kuriai taikomas šis įrašas User ID Naudotojo ID User this entry applies to Naudotojas, kuriam taikomas šis įrašas This controls which user this entry applies to. Just type in the user name and hit enter to query the server for a match. Tai valdo, kuriam naudotojui šis įrašas bus taikomas. Tiesiog, įrašykite naudotojo vardą ir paspauskite enter, norėdami užklausti serverio atitikmens. &Properties Savy&bės <b>Name</b><br />Enter the channel name in this field. The name has to comply with the restriction imposed by the server you are connected to. <b>Pavadinimas</b><br />Šiame lauke įrašykite kanalo pavadinimą. Pavadinime turi būti laikomasi serverio, prie kurio esate prisijungę, priskirtų apribojimų. <b>Temporary</b><br /> When checked the channel created will be marked as temporary. This means when the last player leaves it the channel will be automatically deleted by the server. <b>Laikinas</b><br /> Jei pažymėta, sukurtas kanalas bus pažymėtas kaip laikinas. Tai reiškia, kad kai paskutinis žaidėjas išeis iš kanalo, serveris automatiškai kanalą ištrins. <b>Group</b><br /> These are all the groups currently defined for the channel. To create a new group, just type in the name and press enter. <b>Remove</b><br />This removes the currently selected group. If the group was inherited, it will not be removed from the list, but all local information about the group will be cleared. <b>Inherit</b><br />This inherits all the members in the group from the parent, if the group is marked as <i>Inheritable</i> in the parent channel. <b>Inheritable</b><br />This makes this group inheritable to sub-channels. If the group is non-inheritable, sub-channels are still free to create a new group with the same name. <b>Inherited</b><br />This indicates that the group was inherited from the parent channel. You cannot edit this flag, it's just for information. <b>Members</b><br /> This list contains all members that were added to the group by the current channel. Be aware that this does not include members inherited by higher levels of the channel tree. These can be found in the <i>Inherited members</i> list. To prevent this list to be inherited by lower level channels uncheck <i>Inheritable</i> or manually add the members to the <i>Excluded members</i> list. <b>Excluded members</b><br /> Contains a list of members whose group membership will not be inherited from the parent channel. <b>Inherited members</b><br /> Contains the list of members inherited by the current channel. Uncheck <i>Inherit</i> to prevent inheritance from higher level channels. This controls which group of users this entry applies to.<br />Note that the group is evaluated in the context of the channel the entry is used in. For example, the default ACL on the Root channel gives <i>Write</i> permission to the <i>admin</i> group. This entry, if inherited by a channel, will give a user write privileges if he belongs to the <i>admin</i> group in that channel, even if he doesn't belong to the <i>admin</i> group in the channel where the ACL originated.<br />If a group name starts with '!', its membership is negated, and if it starts with '~', it is evaluated in the channel the ACL was defined in, rather than the channel the ACL is active in.<br />If a group name starts with '#', it is interpreted as an access token. Users must have entered whatever follows the '#' in their list of access tokens to match. This can be used for very simple password access to channels for non-authenticated users.<br />If a group name starts with '$', it will only match users whose certificate hash matches what follows the '$'.<br />A few special predefined groups are:<br /><b>all</b> - Everyone will match.<br /><b>auth</b> - All authenticated users will match.<br /><b>sub,a,b,c</b> - User currently in a sub-channel minimum <i>a</i> common parents, and between <i>b</i> and <i>c</i> channels down the chain. See the website for more extensive documentation on this one.<br /><b>in</b> - Users currently in the channel will match (convenience for '<i>sub,0,0,0</i>').<br /><b>out</b> - Users outside the channel will match (convenience for '<i>!sub,0,0,0</i>').<br />Note that an entry applies to either a user or a group, not both. <b>Password</b><br />This field allows you to easily set and change the password of a channel. It uses Mumble's access tokens feature in the background. Use ACLs and groups if you need more fine grained and powerful access control. This shows all the entries active on this channel. Entries inherited from parent channels will be shown in italics.<br />ACLs are evaluated top to bottom, meaning priority increases as you move down the list. ID of the channel. Kanalo ID. Maximum Users Maximum number of users allowed in the channel <b>Maximum Users</b><br /> This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. If the value is above zero, only that number of users will be allowed to enter the channel. If the value is zero, the maximum number of users in the channel is given by the server's default limit. This is the sort order for the channel. Properties Savybės Channel password Kanalo slaptažodis Maximum users Channel name Kanalo pavadinimas Inherited group members Foreign group members Inherited channel members Add members to group List of ACL entries ALSAAudioInput Default ALSA Card Numatytoji ALSA plokštė Opening chosen ALSA Input failed: %1 Nepavyko atverti pasirinktos ALSA įvesties: %1 ALSAAudioOutput Default ALSA Card Numatytoji ALSA plokštė Opening chosen ALSA Output failed: %1 Nepavyko atverti pasirinktos ALSA išvesties: %1 ALSAEnumerator Getting name (longname) of the sound card failed: %1 Getting name of the sound card failed: %1 ASIOConfig %1 (version %2) %1 (versija %2) %1 -> %2 samples buffer, with %3 sample resolution (%4 preferred) at %5 Hz %1 -> %2 samples buffer, with %3 sample resolution (%4 preferred) at %5Hz ASIO Initialization failed: %1 ASIO inicijavimas nepavyko: %1 Failed to instantiate ASIO driver ASIO ASIO Device selection Įrenginio pasirinkimas Device Įrenginys Device to use for microphone This chooses what device to query. You still need to actually query the device and select which channels to use. Query selected device This queries the selected device for channels. Be aware that many ASIO drivers are buggy to the extreme, and querying them might cause a crash of either the application or the system. &Query Configure selected device This configures the selected device. Be aware that many ASIO drivers are buggy to the extreme, and querying them might cause a crash of either the application or the system. &Configure &Konfigūruoti Capabilities Driver name Tvarkyklės pavadinimas Buffer size Buferio dydis This will configure the input channels for ASIO. Make sure you select at least one channel as microphone and speaker. <i>Microphone</i> should be where your microphone is attached, and <i>Speaker</i> should be a channel that samples '<i>What you hear</i>'.<br />For example, on the Audigy 2 ZS, a good selection for Microphone would be '<i>Mic L</i>' while Speaker should be '<i>Mix L</i>' and '<i>Mix R</i>'. Configure input channels Channels Kanalai Microphone Mikrofonas <- <- -> -> Unused Speakers Garsiakalbiai List of microphones List of speakers ASIOInput You need to select at least one microphone and one speaker source to use ASIO. Opening selected ASIO device failed. No input will be done. AboutDialog About Mumble Apie Mumble &About Mumble &Apie Mumble &License &Licencija A&uthors A&utoriai &Third-Party Licenses &Trečiųjų šalių licencijos OK Gerai License agreement Authors Autoriai Third-party license agreements <h3>Mumble (%1)</h3><p>%3</p><p><b>An Open Source, low-latency, high quality voice-chat utility</b></p><p><tt><a href="%2">%2</a></tt></p> <h3>Mumble (%1)</h3><p>%3</p><p><b>Balso pokalbių paslaugų programa, skirta žaidėjams</b></p><p><tt><a href="%2">%2</a></tt></p> AudioInput Interface Sąsaja System Sistema Input method for audio Garso įvesties metodas Device Įrenginys Input device for audio Garso įvesties įrenginys <b>This is the input device to use for audio.</b> <b>Tai yra garsui naudojamas įvesties įrenginys.</b> Transmission Perdavimas &Transmit Perduo&ti When to transmit your speech Kada perdavinėti jūsų kalbą <b>This sets when speech should be transmitted.</b><br /><i>Continuous</i> - All the time<br /><i>Voice Activity</i> - When you are speaking clearly.<br /><i>Push To Talk</i> - When you hold down the hotkey set under <i>Shortcuts</i>. DoublePush Time If you press the PTT key twice in this time it will get locked. <b>DoublePush Time</b><br />If you press the push-to-talk key twice during the configured interval of time it will be locked. Mumble will keep transmitting until you hit the key once more to unlock PTT again. Reset audio cue to default Atstatyti garsinį orientyrą į numatytąjį <b>Reset</b><br/>Reset the paths for the files to their default. Browse for on audio file Browse for off audio file Off Išjungta On Įjungta Preview the audio cues Garsinių orientyrų peržiūra Use SNR based speech detection Signal to Noise <b>This sets speech detection to use Amplitude.</b><br />In this mode, the raw strength of the input signal is used to detect speech. Amplitude Amplitudė Voice &Hold Balso &užlaikymas How long to keep transmitting after silence Kaip ilgai tęsti perdavimą po tylos Silence Below Tyla žemiau <b>This sets the trigger values for voice detection.</b><br />Use this together with the Audio Statistics window to manually tune the trigger values for detecting speech. Input values below "Silence Below" always count as silence. Values above "Speech Above" always count as voice. Values in between will count as voice if you're already talking, but will not trigger a new detection. Speech Above Kalba aukščiau Signal values above this count as voice Signalo reikšmės aukščiau šios ribos yra traktuojamos kaip balsas Compression Glaudinimas &Quality &Kokybė Quality of compression (peak bandwidth) Glaudinimo kokybė (didžiausioji siuntimo sparta) <b>This sets the quality of compression.</b><br />This determines how much bandwidth Mumble is allowed to use for outgoing audio. <b>Tai nustato glaudinimo kokybę.</b><br />Tai apibrėžia kokią siuntimo spartą programai Mumble yra leidžiama naudoti išsiunčiamam garsui. Audio per packet How many audio frames to send per packet <b>This selects how many audio frames should be put in one packet.</b><br />Increasing this will increase the latency of your voice, but will also reduce bandwidth requirements. <b>This shows peak outgoing bandwidth used.</b><br />This shows the peak amount of bandwidth sent out from your machine. Audio bitrate is the maximum bitrate (as we use VBR) for the audio data alone. Position is the bitrate used for positional information. Overhead is our framing and the IP packet headers (IP and UDP is 75% of this overhead). Audio Processing Garso apdorojimas Noise suppression Triukšmo malšinimas <b>This sets the amount of noise suppression to apply.</b><br />The higher this value, the more aggressively stationary noise will be suppressed. Maximum amplification of input sound Didžiausias įvesties garso stiprinimas <b>Maximum amplification of input.</b><br />Mumble normalizes the input volume before compressing, and this sets how much it's allowed to amplify.<br />The actual level is continually updated based on your current speech pattern, but it will never go above the level specified here.<br />If the <i>Microphone loudness</i> level of the audio statistics hover around 100%, you probably want to set this to 2.0 or so, but if, like most people, you are unable to reach 100%, set this to something much higher.<br />Ideally, set it so <i>Microphone Loudness * Amplification Factor >= 100</i>, even when you're speaking really soft.<br /><br />Note that there is no harm in setting this to maximum, but Mumble will start picking up other conversations if you leave it to auto-tune to that level. Current speech detection chance Esama kalbos atpažinimo tikimybė Enabling this will cancel the echo from your speakers. Mixed has low CPU impact, but only works well if your speakers are equally loud and equidistant from the microphone. Multichannel echo cancellation provides much better echo cancellation, but at a higher CPU cost. Disabled Išjungta <b>This sets speech detection to use Signal to Noise ratio.</b><br />In this mode, the input is analyzed for something resembling a clear signal, and the clarity of that signal is used to trigger speech detection. <b>This shows the current speech detection settings.</b><br />You can change the settings from the Settings dialog or from the Audio Wizard. <b>Tai rodo esamus kalbos aptikimo nustatymus.</b><br />Jūs galite pakeisti nustatymus, pasinaudoję Nustatymų dialogu arba Garso vedikliu. Signal values below this count as silence Signalo reikšmės žemiau šios ribos yra traktuojamos kaip tyla Maximum bandwidth used for sending audio Use Amplitude based speech detection Naudoti amplitude pagrįstą kalbos aptikimą <b>This selects how long after a perceived stop in speech transmission should continue.</b><br />Set this higher if your voice breaks up when you speak (seen by a rapidly blinking voice icon next to your name). Exclusive mode Išskirtinė veiksena <b>This opens the device in exclusive mode.</b><br />No other application will be able to use the device. <b>Tai atveria įrenginį išskirtinėje veiksenoje.</b><br />Jokia kita programa negalės naudoti šio įrenginio. Exclusive Išskirtinė R&eset At&statyti &Browse... &Naršyti... B&rowse... Na&ršyti... &Preview &Peržiūra <b>Preview</b><br/>Plays the current <i>on</i> sound followed by the current <i>off</i> sound. Displays an always on top window with a push to talk button in it Display push to talk window Misc Įvairūs Audible audio cue when starting or stopping to transmit Girdimas garso orientyras, kai perdavimas pradedamas ar sustabdomas <b>This enables transmission audio cues.</b><br />Setting this will give you a short audio beep when you start and stop transmitting. <b>Tai įjungia garsinius perdavimo orientyrus.</b><br />Tai nustačius, pradedant ir sustabdant perdavimą, girdėsite trumpą garsinį pyptelėjimą. Audio cue Garsinis orientyras Gets played when starting to transmit Gets played when stopping to transmit Hold Time Time the microphone stays open after the PTT key is released Server maximum network bandwidth is only %1 kbit/s. Audio quality auto-adjusted to %2 kbit/s (%3 ms) Didžiausia serverio tinklo siuntimo sparta yra tik %1 kbit/s. Garso kokybė automatiškai sureguliuota į %2 kbit/s (%3 ms) Max. Amplification Didžiausias stiprinimas Idle action Veiksmas, esant neveiklumui minutes do minučių nothing nieko nedaryti deafen apkurtinti mute nutildyti after po Echo Cancellation Aido malšinimas The idle action will be reversed upon any key or mouse button input Undo Idle action upon activity Audio input <b>This is the input method to use for audio.</b> Enable Opus' low-delay mode when the quality is set to <b>64 kb/s</b> or higher. If checked, Mumble will enable Opus' low-delay mode when the quality is set to <b>64 kbit/s</b> or higher. Low-delay mode decreases latency by <b>~15 milliseconds</b> in the round trip. This mode may require an higher bitrate to preserve the same quality, in comparison with the music and VOIP modes. Allow low delay mode Don't use noise suppression. Use the noise suppression algorithm provided by Speex. Use the noise suppression algorithm provided by RNNoise. Use a combination of Speex and RNNoise to do noise suppression. Both This controls the amount by which Speex will suppress noise. Speex suppression strength AudioInputDialog Continuous Nepertraukiamai Voice Activity Esant balso aktyvumui Push To Talk Audio Input Garso įvestis %1 ms %1 ms Off Išjungta %1 s %1 s %1 kb/s %1 kb/s -%1 dB -%1 dB %1 kbit/s (Audio %2, Position %4, Overhead %3) Audio system Garso sistema Input device Echo cancellation mode Transmission mode PTT lock threshold PTT hold threshold Silence below Current speech detection chance Esama kalbos atpažinimo tikimybė Speech above Speech below Audio per packet Quality of compression (peak bandwidth) Glaudinimo kokybė (didžiausioji siuntimo sparta) Noise suppression Triukšmo malšinimas Maximum amplification Transmission started sound Transmission stopped sound Initiate idle action after (in minutes) Idle action Veiksmas, esant neveiklumui Access to the microphone was denied. Please allow Mumble to use the microphone by changing the settings in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Microphone. Access to the microphone was denied. Please check that your operating system's microphone settings allow Mumble to use the microphone. Disabled Išjungta Disable echo cancellation. Išjungti aido malšinimą. AudioOutput Interface Sąsaja System Sistema Output method for audio Garso išvesties metodas Device Įrenginys Output device for audio Garso išvesties įrenginys <b>This is the output device to use for audio.</b> Positional Audio Pozicinis garsas Audio Output Garso išvestis Default &Jitter Buffer Numatytasis &drebėjimo buferis Safety margin for jitter buffer Drebėjimo buferio saugumo riba <b>This sets the minimum safety margin for the jitter buffer.</b><br />All incoming audio is buffered, and the jitter buffer continually tries to push the buffer to the minimum sustainable by your network, so latency can be as low as possible. This sets the minimum buffer size to use. If the start of sentences you hear is very jittery, increase this value. Minimum distance to user before sound volume decreases Mažiausias atstumas iki naudotojo prieš tai, kai garso garsis sumažės This sets the minimum distance for sound calculations. The volume of other users' speech will not decrease until they are at least this far away from you. This sets the maximum distance for sound calculations. When farther away than this, other users' speech volume will not decrease any further. <b>This enables one of the loopback test modes.</b><br /><i>None</i> - Loopback disabled<br /><i>Local</i> - Emulate a local server.<br /><i>Server</i> - Request loopback from server.<br />Please note than when loopback is enabled, no other users will hear your voice. This setting is not saved on application exit. Volume Garsis Volume of incoming speech Gaunamos kalbos garsis <b>This adjusts the volume of incoming speech.</b><br />Note that if you increase this beyond 100%, audio will be distorted. Output Delay Išvesties delsa Amount of data to buffer Buferizuojamų duomenų kiekis The connected "speakers" are actually headphones The connected "speakers" are actually headphones. Prijungti "garsiakalbiai", iš tikrųjų, yra ausinės Factor for sound volume decrease Bloom Factor for sound volume increase How much should sound volume increase for sources that are really close? Checking this indicates that you don't have speakers connected, just headphones. This is important, as speakers are usually in front of you, while headphones are directly to your left/right. This sets the amount of data to pre-buffer in the output buffer. Experiment with different values and set it to the lowest which doesn't cause rapid jitter in the sound. Headphones Ausinės Minimum Distance Mažiausias atstumas Maximum Distance Didžiausias atstumas Maximum distance, beyond which speech volume won't decrease Didžiausias atstumas, kurį viršijus, kalbos garsis nemažės Minimum Volume Mažiausias garsis What should the volume be at the maximum distance? Koks turėtų būti garsis didžiausiame atstume? Loopback Test Delay Variance Variance in packet latency <b>This sets the packet latency variance for loopback testing.</b><br />Most audio paths contain some variable latency. This allows you to set that variance for loopback mode testing. For example, if you set this to 15ms, this will emulate a network with 20-35ms ping latency or one with 80-95ms latency. Most domestic net connections have a variance of about 5ms. <b>This sets the packet latency variance for loopback testing.</b><br />Most audio paths contain some variable latency. This allows you set that variance for loopback mode testing. For example, if you set this to 15ms, this will emulate a network with 20-35ms ping latency or one with 80-95ms latency. Most domestic net connections have a variance of about 5ms. Packet Loss Paketų praradimas Packet loss for loopback mode <b>This sets the packet loss for loopback mode.</b><br />This will be the ratio of packets lost. Unless your outgoing bandwidth is peaked or there's something wrong with your network connection, this will be 0% &Loopback Desired loopback mode Attenuate applications by... Slopinti programas... Attenuation of other applications during speech Kitų programų slopinimas kalbos metu <b>Attenuate volume of other applications during speech</b><br />Mumble supports decreasing the volume of other applications during incoming and/or outgoing speech. This sets the attenuation of other applications if the feature is enabled. If checked Mumble lowers the volume of other applications while other users talk Jei pažymėta, Mumble sumažina kitų programų garsį, kol kalba kiti naudotojai <b>Attenuate applications while other users talk</b><br />Mumble supports decreasing the volume of other applications during incoming and/or outgoing speech. This makes mumble activate the feature while other users talk to you. while other users talk kol kiti naudotojai kalba If checked Mumble lowers the volume of other applications while you talk Jei pažymėta, Mumble sumažina kitų programų garsį, kol kalbate jūs <b>Attenuate applications while you talk</b><br />Mumble supports decreasing the volume of other applications during incoming and/or outgoing speech. This makes mumble activate the feature while you talk. while you talk kol jūs kalbate Exclusive mode, not recommended. Išskirtinė veiksena, nerekomenduojama. <b>This opens the device in exclusive mode.</b><br />No other application will be able to use the device. <b>Tai atveria įrenginį išskirtinėje veiksenoje.</b><br />Jokia kita programa negalės naudoti šio įrenginio. Exclusive Išskirtinė If checked Mumble lowers the volume of other users while you talk if you have the "Priority Speaker" status. If checked, Mumble will only attenuate applications that are using the same output source as Mumble Jei pažymėta, Mumble slopins tik tas programas, kurios naudoja tą patį išvesties šaltinį kaip ir Mumble <b>Attenuate only applications using the same output as Mumble</b><br />If checked, applications that use a different output than Mumble will not be attenuated. Only attenuate applications using the same output device Slopinti tik programas, naudojančias tą patį išvesties įrenginį If checked, PulseAudio loopback modules will be attenuated <b>Attenuate PulseAudio loopback modules</b><br />If loopback modules are linked to Mumble's output device/sink, they will also be attenuated. Attenuate PulseAudio loopback modules Audio output <b>This is the output method to use for audio.</b> <b>Attenuate other users while talking as Priority Speaker</b><br />Mumble supports decreasing the volume of other users while you talk as the <i>Priority Speaker</i> to avoid getting disturbed. Checking this checkbox will enable this feature. Attenuate other users while talking as Priority Speaker Enable Įjungti Attenuation AudioOutputDialog None Nėra Local Server Serveris Audio Output Garso išvestis %1 ms %1 ms %1 % %1 % %1 m %1 m Output system Output device Default jitter buffer Volume of incoming speech Gaunamos kalbos garsis Output delay Attenuation of other applications during speech Kitų programų slopinimas kalbos metu Minimum distance Maximum distance Minimum volume Bloom Delay variance Packet loss Paketų praradimas Loopback AudioOutputSample Choose sound file Invalid sound file Neteisingas garso failas The file '%1' cannot be used by Mumble. Please select a file with a compatible format and encoding. Mumble negali naudoti failo "%1". Prašome pasirinkti suderinamo formato ir kodavimo failą. AudioStats >1000 ms >1000ms >1000 ms Audio Statistics Garso statistika Input Levels Įvesties lygiai Peak microphone level Maksimalus mikrofono lygis Peak power in last frame This shows the peak power in the last frame (20 ms), and is the same measurement as you would usually find displayed as "input power". Please disregard this and look at <b>Microphone power</b> instead, which is much more steady and disregards outliers. Peak speaker level Maksimalus garsiakalbio lygis This shows the peak power of the speakers in the last frame (20 ms). Unless you are using a multi-channel sampling method (such as ASIO) with speaker channels configured, this will be 0. If you have such a setup configured, and this still shows 0 while you're playing audio from other programs, your setup is not working. This shows the peak power in the last frame (20 ms) of the speakers. Unless you are using a multi-channel sampling method (such as ASIO) with speaker channels configured, this will be 0. If you have such a setup configured, and this still shows 0 while you're playing audio from other programs, your setup is not working. Peak clean level This shows the peak power in the last frame (20 ms) after all processing. Ideally, this should be -96 dB when you're not talking. In reality, a sound studio should see -60 dB, and you should hopefully see somewhere around -20 dB. When you are talking, this should rise to somewhere between -5 and -10 dB.<br />If you are using echo cancellation, and this rises to more than -15 dB when you're not talking, your setup is not working, and you'll annoy other users with echoes. Signal Analysis Signalo analizė Microphone power Mikrofono galia How close the current input level is to ideal Ant kiek esamas įvesties lygis yra artimas tobulam This shows how close your current input volume is to the ideal. To adjust your microphone level, open whatever program you use to adjust the recording volume, and look at the value here while talking.<br /><b>Talk loud, as you would when you're upset over getting fragged by a noob.</b><br />Adjust the volume until this value is close to 100%, but make sure it doesn't go above. If it does go above, you are likely to get clipping in parts of your speech, which will degrade sound quality. Signal-To-Noise ratio Signalo ir triukšmo santykis Signal-To-Noise ratio from the microphone Signalo ir triukšmo santykis iš mikrofono This is the Signal-To-Noise Ratio (SNR) of the microphone in the last frame (20 ms). It shows how much clearer the voice is compared to the noise.<br />If this value is below 1.0, there's more noise than voice in the signal, and so quality is reduced.<br />There is no upper limit to this value, but don't expect to see much above 40-50 without a sound studio. Speech Probability Kalbos tikimybė Probability of speech Kalbos tikimybė This is the probability that the last frame (20 ms) was speech and not environment noise.<br />Voice activity transmission depends on this being right. The trick with this is that the middle of a sentence is always detected as speech; the problem is the pauses between words and the start of speech. It's hard to distinguish a sigh from a word starting with 'h'.<br />If this is in bold font, it means Mumble is currently transmitting (if you're connected). Configuration feedback Konfigūracijos grįžtamasis ryšys Current audio bitrate Esamas garso pralaidumas Bitrate of last frame DoublePush interval Time between last two Push-To-Talk presses Speech Detection Kalbos aptikimas Current speech detection chance Esama kalbos atpažinimo tikimybė <b>This shows the current speech detection settings.</b><br />You can change the settings from the Settings dialog or from the Audio Wizard. <b>Tai rodo esamus kalbos aptikimo nustatymus.</b><br />Jūs galite pakeisti nustatymus, pasinaudoję Nustatymų dialogu arba Garso vedikliu. Signal and noise power spectrum Signalo ir triukšmo galios spektras Power spectrum of input signal and noise estimate Įvesties signalo ir triukšmo apytikrio apskaičiavimo galios spektras This shows the power spectrum of the current input signal (red line) and the current noise estimate (filled blue).<br />All amplitudes are multiplied by 30 to show the interesting parts (how much more signal than noise is present in each waveband).<br />This is probably only of interest if you're trying to fine-tune noise conditions on your microphone. Under good conditions, there should be just a tiny flutter of blue at the bottom. If the blue is more than halfway up on the graph, you have a seriously noisy environment. Echo Analysis Aido analizė Weights of the echo canceller This shows the weights of the echo canceller, with time increasing downwards and frequency increasing to the right.<br />Ideally, this should be black, indicating no echo exists at all. More commonly, you'll have one or more horizontal stripes of bluish color representing time delayed echo. You should be able to see the weights updated in real time.<br />Please note that as long as you have nothing to echo off, you won't see much useful data here. Play some music and things should stabilize. <br />You can choose to view the real or imaginary parts of the frequency-domain weights, or alternately the computed modulus and phase. The most useful of these will likely be modulus, which is the amplitude of the echo, and shows you how much of the outgoing signal is being removed at that time step. The other viewing modes are mostly useful to people who want to tune the echo cancellation algorithms.<br />Please note: If the entire image fluctuates massively while in modulus mode, the echo canceller fails to find any correlation whatsoever between the two input sources (speakers and microphone). Either you have a very long delay on the echo, or one of the input sources is configured wrong. This is the audio bitrate of the last compressed frame (20 ms), and as such will jump up and down as the VBR adjusts the quality. The peak bitrate can be adjusted in the Settings dialog. AudioWizard Audio Tuning Wizard Garso suderinimo vediklis Introduction Įžanga Welcome to the Mumble Audio Wizard Sveiki atvykę į Mumble garso vediklį Finished Užbaigta Enjoy using Mumble Mėgaukitės, naudodamiesi Mumble Device selection Įrenginio pasirinkimas Selecting the input and output device to use with Mumble. Įvesties ir išvesties įrenginio, skirto naudoti su Mumble, pasirinkimas. This is the device your microphone is connected to. Tai įrenginys, prie kurio yra prijungtas jūsų mikrofonas. System Sistema Input method for audio Garso įvesties metodas Device Įrenginys Input device to use Įvesties įrenginys, kurį naudoti <b>Selects which sound card to use for audio input.</b> <b>Pasirenka kurią garso plokštę naudoti garso įvesčiai.</b> Cancel echo from headset or speakers Malšinti aidą iš ausinių ar garsiakalbių Use echo cancellation Naudoti aido malšinimą This enables echo cancellation of outgoing audio, which helps both on speakers and on headsets. Tai įjungia aido malšinimą, kas savo ruožtu padeda naudojant tiek garsiakalbius, tiek ausines. This is the device your speakers or headphones are connected to. Tai įrenginys, prie kurio yra prijungti jūsų garsiakalbiai ar ausinės. Output method for audio Garso išvesties metodas Output device to use Išvesties įrenginys, kurį naudoti <b>Selects which sound card to use for audio Output.</b> <b>Pasirenka kurią garso plokštę naudoti garso išvesčiai.</b> Enable positional audio Įjungti pozicinį garsą Allows positioning of sound Allows positioning of sound. Leidžia garso pozicionavimą Input Device Įvesties įrenginys Output Device Išvesties įrenginys This allows Mumble to use positional audio to place voices. Tai leidžia Mumble naudoti pozicinį garsą, kad išdėstytų balsus. <p> To keep latency to an absolute minimum, it's important to buffer as little audio as possible on the soundcard. However, many soundcards report that they require a much smaller buffer than what they can actually work with, so the only way to set this value is to try and fail. </p> <p> You should hear a voice sample. Change the slider below to the lowest value which gives <b>no</b> interruptions or jitter in the sound. Please note that local echo is disabled during this test. </p> <p> Tam, kad būtų išlaikyta pati mažiausia delsa, yra svarbu kuo mažiau garso buferizuoti garso plokštei. Kita vertus, daugelis garso plokščių teigia, jog jos reikalauja žymiai mažesnio buferio, negu tas, su kuriuo jos iš tikrųjų gali veikti, taigi, vienintelis būdas kaip nustatyti šią reikšmę yra bandymų ir klaidų metodas. </p> <p> Jūs turėtumėte girdėti balso elementą. Keiskite žemiau esantį slinktuką į žemiausią reikšmę, kurią nustačius, garse negirdėsite <b>jokių</b> pertraukų ar drebėjimo. Turėkite omenyje, kad šio bandymo metu vietinis aidas yra išjungtas. </p> Amount of data to buffer Buferizuojamų duomenų kiekis This sets the amount of data to pre-buffer in the output buffer. Experiment with different values and set it to the lowest which doesn't cause rapid jitter in the sound. <p> Open your sound control panel and go to the recording settings. Make sure the microphone is selected as active input with maximum recording volume. If there's an option to enable a "Microphone boost" make sure it's checked. </p> <p> Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sound control panel until the bar below stays as high as possible in the blue and green but <b>not</b> the red zone while you speak. </p> <p> Atverkite savo garso valdymo skydelį ir pereikite į įrašymo nustatymus. Įsitikinkite, kad mikrofonas yra pasirinktas kaip aktyvi įvestis su didžiausiu įrašymo garsiu. Jei ten yra parinktis, skirta įjungti "Mikrofono užkėlimą", įsitikinkite, kad ji pažymėta. </p> <p> Kalbėkite taip garsiai, lyg būtumėte susierzinę ar susijaudinę. Mažinkite garsį garso skydelyje tol, kol jums kalbant, žemiau esanti juosta neišliks kaip įmanoma aukščiau mėlynoje ir žalioje, bet <b>ne</b> raudonoje zonoje. </p> Positional Audio Pozicinis garsas Adjusting attenuation of positional audio. Pozicinio garso slopinimo reguliavimas. Use headphones instead of speakers Vietoj garsiakalbių, naudoti ausines <p> Congratulations. You should now be ready to enjoy a richer sound experience with Mumble. </p> <p> Mumble is under continuous development, and the development team wants to focus on the features that benefit the most users. To this end, Mumble supports submitting anonymous statistics about your configuration to the developers. These statistics are essential for future development, and also make sure the features you use aren't deprecated. </p> <p> Sveikiname. Dabar, su Mumble, jūs turėtumėte būti pasiruošę mėgautis turtingesniu garso patyrimu. </p> <p> Mumble yra pastoviai kuriama, o kūrimo komanda nori susitelkti ties tomis ypatybėmis, kurios pravers didžiajai daliai naudotojų. Dėl to, Mumble palaiko anoniminės statistikos, apie jūsų konfigūraciją, pateikimą kūrėjams. Ši statistika yra svarbi būsimam kūrimui, o taip pat užtikrina, kad ypatybės, kuriomis naudojatės, nebūtų apleistos. </p> Use headphones Naudoti ausines This ignores the OS speaker configuration and configures the positioning for headphones instead. Volume tuning Garsio suderinimas Tuning microphone hardware volume to optimal settings. Mikrofono aparatinės įrangos garsio suderinimas iki optimalių nustatymų. Now talk softly, as you would when talking late at night and you don't want to disturb anyone. Adjust the slider below so that the bar moves into green when you talk, but stays blue while you're silent. Dabar kalbėkite taip švelniai, lyg kalbėtumėte vėlai naktį ir nenorėtumėte niekam sutrukdyti. Reguliuokite žemiau esantį slinktuką taip, kad jums kalbant, juosta pereitų į žalią zoną, tačiau jums tylint, išliktų mėlynoje zonoje. Voice Activity Detection Balso aktyvumo aptikimas Letting Mumble figure out when you're talking and when you're silent. Leidžiama Mumble išsiaiškinti kada jūs kalbate, o kada tylite. This will help Mumble figure out when you are talking. The first step is selecting which data value to use. Tai padės Mumble išsiaiškinti kada jūs kalbate. Pirmas žingsnis yra pasirinkti kokią duomenų reikšmę naudoti. Raw amplitude from input Neapdorota amplitudė iš įvesties Signal-To-Noise ratio Signalo ir triukšmo santykis Next you need to adjust the following slider. The first few utterances you say should end up in the green area (definitive speech). While talking, you should stay inside the yellow (might be speech) and when you're not talking, everything should be in the red (definitively not speech). Next you need to adjust the following two sliders. The first few utterances you say should end up in the green area (definitive speech). While talking, you should stay inside the yellow (might be speech) and when you're not talking, everything should be in the red (definitively not speech). Toliau jums reikia sureguliuoti šį slinktuką. Pirmi keli jūsų išsireiškimai turėtų atsidurti žalioje zonoje (tikrai kalbama). Kalbėdami, jūs turėtumėte išlikti geltonoje zonoje (galbūt kalbama), o jums nekalbant, viskas turėtų būti raudonoje zonoje (tikrai nekalbama). Device tuning Įrenginio suderinimas Changing hardware output delays to their minimum value. Aparatinės įrangos išvesties delsų į jų mažiausias reikšmes keitimas. Submit anonymous statistics to the Mumble project Pateikti Mumble projektui anoniminę statistiką Push To Talk: Quality & Notifications Kokybė ir pranešimai Adjust quality and notification settings. Sureguliuokite kokybės ir pranešimų nustatymus. Quality settings Kokybės nustatymai Low Žema Balanced Subalansuota Notification settings Pranešimų nustatymai Use Text-To-Speech to read notifications and messages to you. Naudoti garsinį teksto atkūrimą, kad jums būtų skaitomi pranešimai ir žinutės. Disable Text-To-Speech and use sounds instead. Išjungti garsinį teksto atkūrimą ir, vietoj to, naudoti garsus. %1 ms %1 ms Enables attenuation of other applications while users talk to you Įjungia kitų programų slopinimą tuo metu, kai kiti naudotojai jums kalba Attenuate applications while other users talk Slopinti programas, kol kiti naudotojai kalba High Aukšta Custom You already set a customized quality configuration in Mumble. Select this setting to keep it. Enables attenuation of other applications while users talk to you. This means that as soon someone starts to speak to you in Mumble, the sound of all other applications (like audio players) will get attenuated so you can hear them more clearly. Apply some high contrast optimizations for visually impaired users Taikyti kai kuriuos kontrasto optimizavimus, skirtus silpnaregiams naudotojams Use high contrast graphics Naudoti aukšto kontrasto grafiką Keep custom Text-To-Speech settings. <p> Open your sound control panel and go to the recording settings. Make sure the microphone is selected as active input with maximum recording volume. If there's an option to enable a "Microphone boost" make sure it's checked. </p> <p> Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sound control panel until the bar below stays as high as possible in the striped and the empty but <b>not</b> the crisscrossed zone while you speak. </p> <p> Open your sound control panel and go to the recording settings. Make sure the microphone is selected as active input with maximum recording volume. If there's an option to enable a "Microphone boost" make sure it's checked. </p> <p> Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sound control panel until the bar below stays as high as possible in the striped and the empty but <b>not</b> the criss-crossed zone while you speak. </p> For high contrast mode Now talk softly, as you would when talking late at night and you don't want to disturb anyone. Adjust the slider below so that the bar moves into empty zone when you talk, but stays in the striped one while you're silent. For high contrast mode Next you need to adjust the following slider. The first few utterances you say should end up in the empty area (definitive speech). While talking, you should stay inside the striped (might be speech) and when you're not talking, everything should be in the crisscrossed (definitively not speech). For high contrast mode In this configuration Mumble will use a <b>low amount of bandwidth</b>. This will inevitably result in high latency and poor quality. Choose this only if your connection cannot handle the other settings. (16kbit/s, 60ms per packet) Šioje konfigūracijoje Mumble naudos <b>mažą siuntimo spartą</b>. Tai neišvengiamai prives prie didelės delsos ir prastos kokybės. Rinkitės šią parinktį tik tuo atveju, jeigu jūsų ryšys negali apdoroti kitų nustatymų. (16kbit/s, 60ms vienam paketui) This is the <b>recommended default</b> configuration. It provides a good balance between quality, latency, and bandwidth usage. (40kbit/s, 20ms per packet) Tai yra <b>rekomenduojama numatytoji</b> konfigūracija. Ji pateikia gerą pusiausvyrą tarp kokybės, delsos ir siuntimo spartos naudojimo. (40kbit/s, 20ms vienam paketui) This configuration is only recommended for use in setups where bandwidth is not an issue, like a LAN. It provides the lowest latency supported by Mumble and <b>high quality</b>. (72kbit/s, 10ms per packet) Ši konfigūracija yra rekomenduojama tik toms sąrankoms, kuriose siuntimo sparta nėra problema, kaip pvz., vietiniame tinkle. Ji pateikia mažiausią Mumble palaikomą delsą ir <b>aukštą kokybę</b>. (72kbit/s, 10ms vienam paketui) <b>This is the input method to use for audio.</b> <b>This is the Output method to use for audio.</b> <html><head/><body><p>This is the audio tuning wizard for Mumble. This will help you correctly set the input levels of your sound card, and also set the correct parameters for sound processing in Mumble. </p><p>Please be aware that as long as this wizard is active, audio will be looped locally to allow you to listen to it, and no audio will be sent to the server. </p><p>Note that you can cancel this wizard at any time without it having an effect on your current audio systems. The settings are only once this wizard has been completed.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Mumble supports positional audio for some games, and will position the voice of other users relative to their position in game. Depending on their position, the volume of the voice will be changed between the speakers to simulate the direction and distance the other user is at. Such positioning depends on your speaker configuration being correct in your operating system, so a test is done here. </p><p>The graph below shows the position of <span style=" color:#56b4e9;">you</span>, the <span style=" color:#d55e00;">speakers</span> and a <span style=" color:#009e73;">moving sound source</span> as if seen from above. You should hear the audio move between the channels. </p><p>You can also use your mouse to position the <span style=" color:#009e73;">sound source</span> manually.</p></body></html> Input system Input device Output system Output device Output delay Maximum amplification VAD level PTT shortcut No buttons assigned BanEditor Mumble - Edit Bans Mumble - Taisyti uždraudimus &Address &Adresas &Mask Reason Priežastis Start End User Naudotojas Hash &Add &Pridėti &Update Atna&ujinti &Remove Ša&linti Ban List Užraudimų sąrašas Search field This is the search field. Use it to find bans that have this username set in the username field. Who are you looking for? Ko ieškote? No nickname IP address IP adresas No IP address Reason for the ban Uždraudimo priežastis No reason Ban end date Uždraudimo pabaigos data Ban end date. If you set the same date for start and end, the ban will be permanent (it will not expire). Uždraudimo pabaigos data. Jeigu nustatysite tokią pačią pradžios ir pabaigos datą, tuomet uždraudimas bus nuolatinis (jo galiojimas nesibaigs). Certificate hash Liudijimo maiša No certificate hash Banned users Uždrausti naudotojai This is a list with banned users. Tai yra sąrašas su uždraustais naudotojais. Use this button if you want to add a new ban. Naudokite šį mygtuką, jeigu norite pridėti naują uždraudimą. Use this button if you want to update ban information. Naudokite šį mygtuką, jeigu norite atnaujinti uždraudimo informaciją. Use this button if you want to remove user from the ban list. Naudokite šį mygtuką, jeigu norite pašalinti naudotoją iš uždraudimų sąrašo. Clear all fields Išvalyti visus laukus This button clears all fields. Use it if you want to add a new ban. Šis mygtukas išvalo visus laukus. Naudokite jį, jeigu norite pridėti naują uždraudimą. Clear Išvalyti Ban List - %n Ban(s) Uždraudimų sąrašas - %n uždraudimas Uždraudimų sąrašas - %n uždraudimai Uždraudimų sąrašas - %n uždraudimų Search IP Address IP adresas Mask Start date/time End date/time CertView Name Vardas Email El. paštas Issuer Išdavėjas Expiry Date Galioja iki (none) (joks) Self-signed Paties pasirašytas CertWizard Unable to validate email.<br />Enter a valid (or blank) email to continue. There was an error generating your certificate.<br />Please try again. Your certificate and key could not be exported to PKCS#12 format. There might be an error in your certificate. The file could not be opened for writing. Please use another file. Nepavyko atverti failą rašymui. Naudokite kitą failą. The file's permissions could not be set. No certificate and key has been written. Please use another file. The file could not be written successfully. Please use another file. Nepavyko sėkmingai įrašyti failą. Naudokite kitą failą. The file could not be opened for reading. Please use another file. Nepavyko atverti failą skaitymui. Naudokite kitą failą. The file is empty or could not be read. Please use another file. Failas tuščias arba jo nepavyko perskaityti. Naudokite kitą failą. The file did not contain a valid certificate and key. Please use another file. Select file to export certificate to Pasirinkite failą į kurį eksportuoti liudijimą Select file to import certificate from Pasirinkite failą iš kurio importuoti liudijimą Unable to import. Missing password or incompatible file type. Nepavyko importuoti. Trūksta slaptažodžio arba nesuderinamas failo tipas. <b>Certificate Expiry:</b> Your certificate is about to expire. You need to renew it, or you will no longer be able to connect to servers you are registered on. Current certificate Esamas liudijimas Certificate file to import Certificate password Certificate to import Liudijimas, kurį importuoti New certificate Naujas liudijimas File to export certificate to Email address Your name Certificates Certificate Management Liudijimų tvarkymas Certificate Authentication Tapatybės nustatymas liudijimu Authenticating to servers without using passwords Tapatybės nustatymas serveriuose, nenaudojant slaptažodžių Current certificate Esamas liudijimas This is the certificate Mumble currently uses. Tai yra liudijimas, kurį Mumble šiuo metu naudoja. Current Certificate Esamas liudijimas Create a new certificate Sukurti naują liudijimą This will create a new certificate. Tai sukurs naują liudijimą. Import certificate from file Importuoti liudijimą iš failo This will import a certificate from file. Tai importuos liudijimą iš failo. Import a certificate Importuoti liudijimą Export Certificate Eksportuoti liudijimą This will export a certificate to file. Tai eksportuos liudijimą į failą. Export current certificate Eksportuoti esamą liudijimą Import Certificate Importuoti liudijimą PKCS #12 Certificate import PKCS #12 liudijimo importavimas <p>Mumble can import certificates stored in PKCS #12 format. This is the format used when exporting a key from Mumble, and also when exporting keys from Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera etc.</p><p>If the file is password protected, you will need the password to import the certificate.</p> <p>Mumble can import certificates stored in PKCS #12 format. This is the format used when exporting a key from Mumble, and also when exporting keys from FireFox, Internet Explorer, Opera etc.</p><p>If the file is password protected, you will need the password to import the certificate.</p> <p>Mumble gali importuoti liudijimus, kurie yra saugomi PKCS #12 formatu. Tai yra formatas, kuris naudojamas eksportuojant raktą iš Mumble, o taip pat eksportuojant raktus iš Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera ir t.t.</p><p>Jeigu failas yra apsaugotas slaptažodžiu, norint importuoti liudijimą, jums prireiks slaptažodžio.</p> Import from Importuoti iš Filename to import from Failo, iš kurio importuoti, pavadinimas This is the filename you wish to import a certificate from. Tai yra failo, iš kurio norite importuoti liudijimą, pavadinimas. Select file to import from This opens a file selection dialog to choose a file to import a certificate from. Tai atveria failo pasirinkimo dialogą, skirtą pasirinkti failą, iš kurio importuoti liudijimą. Open... Atverti... Password Slaptažodis Password for PKCS#12 file Slaptažodis, skirtas PKCS#12 failui This is the password for the PKCS#12 file containing your certificate. Tai yra PKCS#12 failo, kuriame yra jūsų liudijimas, slaptažodis. Certificate to import Liudijimas, kurį importuoti This is the certificate you are importing. Tai yra liudijimas, kurį importuojate. Certificate Details Išsamesnė liudijimo informacija Replace Certificate Pakeisti liudijimą Replace existing certificate with new certificate? Pakeisti esamą liudijimą nauju liudijimu? <p>You already have a certificate stored in Mumble, and you are about to replace it.</p> <p>If you are upgrading to a certificate issued to you by a trusted CA and the email addresses match your current certificate, this is completely safe, and servers you connect to will automatically recognize the strong certificate for your email address. </p> <p>If this is not the case, you will no longer be recognized by any server you previously have authenticated with. If you haven't been registered on any server yet, this is nothing to worry about. </p> <p> Are you sure you wish to replace your certificate? </p> <p>Jūs jau turite programoje Mumble saugomą liudijimą ir jūs ketinate jį pakeisti.</p> <p>Jeigu jūs naujinate į liudijimą, kurį jums išdavė patikima LĮ, ir el. pašto adresai sutampa su jūsų dabartiniu liudijimu, tuomet tai yra visiškai saugu, ir serveriai, prie kurių jungsitės automatiškai atpažins jūsų el. paštui skirtą stiprų liudijimą. </p> <p>Jeigu tai nėra anksčiau paminėtas atvejis, tuomet jūs daugiau nebūsite atpažįstami jokio serverio, kuriame ankščiau buvote nustatę savo tapatybę. Jeigu jūs dar iki šiol nebuvote užsiregistravę jokiame serveryje, tuomet jums nėra dėl ko rūpintis. </p> <p> Ar tikrai norite pakeisti savo liudijimą? </p> This is the certificate Mumble currently uses. It will be replaced. Tai yra liudijimas, kurį Mumble šiuo metu naudoja. Jis bus pakeistas. New certificate Naujas liudijimas This is the new certificate that will replace the old one. Tai yra naujas liudijimas, kuris pakeis seną. New Certificate Naujas liudijimas Make a backup of your certificate Padarykite atsarginę savo liudijimo kopiją Export to Eksportuoti į Filename to export to Failo, į kurį eksportuoti, pavadinimas This is the filename you wish to export a certificate to. Tai yra failo, į kurį norite eksportuoti liudijimą, pavadinimas. Save As... Įrašyti kaip... This is the certificate Mumble currently uses. It will be exported. Tai yra liudijimas, kurį šiuo metu naudoja Mumble. Jis bus eksportuotas. Generate a new certificate for strong authentication Sukurkite naują liudijimą, skirtą tvirtam tapatybės nustatymui <p>Mumble will now generate a strong certificate for authentication to servers.</p><p>If you wish, you may provide some additional information to be stored in the certificate, which will be presented to servers when you connect. If you provide a valid email address, you can upgrade to a CA issued email certificate later on, which provides strong identification.</p> <p>Dabar Mumble sukurs tvirtą liudijimą, skirtą tapatybės nustatymui serveriuose.</p><p>Jei norite, galite pateikti papildomą informaciją, kuria bus papildytas jūsų liudijimas, kuris bus pateikiamas serveriams, kuomet prisijungsite. Jeigu pateiksite teisingą el. pašto adresą, vėliau galėsite atsinaujinti į LĮ išduotą el. pašto liudijimą, kuris pateikia tvirtą identifikavimą.</p> Name Vardas Email El. paštas Your email address (e.g. Jūsų el. pašto adresas (pvz., This is your email address. It is strongly recommended to provide a valid email address, as this will allow you to upgrade to a strong certificate without authentication problems. Your name (e.g. John Doe) Jūsų vardas (pvz., Jonas Do) This is your name, and will be filled out in the certificate. This field is entirely optional. Finish Pabaiga Certificate-based authentication is ready for use Liudijimu grįstas atpažinimas yra paruoštas naudoti Enjoy using Mumble with strong authentication. Automatic certificate creation Automatinis liudijimo kūrimas <p>If you ever lose your current certificate, which will happen if your computer suffers a hardware failure or you reinstall your machine, you will no longer be able to authenticate to any server you are registered on. It is therefore <b>mandatory</b> that you make a backup of your certificate. We strongly recommend you store this backup on removable storage, such as a USB flash drive.</p> <p>Note that this file will not be encrypted, and if anyone gains access to it, they will be able to impersonate you, so take good care of it.</p> <p>Jeigu kada nors prarasite savo esamą liudijimą (kas gali nutikti tuo atveju, jeigu jūsų kompiuteris patirs aparatinės įrangos gedimą arba jūs savo kompiuteryje iš naujo įdiegsite programinę įrangą), tuomet jūs daugiau nebegalėsite jokiame serveryje, kuriame esate užsiregistravę, patvirtinti savo tapatybę. Štai kodėl yra <b>privaloma</b>, kad jūs sukurtumėte atsarginę savo liudijimo kopiją. Mes primygtinai rekomenduojame, kad šią atsarginę kopiją laikytumėte keičiamajame įrenginyje, tokiame kaip USB atmintukas.</p> <p>Turėkite omenyje, kad šis failas nebus užšifruotas, taigi, jeigu koks nors asmuo gaus prie jo prieigą, jis galės apsimesti jumis, todėl kaip reikiant pasirūpinkite šiuo failu.</p> <p>Mumble can use certificates to authenticate with servers. Using certificates avoids passwords, meaning you don't need to disclose any password to the remote site. It also enables very easy user registration and a client side friends list independent of servers.</p><p>While Mumble can work without certificates, the majority of servers will expect you to have one.</p><p>Creating a new certificate automatically is sufficient for most use cases. But Mumble also supports certificates representing trust in the users ownership of an email address. These certificates are issued by third parties. For more information see our <a href="">user certificate documentation</a>. </p> ChanACL None Nėra Traverse Enter Speak Mute/Deafen Make channel Kurti kanalą Make temporary Link channel This represents no privileges. This represents total access to the channel, including the ability to change group and ACL information. This privilege implies all other privileges. This represents the permission to traverse the channel. If a user is denied this privilege, he will be unable to access this channel and any sub-channels in any way, regardless of other permissions in the sub-channels. This represents the permission to join the channel. If you have a hierarchical channel structure, you might want to give everyone Traverse, but restrict Enter in the root of your hierarchy. This represents the permission to speak in a channel. Users without this privilege will be suppressed by the server (seen as muted), and will be unable to speak until they are unmuted by someone with the appropriate privileges. This represents the permission to whisper to this channel from the outside. This works exactly like the <i>speak</i> privilege, but applies to packets spoken with the Whisper key held down. This may be used to broadcast to a hierarchy of channels without linking. This represents the permission to mute and deafen other users. Once muted, a user will stay muted until he is unmuted by another privileged user or reconnects to the server. This represents the permission to move a user to another channel or kick him from the server. To actually move the user, either the moving user must have Move privileges in the destination channel, or the user must normally be allowed to enter the channel. Users with this privilege can move users into channels the target user normally wouldn't have permission to enter. This represents the permission to make sub-channels. The user making the sub-channel will be added to the admin group of the sub-channel. This represents the permission to make a temporary subchannel. The user making the sub-channel will be added to the admin group of the sub-channel. Temporary channels are not stored and disappear when the last user leaves. This represents the permission to link channels. Users in linked channels hear each other, as long as the speaking user has the <i>speak</i> privilege in the channel of the listener. You need the link privilege in both channels to create a link, but just in either channel to remove it. This represents the permission to write text messages to other users in this channel. This represents the permission to forcibly remove users from the server. This represents the permission to permanently remove users from the server. This represents the permission to register and unregister users on the server. This represents the permission to register oneself on the server. Whisper Šnabždesys Move Perkelti Text message Tekstinė žinutė Kick Išmesti Ban Uždrausti Register User Registruoti naudotoją Register Self Registruoti save Write ACL This represents the permission to use the listen-feature allowing to listen to a channel without being in it. Listen This represents the permission to reset the comment or avatar of a user. Reset User Content ChatbarTextEdit Paste and &Send Paste and send Įdėti ir &siųsti <center>Type chat message here</center> Unable to send image: too large. Unable to send image %1: too large. This server does not allow sending images. ClientUser Friend Draugas Authenticated Priority speaker Recording Įrašymas Muted (server) Deafened (server) Local Ignore (Text messages) Local Mute Muted (self) Deafened (self) Local Ignore (Text-To-Speech) ConfigDialog Accept changes Priimti pakeitimus This button will accept current settings and return to the application.<br />The settings will be stored to disk when you leave the application. Reject changes Atmesti pakeitimus This button will reject all changes and return to the application.<br />The settings will be reset to the previous positions. Šis mygtukas atmes visus pakeitimus ir sugrąžins į programą.<br />Nustatymai bus atstatyti į ankstesnes reikšmes. Apply changes Pritaikyti pakeitimus This button will immediately apply all changes. Šis mygtukas nedelsiant pritaikys visus pakeitimus. Undo changes for current page Atšaukti pakeitimus esamame puslapyje This button will revert any changes done on the current page to the most recent applied settings. Šis mygtukas sugrąžins visus esamame puslapyje atliktus pakeitimus į paskiausiai pritaikytus nustatymus. Restore defaults for current page Atkurti esamo puslapio numatytąsias reikšmes Mumble Configuration Mumble konfigūracija Configuration categories This button will restore the defaults for the settings on the current page. Other pages will not be changed.<br />To restore all settings to their defaults, you can press the "Defaults (All)" button. Restore all defaults This button will restore the defaults for all settings. Defaults (All) ConnectDialog Connecting to %1 Jungiamasi prie %1 Enter username Įrašykite naudotojo vardą Servername Serverio pavadinimas Unknown Users Naudotojų Failed to fetch server list Nepavyko gauti serverių sąrašo Mumble Server Connect Mumble prisijungimas prie serverio Ping Ping Remove from Favorites Šalinti iš mėgstamų Add custom server &Copy &Kopijuoti Copy favorite link to clipboard &Paste Į&dėti Paste favorite from clipboard &Edit... &Taisyti... &Add New... &Pridėti naują... Add to &Favorites Pridėti į &mėgstamus Open &Webpage Atverti &tinklalapį Server list Search Location Filter Filtras Show All Show Populated Show Reachable All Visus Africa Asia Europe North America Oceania South America Consent to the transmission of private data <p>To measure the latency (ping) of public servers and determine the number of active users, your IP address must be transmitted to each public server.</p><p>Do you consent to the transmission of your IP address? If you answer no, the public server list will be deactivated. However, you can reactivate it at any time in the network settings.</p> C&onnect Prisi&jungti Adding host %1 Hostname Bonjour name Port Prievadas Addresses Adresai Website Tinklalapis Packet loss Paketų praradimas Ping (80%) Ping (80%) %1 ms %1 ms Ping (95%) Ping (95%) Bandwidth Siuntimo sparta %1 kbit/s %1 kbit/s Version Versija ConnectDialogEdit Edit Server Taisyti serverį Name of the server Serverio pavadinimas A&ddress A&dresas Internet address of the server. Internet address of the server. Internetinis serverio adresas. <b>Address</b><br/> Internet address of the server. This can be a normal hostname, an IPv4/IPv6 address or a Bonjour service identifier. Bonjour service identifiers have to be prefixed with a '@' to be recognized by Mumble. <b>Address</b></br> Internet address of the server. This can be a normal hostname, an ipv4/6 address or a bonjour service identifier. Bonjour service identifiers have to be prefixed with a '@' to be recognized by Mumble. &Port &Prievadas Port on which the server is listening Prievadas, ties kuriuo serveris klausosi <b>Port</b><br/> Port on which the server is listening. If the server is identified by a Bonjour service identifier this field will be ignored. &Username Na&udotojo vardas Username to send to the server Naudotojo vardas, kurį siųsti į serverį <b>Username</b><br/> Username to send to the server. Be aware that the server can impose restrictions on how a username might look like. Also your username could already be taken by another user. Label Etiketė Add Server Pridėti serverį You are currently connected to a server. Do you want to fill the dialog with the connection data of this server? Host: %1 Port: %2 You have an URL in your clipboard. Do you want to fill the dialog with this data? Host: %1 Port: %2 Password Slaptažodis Password to send to the server Slaptažodis, kurį siųsti į serverį <b>Password</b><br/> Password to be sent to the server on connect. This password is needed when connecting as <i>SuperUser</i> or to a server using password authentication. If not entered here the password will be queried on connect. Show password Rodyti slaptažodį <b>Label</b><br/> Label of the server. This is what the server will be named like in your server list and can be chosen freely. Local server label Vietinio serverio etiketė 64738 64738 Your username Jūsų naudotojo vardas Your password Jūsų slaptažodis &Fill &Ignore CrashReporter Mumble Crash Report Mumble strigties ataskaita <p><b>We're terribly sorry, but it seems Mumble has crashed. Do you want to send a crash report to the Mumble developers?</b></p><p>The crash report contains a partial copy of Mumble's memory at the time it crashed, and will help the developers fix the problem.</p> <p><b>Labai apgailestaujame, tačiau atrodo, kad Mumble užstrigo. Ar norite Mumble kūrėjams išsiųsti strigties ataskaitą?</b></p><p>Strigties ataskaitoje yra dalinė Mumble atminties kopija strigties metu ir ji padės kūrėjams pataisyti problemą.</p> Email address (optional) El. pašto adresas (nebūtina) Please describe briefly, in English, what you were doing at the time of the crash Please briefly describe what you were doing at the time of the crash Prašome trumpai, anglų kalba aprašyti ką darėte, kai programa užstrigo Send Report Siųsti ataskaitą Don't send report Nesiųsti ataskaitos Crash upload successful Strigties įkėlimas sėkmingas Thank you for helping make Mumble better! Dėkojame, kad padedate padaryti Mumble geresnę! Crash upload failed Strigties įkėlimas nepavyko Uploading crash report Abort upload Nutraukti įkėlimą HTTP error %1: "%2" Internal error encountered in CrashReporter.cpp: Received network reply does not contain an HTTP status code. Please inform a developer about error code %1 Database The database '%1' is read-only. Mumble cannot store server settings (i.e. SSL certificates) until you fix this problem. The database '%1' is read-only. Mumble can not store server settings (ie. SSL certificates) until you fix this problem. Duomenų bazė "%1" yra tik skaitymui. Mumble negali saugoti serverio nustatymų (pvz., SSL liudijimų) tol, kol nepataisysite šios problemos. The database file '%1' set in the configuration file does not exist. Do you want to create a new database file at this location? Mumble failed to initialize a database in any of the possible locations. DeveloperConsole Developer Console Kūrėjo pultas DockTitleBar Drag here Vilkite čia GlobalShortcut Shortcuts Trumpiniai List of configured shortcuts Konfigūruotų trumpinių sąrašas Function Funkcija Data Duomenys Shortcut Trumpinys Suppress Add new shortcut Pridėti naują trumpinį This will add a new global shortcut Tai pridės naują visuotinį trumpinį &Add &Pridėti Remove selected shortcut Šalinti pasirinktą trumpinį This will permanently remove a selected shortcut. Tai negrįžtamai pašalins pasirinktą trumpinį. &Remove Ša&linti <html><head/><body><p>Mumble can currently only use mouse buttons and keyboard modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl, Cmd, etc.) for global shortcuts.</p><p>If you want more flexibility, you can enable <span style=" font-style:italic;">Access for assistive devices</span> in the system's Accessibility preferences. However, please note that this change also potentially allows malicious programs to read what is typed on your keyboard.</p></body></html> Open Accessibility Preferences Skip Praleisti Enable Global Shortcuts Įjungti visuotinius trumpinius <b>Additional Shortcut Engines</b><br />This section allows you to configure the use of additional GlobalShortcut engines. Additional Shortcut Engines <b>Enable Windows hooks</b>.<br />This enables the Windows hooks shortcut engine. Using this engine allows Mumble to suppress keypresses and mouse clicks. Enable Windows hooks <b>Enable GKey</b>.<br />This setting enables support for the GKey shortcut engine, for "G"-keys found on Logitech keyboards. Enable GKey <b>Enable XInput</b><br />This setting enables support for the XInput shortcut engine, for Xbox compatible controllers. Enable XInput Įjungti XInput <b>Enable shortcuts in privileged applications</b>.<br />Also known as "UIAccess". This allows Mumble to receive global shortcut events from programs running at high privilege levels, such as an Admin Command Prompt or older games that run with admin privileges. <br /><br /> Without this option enabled, using Mumble's global shortcuts in privileged applications will not work. This can seem inconsistent: for example, if the Push-to-Talk button is pressed in a non-privileged program, but released in a privileged application, Mumble will not observe that it has been released and you will continue to talk until you press the Push-to-Talk button again. Enable shortcuts in privileged applications GlobalShortcutButtons Edit shortcut Start capture process <html><head/><body><p>Starts the capture process: all buttons you press will be added to the tree.</p><p>Once all buttons are released, the capture process stops automatically.</p></body></html> Add Pridėti Remove the currently selected items Remove Šalinti GlobalShortcutConfig <html><head/><body><p>Mumble can currently only use mouse buttons and keyboard modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl, Cmd, etc.) for global shortcuts.</p><p>If you want more flexibility, you can add Mumble as a trusted accessibility program in the Security & Privacy section of your Mac's System Preferences.</p><p>In the Security & Privacy preference pane, change to the Privacy tab. Then choose Accessibility (near the bottom) in the list to the left. Finally, add Mumble to the list of trusted accessibility programs.</body></html> Shortcuts Trumpiniai <b>This is the global shortcut key combination.</b><br />Click this field and then press the desired key/button combo to rebind. Double-click to clear. <b>This is the global shortcut key combination.</b><br />Double-click this field and then the desired key/button combo to rebind. <b>Tai yra visuotinė trumpinio kombinacija.</b><br />Spustelėkite šį lauką, o tuomet nuspauskite norimą klavišų/mygtukų kombinaciją, kad susietumėte. Spustelėkite du kartus, kad išvalytumėte. Suppress keys from other applications <b>This hides the button presses from other applications.</b><br />Enabling this will hide the button (or the last button of a multi-button combo) from other applications. Note that not all buttons can be suppressed. Configured shortcuts GlobalShortcutEngine Unknown GlobalShortcutMac Mouse Keyboard GlobalShortcutTarget Whisper Target Channel Target Restrict to Group If specified, only members of this group will receive the whisper. List of users Naudotojų sąrašas Add Pridėti Remove Šalinti Modifiers Do not send positional audio information when using this whisper shortcut. Ignore positional audio Nepaisyti pozicinio garso Shout to Linked channels Shout to subchannels The whisper will also be transmitted to linked channels. The whisper will also be sent to the subchannels of the channel target. Shout/Whisper to: Current selection When shouting to channel: Shout to linked channels Channel Kanalas GlobalShortcutWin Mouse Keyboard GlobalShortcutX Keyboard Mouse JackAudioSystem Hardware Ports Mono Mono Stereo Stereo LCD Not connected LCDConfig Enable this device Įjungti šį įrenginį LCD LCD Devices Įrenginiai Name <p>This is the list of available LCD devices on your system. It lists devices by name, but also includes the size of the display. Mumble supports outputting to several LCD devices at a time.</p> <h3>Size:</h3> <p> This field describes the size of an LCD device. The size is given either in pixels (for Graphic LCDs) or in characters (for Character LCDs).</p> <h3>Enabled:</h3> <p>This decides whether Mumble should draw to a particular LCD device.</p> Size Dydis Enabled Įjungta Views Minimum Column Width Mažiausias stulpelio plotis <p>This option decides the minimum width a column in the User View.</p> <p>If too many people are speaking at once, the User View will split itself into columns. You can use this option to pick a compromise between number of users shown on the LCD, and width of user names.</p> This setting decides the width of column splitter. Splitter Width Minimum column width Splitter width ListenerLocalVolumeDialog Adjusting local volume for listening to %1 Log Debug Critical Warning Įspėjimas Information Informacija Other self-muted/deafened User recording state changed User kicked (you or by you) Naudotojas išmestas (jūs išmestas arba jus išmetė) User kicked Naudotojas išmestas You self-muted User muted (you) User muted (by you) User muted (other) You self-unmuted You self-deafened You self-undeafened User renamed User connected and entered channel User left channel and disconnected Naudotojas išėjo iš kanalo ir atsijungė Private text message Privati tekstinė žinutė the server Serveris [[ Invalid size ]] [[ Neteisingas dydis ]] [[ Text object too large to display ]] [Date changed to %1] [Data pasikeitė į %1] link to %1 nuoroda į %1 FTP link to %1 FTP nuoroda į %1 player link channel link %1 link Server connected Prisijungta prie serverio Server disconnected Atsijungta nuo serverio User joined server Naudotojas atėjo į serverį User left server Naudotojas išėjo iš serverio User joined channel Naudotojas atėjo į kanalą User left channel Naudotojas išėjo iš kanalo Permission denied Leidimas atmestas Text message Tekstinė žinutė You joined channel Jūs atėjote į kanalą You joined channel (moved) User started listening to channel User stopped listening to channel Plugin message LogConfig Toggle console for %1 events Toggle pop-up notifications for %1 events Toggle Text-To-Speech for %1 events Click here to toggle sound notification for %1 events Toggle window highlight (if not active) for %1 events Path to sound file used for sound notifications in the case of %1 events<br />Single click to play<br />Double-click to change Click here to toggle console output for %1 events.<br />If checked, this option makes Mumble output all %1 events in its message log. Click here to toggle pop-up notifications for %1 events.<br />If checked, a notification pop-up will be created by Mumble for every %1 event. Click here to toggle pop-up notifications for %1 events.<br />If checked, a notification pop-up will be created by mumble for every %1 event. Click here to toggle window highlight for %1 events.<br />If checked, Mumble's window will be highlighted for every %1 event, if not active. Path to sound file used for sound notifications in the case of %1 events.<br />Single click to play<br />Double-click to change<br />Ensure that sound notifications for these events are enabled or this field will not have any effect. Click here to toggle Text-To-Speech for %1 events.<br />If checked, Mumble uses Text-To-Speech to read %1 events out loud to you. Text-To-Speech is also able to read the contents of the event which is not true for sound files. Text-To-Speech and sound files cannot be used at the same time. Click here to toggle sound notification for %1 events.<br />If checked, Mumble uses a soundfile predefined by you to indicate %1 events. Soundfiles and Text-To-Speech cannot be used at the same time. Click here to toggle sound notification for %1 events.<br />If checked, Mumble uses a sound file predefined by you to indicate %1 events. Sound files and Text-To-Speech cannot be used at the same time. Path to soundfile used for sound notifications in the case of %1 events.<br />Single click to play<br />Doubleclick to change<br />Be sure that sound notifications for these events are enabled or this field will not have any effect. Messages Žinutės Message Žinutė Console Pultas Notification Pranešimas Text-To-Speech Garsinis teksto atkūrimas Soundfile Garso failas Path Kelias Text To Speech Garsinis teksto atkūrimas Volume Garsis Volume of Text-To-Speech Engine Garsinio teksto atkūrimo modulio garsis <b>This is the volume used for the speech synthesis.</b> Length threshold Ilgio slenkstis Message length threshold for Text-To-Speech Engine <b>This is the length threshold used for the Text-To-Speech Engine.</b><br />Messages longer than this limit will not be read aloud in their full length. Characters simbolių Whisper Šnabždesys If checked you will only hear whispers from users you added to your friend list. Jei pažymėta, jūs girdėsite šnabždesius tik iš naudotojų, kurie yra pridėti į jūsų draugų sąrašą. Only accept whispers from friends Priimti šnabždesius tik iš draugų If enabled text messages you send will be read back to you with TTS Read back own messages Chat Log Pokalbių žurnalas Maximum chat length Didžiausias pokalbio ilgis Unlimited Neribota Lines eilučių Highlight If enabled, TTS will not dictate the message scope. Omit Message Scope If enabled, TTS will not dictate the message author. Omit Message Author If checked the time at the beginning of a message will be displayed in the 24-hour format. The setting only applies for new messages, the already shown ones will retain the previous time format. Use 24-hour clock How far individual messages are spaced out from one another. Message margins Log messages TTS engine volume Chat message margins LookConfig System default Sistemos numatytoji None Nėra Only with users Tik su naudotojais All Visus Ask Klausti Do Nothing Nieko nedaryti Move Perkelti <a href="%1">Browse</a> This link is located next to the theme heading in the ui config and opens the user theme directory <a href="%1">Naršyti</a> User Interface Naudotojo sąsaja This sets which channels to automatically expand. <i>None</i> and <i>All</i> will expand no or all channels, while <i>Only with users</i> will expand and collapse channels as users join and leave them. List users above subchannels (requires restart). <b>If set, users will be shown above subchannels in the channel view.</b><br />A restart of Mumble is required to see the change. Users above Channels <b>If set, will verify you want to quit if connected.</b> <b>Jei nustatyta, jums išeinant ir vis dar tebesant prisijungus, bus klausiama patvirtinimo.</b> Show number of users in each channel Rodyti kiekviename kanale naudotojų skaičių Show channel user count Rodyti kanalo naudotojų skaičių Language Kalba Language to use (requires restart) Kalba, kurią naudoti (reikalauja paleidimo iš naujo) <b>This sets which language Mumble should use.</b><br />You have to restart Mumble to use the new language. <b>Tai nustato, kurią kalbą turėtų naudoti Mumble.</b><br />Tam, kad naudotumėte naują kalbą, turite iš naujo paleisti Mumble. Look and Feel Išvaizda ir turinys Layout Išdėstymas Classic Klasikinis Stacked Hybrid Hibridinis Custom This changes the behavior when moving channels. Tai keičia elgseną, perkeliant kanalus. This sets the behavior of channel drags; it can be used to prevent accidental dragging. <i>Move</i> moves the channel without prompting. <i>Do Nothing</i> does nothing and prints an error message. <i>Ask</i> uses a message box to confirm if you really wanted to move the channel. This sets the behavior of channel drags; it can be used to prevent accidental dragging. <i>Move Channel</i> moves the channel without prompting. <i>Do Nothing</i> does nothing and prints an error message. <i>Ask</i> uses a message box to confirm if you really wanted to move the channel. Tai nustato kanalų tempimo elgseną; tai gali būti naudojama, kad būtų neleistas atsitiktinis tempimas. <i>Perkelti</i> perkelia kanalą, neklausiant. <i>Nieko nedaryti</i> nieko nedaro ir parodo klaidos žinutę. <i>Klausti</i> naudoja žinutės langelį, kad patvirtintų, ar jūs tikrai norėjote perkelti kanalą. Expand Išskleisti When to automatically expand channels Kada automatiškai išskleisti kanalus Channel Dragging Kanalų tempimas Ask whether to close or minimize when quitting Mumble. Išeinant iš Mumble, klausti ar programą užverti ar suskleisti. Ask on quit while connected Klausti išeinant, kai tebeesama prisijungta Always On Top Visada viršuje <b>If set, minimizing the Mumble main window will cause it to be hidden and accessible only from the tray. Otherwise, it will be minimized as a window normally would.</b> Hide in tray when minimized Suskleidus, slėpti į dėklą Hide the main Mumble window in the tray when it is minimized. Suskleidus pagrindinį Mumble langą, slėpti jį į dėklą This setting controls when the application will be always on top. Šis nustatymas valdo, kada programa bus visada viršuje. Never Niekada Always Visada In minimal view Minimaliame rodinyje In normal view Normaliame rodinyje Displays talking status in system tray Rodo kalbėjimo būseną sistemos dėkle Show talking status in tray icon Rodyti dėklo piktogramoje kalbėjimo būseną This setting controls in which situations the application will stay always on top. If you select <i>Never</i> the application will not stay on top. <i>Always</i> will always keep the application on top. <i>In minimal view</i> / <i>In normal view</i> will only keep the application always on top when minimal view is activated / deactivated. Show context menu in menu bar Rodyti meniu juostoje kontekstinį meniu Apply some high contrast optimizations for visually impaired users Taikyti kai kuriuos kontrasto optimizavimus, skirtus silpnaregiams naudotojams Optimize for high contrast Optimizuoti aukštam kontrastui Application Programa Adds user and channel context menus into the menu bar Prideda į meniu juostą naudotojo ir kanalo kontekstinius meniu Tray Icon Dėklo piktograma Channel Tree Kanalų medis Use selected item as the chat bar target Filter automatically hides empty channels Filtras automatiškai slepia tuščius kanalus Show transmit mode dropdown in toolbar Theme Tema Theme to use to style the user interface Tema, kurią naudoti, siekiant stilizuoti naudotojo sąsają <b>Configures which theme the Mumble user interface should be styled with</b><br />Mumble will pick up themes from certain directories and display them in this list. The one you select will be used to customize the visual appearance of Mumble. This includes colors, icons and more. User Dragging This changes the behavior when moving users. Tai keičia elgseną, perkeliant naudotojus. This sets the behavior of user drags; it can be used to prevent accidental dragging. <i>Move</i> moves the user without prompting. <i>Do Nothing</i> does nothing and prints an error message. <i>Ask</i> uses a message box to confirm if you really wanted to move the user. Tai nustato naudotojų tempimo elgseną; tai gali būti naudojama, kad būtų neleistas atsitiktinis tempimas. <i>Perkelti</i> perkelia naudotoją, neklausiant. <i>Nieko nedaryti</i> nieko nedaro ir parodo klaidos žinutę. <i>Klausti</i> naudoja žinutės langelį, kad patvirtintų, ar jūs tikrai norėjote perkelti naudotoją. <b>Enable Developer menu</b><br />This enables the "Developer"-menu in Mumble. This menu is used for developer-specific features, such as the Developer Console. Enable Developer menu Įjungti kūrėjo meniu When in custom layout mode, checking this disables rearranging. Lock layout Užrakinti išdėstymą Talking UI A user that is silent for the given amount of seconds will be removed from the Talkin UI. Remove silent user after If this is checked, the local user (yourself) will always be visible in the TalkingUI (regardless of talking state). Always keep local user visible How many characters from the original name to display at the beginning of an abbreviated name. String to separate a channel name from its parent's. Channel separator Abbreviated prefix characters The names of how many parent channels should be included in the channel's name when displaying it in the TalkingUI? How many characters from the original name to display at the end of an abbreviated name. Abbreviated postfix characters Whether to also allow abbreviating the current channel of a user (instead of only its parent channels). Abbreviate current channel name Channel hierarchy depth Abbreviation replacement Whether the channel (hierarchy) name should be abbreviated, if it exceeds the specified maximum length. Abbreviate channel names The preferred maximum length of a channel (hierarchy) name in the Talking UI. Note that this is not a hard limit though. Max. channel name length Relative font size to use in the Talking UI in percent. Rel. font size (%) String that gets used instead of the cut-out part of an abbreviated name. Prefix character count Postfix character count Maximum name length Relative font size Always on top Channel dragging Automatically expand channels when User dragging behavior Silent user lifetime Show the local volume adjustment for each user (if any). Show volume adjustments Whether to show all of the local user's listeners (ears) in the TalkingUI (and thereby also the channels they are in). Show local user's listeners (ears) Hide the username for each user if they have a nickname. Show nicknames only MainWindow Root Push-to-Talk Global Shortcut Push and hold this button to send voice. Global Shortcut This configures the push-to-talk button, and as long as you hold this button down, you will transmit voice. Global Shortcut Reset Audio Processor Global Shortcut Atstatyti garso doroklę Unlink Plugin Global Shortcut Atsieti įskiepį Push-to-Mute Global Shortcut Join Channel Global Shortcut Prisijungti prie kanalo Toggle Overlay Global Shortcut Perjungti perdangą Toggle state of in-game overlay. Global Shortcut Toggle Minimal Global Shortcut Volume Up (+10%) Global Shortcut Pagarsinti (+10%) Volume Down (-10%) Global Shortcut Patildyti (-10%) Mumble Mumble Mumble -- %1 Mumble -- %1 &Window &Langas Minimize Suskleisti Ctrl+M Ctrl+M Close Užverti Mumble is currently connected to a server. Do you want to Close or Minimize it? Programa Mumble šiuo metu yra prisijungusi prie serverio. Norite programą užverti ar suskleisti? Mute Self Global Shortcut Set self-mute status. Global Shortcut This will set or toggle your muted status. If you turn this off, you will also disable self-deafen. Global Shortcut Deafen Self Global Shortcut Set self-deafen status. Global Shortcut This will set or toggle your deafened status. If you turn this on, you will also enable self-mute. Global Shortcut Whisper/Shout Whisper <center>Not connected</center> Not connected <center>Neprisijungta</center> Clear Išvalyti Opening URL %1 Atveriamas URL %1 File does not exist Failo nėra File is not a configuration file. Failas nėra konfigūracijos failas. Settings merged from file. Nustatymai sulieti iš failo. URL scheme is not 'mumble' URL schema nėra 'mumble' This version of Mumble can't handle URLs for Mumble version %1.%2.%3 Ši Mumble versija negali apdoroti URL, skirtus Mumble versijai %1.%2.%3 Connecting to %1 Jungiamasi prie %1 Enter username Įrašykite naudotojo vardą Connecting to server %1. Jungiamasi prie serverio %1. Reconnecting. Jungiamasi iš naujo. Transmit Mode set to Continuous Register yourself as %1 Užsiregistruoti kaip %1 <p>You are about to register yourself on this server. This action cannot be undone, and your username cannot be changed once this is done. You will forever be known as '%1' on this server.</p><p>Are you sure you want to register yourself?</p> <p>Jūs ruošiatės užsiregistruoti šiame serveryje. Šis veiksmas negalės būti atšauktas ir, kai tai atliksite, negalėsite keisti savo naudotojo vardą. Jūs visiems laikams šiame serveryje būsite žinomi kaip "%1".</p><p>Ar tikrai norite užsiregistruoti?</p> Register user %1 <p>You are about to register %1 on the server. This action cannot be undone, the username cannot be changed, and as a registered user, %1 will have access to the server even if you change the server password.</p><p>From this point on, %1 will be authenticated with the certificate currently in use.</p><p>Are you sure you want to register %1?</p> Kicking user %1 Išmetamas naudotojas %1 Banning user %1 Uždraudžiamas naudotojas %1 View comment on user %1 Rodomas naudotojo %1 komentaras Message to channel %1 Connected. Prisijungta. <li>Expected certificate digest (SHA-1): %1</li> <li>Tikėtina liudijimo maišos reikšmė (SHA-1): %1</li> Server presented a certificate which failed verification. Serveris pateikė liudijimą, kuris nepraėjo patikrinimo. <p>%1</p><ul>%2</ul><p>The specific errors with this certificate are:</p><ol>%3</ol><p>Do you wish to accept this certificate anyway?<br />(It will also be stored so you won't be asked this again.)</p> SSL Version mismatch SSL versijos neatitikimas Server connection failed. <center>Type message to channel '%1' here</center> Type message to channel '%1' here <center>Rašykite žinutę į kanalą "%1" čia</center> <center>Type message to user '%1' here</center> Type message to user '%1' here <center>Čia įrašykite žinutę, skirta naudotojui "%1"</center> Choose image file Failed to load image Nepavyko įkelti paveikslo Could not open file for reading. Nepavyko atverti failo skaitymui. Image format not recognized. Neatpažintas atvaizdo formatas. &User Na&udotojas &Channel &Kanalas Use in conjunction with Whisper to. Global Shortcut This will switch the states of the in-game overlay. Global Shortcut Link Channel Global Shortcut Cycle Transmit Mode Global Shortcut Set Transmit Mode to Push-To-Talk Global Shortcut Set Transmit Mode to Continuous Global Shortcut Set Transmit Mode to VAD Global Shortcut Send Text Message Global Shortcut Siųsti tekstinę žinutę Send Clipboard Text Message Global Shortcut This will send your Clipboard content to the channel you are currently in. Global Shortcut Continuous Nepertraukiamai Voice Activity Esant balso aktyvumui Push-to-Talk Mumble - Minimal View -- %1 Mumble - Minimalus rodinys -- %1 Cancel Atsisakyti Save Image As... Įrašyti paveikslą kaip... Save Image File Įrašyti paveikslo failą Could not save image: %1 Nepavyko įrašyti paveikslo: %1 Change your comment Keiskite savo komentarą Transmit Mode set to Voice Activity Transmit Mode set to Push-to-Talk &View Certificate Ž&iūrėti liudijimą Enter reason Sending message to %1 Siunčiama žinutė naudotojui %1 To %1: %2 Skirta %1: %2 Message to %1 Žinutė, skirta %1 Are you sure you want to reset the comment of user %1? Ar tikrai norite atstatyti naudotojo %1 komentarą? Are you sure you want to reset the avatar of user %1? Ar tikrai norite atstatyti naudotojo %1 avatarą? Are you sure you want to delete %1 and all its sub-channels? Sending message to channel %1 Siunčiama žinutė į kanalą %1 Message to tree %1 To %1 (Tree): %2 (Tree) %1: %2 Unmuted and undeafened. Unmuted. Muted. Nutildyta. Muted and deafened. Deafened. Undeafened. Restart Mumble? Paleisti Mumble iš naujo? Some settings will only apply after a restart of Mumble. Restart Mumble now? Kai kurie nustatymai bus pritaikyti tik iš naujo paleidus Mumble. Paleisti Mumble iš naujo dabar? About Qt Apie Qt SSL Verification failed: %1 SSL patikrinimas nepavyko: %1 <li>Server certificate digest (SHA-1): %1</li> <li>Serverio liudijimo maišos reikšmė (SHA-1): %1</li> <b>WARNING:</b> The server presented a certificate that was different from the stored one. This server is using an older encryption standard, and is no longer supported by modern versions of Mumble. Šis serveris naudoja senesnį šifravimo standartą ir daugiau yra nebepalaikomas šiuolaikinių Mumble versijų. Server connection failed: %1. Prisijungimas prie serverio nepavyko: %1. Disconnected from server. Atsijungta nuo serverio. Invalid username Neteisingas naudotojo vardas You connected with an invalid username, please try another one. Jūs prisijungėte su neteisingu naudotojo vardu, prašome pabandyti kitą. Username in use Naudotojo vardas yra naudojamas That username is already in use, please try another username. Šis naudotojas vardas jau yra naudojamas, prašome pabandyti kitą naudotojo vardą. Wrong certificate or password Neteisingas liudijimas ar slaptažodis Wrong certificate or password for registered user. If you are certain this user is protected by a password please retry. Otherwise abort and check your certificate and username. Wrong password Neteisingas slaptažodis Wrong server password for unregistered user account, please try again. Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg) Paveikslai (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg) C&onfigure K&onfigūruoti &Help &Pagalba Log Žurnalas This shows all recent activity. Connecting to servers, errors and information messages all show up here.<br />To configure exactly which messages show up here, use the <b>Settings</b> command from the menu. &Quit Mumble &Išeiti iš Mumble Closes the program Užveria programą Exits the application. Išeina iš programos. Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Open the server connection dialog Atverti serverio prisijungimo dialogą &Disconnect &Atsijungti Disconnect from server Atsijungti nuo serverio Disconnects you from the server. Atjungia jus nuo serverio. Show information about the server connection Rodyti informaciją apie serverio ryšį This will show extended information about the connection to the server. Tai parodys išplėstinę informaciją apie ryšį su serveriu. &Mute &Deafen &Local Mute Send a Text Message Sends a text message to another user. Siunčia tekstinę žinutę kitam naudotojui. Add new channel Pridėti naują kanalą This adds a new sub-channel to the currently selected channel. Remove channel Šalinti kanalą This removes a channel and all sub-channels. Edit Groups and ACL for channel This opens the Group and ACL dialog for the channel, to control permissions. &Link Link your channel to another channel This is the chatbar<br />If you enter text here and then press enter the text is sent to the user or channel that was selected. If nothing is selected the message is sent to your current channel. Chatbar Shows a dialog of registered servers, and also allows quick-connect. Kick user (with reason) Išmesti naudotoją (su priežastimi) Kick selected user off server. You'll be asked to specify a reason. Išmesti pasirinktą naudotoją iš serverio. Jūsų bus paprašyta nurodyti priežastį. Mute user Mute or unmute user on server. Unmuting a deafened user will also undeafen them. Kick and ban user (with reason) Išmesti ir uždrausti naudotoją (su priežastimi) Kick and ban selected user from server. You'll be asked to specify a reason. Išmesti pasirinktą naudotoją iš serverio ir jį uždrausti. Jūsų bus paprašyta nurodyti priežastį. Deafen user Deafen or undeafen user on server. Deafening a user will also mute them. Mute user locally Mute or unmute user locally. Use this on other users in the same room. This links your current channel to the selected channel. If users in a channel have permission to speak in the other channel, users can now hear each other. This is a permanent link, and will last until manually unlinked or the server is restarted. Please see the shortcuts for push-to-link. This links your current channel to the selected channel. If they have permission to speak in the other channel, users can now hear each other. This is a permanent link, and will last until manually unlinked or the server is restarted. Please see the shortcuts for push-to-link. &Unlink Channel Unlink your channel from another channel This unlinks your current channel from the selected channel. Unlinks your channel from all linked channels. This unlinks your current channel (not the selected one) from all linked channels. &Reset &Atstatyti Reset audio preprocessor Atstatyti parengiamąją doroklę This will reset the audio preprocessor, including noise cancellation, automatic gain and voice activity detection. If something suddenly worsens the audio environment (like dropping the microphone) and it was temporary, use this to avoid having to wait for the preprocessor to readjust. &Mute Self &Nutildyti save Mute yourself Nutildyti save Mute or unmute yourself. When muted, you will not send any data to the server. Unmuting while deafened will also undeafen. &Deafen Self &Apkurtinti save Deafen yourself Apkurtinti save Deafen or undeafen yourself. When deafened, you will not hear anything. Deafening yourself will also mute. &Text-To-Speech Garsinis &teksto atkūrimas Toggle Text-To-Speech Perjungti garsinį teksto atkūrimą Enable or disable the text-to-speech engine. Only messages enabled for TTS in the Configuration dialog will actually be spoken. Display audio statistics Rodyti garso statistiką Pops up a small dialog with information about your current audio input. Parodo nedidelį dialogą su informacija apie jūsų esamą garso įvestį. Forcibly unlink plugin Priverstinai atsieti įskiepį This forces the current plugin to unlink, which is handy if it is reading completely wrong data. Tai priverstinai atsieja esamą įskiepį, kas praverčia tuo atveju, jei įskiepis skaito visiškai neteisingus duomenis. Configure Mumble Konfigūruoti Mumble Allows you to change most settings for Mumble. Leidžia jums keisti didžiąją Mumble nustatymų dalį. Start the audio configuration wizard Paleisti garso konfigūravimo vediklį This will guide you through the process of configuring your audio hardware. Tai vadovaus jums per jūsų garso aparatinės įrangos konfigūravimo procesą. &What's This? &Kas tai? Enter What's This? mode Click this to enter "What's This?" mode. Your cursor will turn into a question mark. Click on any button, menu choice or area to show a description of what it is. Information about Mumble Informacija apie Mumble Shows a small dialog with information and license for Mumble. Information about Speex Informacija apie Speex Shows a small dialog with information about Speex. Rodo mažą dialogą su informacija apie Speex. Information about Qt Informacija apie Qt Shows a small dialog with information about Qt. Rodo mažą dialogą su informacija apie Qt. Check for &Updates Tikrinti ar yra atna&ujinimų Check for new version of Mumble Tikrinti ar yra nauja Mumble versija Connects to the Mumble webpage to check if a new version is available, and notifies you with an appropriate download URL if this is the case. Sends a text message to all users in a channel. Siunčia tekstinę žinutę visiems naudotojams kanale. Configure certificates for strong authentication This starts the wizard for creating, importing and exporting certificates for authentication against servers. Register user on server Registruoti naudotoją serveryje This will permanently register the user on the server. Tai ilgam užregistruos naudotoją serveryje. Add &Friend Pridėti &draugą Adds a user as your friend. Prideda naudotoją kaip jūsų draugą. This will add the user as a friend, so you can recognize him on this and other servers. Tai pridės naudotoją kaip draugą, taigi, galėsite jį atpažinti šiame bei kituose serveriuose. &Remove Friend Ša&linti draugą Removes a user from your friends. Pašalina naudotoją iš jūsų draugų. This will remove a user from your friends list. Tai pašalins naudotoją iš jūsų draugų sąrašo. &Update Friend Atna&ujinti draugą Update name of your friend. Atnaujinti jūsų draugo vardą. Your friend uses a different name than what is in your database. This will update the name. Jūsų draugas naudoją kitą vardą, nei tas kuris yra jūsų duomenų bazėje. Tai atnaujins jo vardą. Edit registered users list Redaguoti registruotų naudotojų sąrašą This opens the editor for registered users, which allow you to change their name or unregister them. Tai atveria registruotų naudotojų redaktorių, leidžiantį jums keisti naudotojų vardus ar juos išregistruoti. Add or remove text-based access tokens &Minimal View &Minimalus rodinys Toggle minimal window modes Perjungti minimalią lango veikseną This will toggle minimal mode, where the log window and menu is hidden. Tai perjungs minimalią veikseną, tokią, kurioje žurnalo langas ir meniu yra paslėpti. You muted and deafened %1. You unmuted and undeafened %1. You undeafened %1. You suppressed %1. %1 muted and deafened by %2. %1 unmuted and undeafened by %2. %1 undeafened by %2. %1 suppressed by %2. %1 moved to %2. Naudotojas %1 perkeltas į %2. %1 moved to %2 by %3. %3 perkėlė naudotoją %1 į %2. %1 moved in from %2 by %3. %3 perkėlė %1 iš %2. %1 is now muted and deafened. Your account information can not be verified currently. Please try again later Welcome message: %1 Pasisveikinimo žinutė: %1 Mumble: %1 Mumble: %1 You were denied %1 privileges in %2. Jums buvo uždraustas leidimas %1, kanale %2. %3 was denied %1 privileges in %2. %3 buvo uždraustas leidimas %1, kanale %2. Denied: Cannot modify SuperUser. Denied: Invalid channel name. Atmesta: Neteisingas kanalo pavadinimas. Denied: Text message too long. Atmesta: Teksto žinutė yra per ilga. Denied: Operation not permitted in temporary channel. Atmesta: Laikiname kanale operacija nėra leidžiama. You need a certificate to perform this operation. Jums reikalingas liudijimas, norint atlikti šią operaciją. %1 does not have a certificate. %1 neturi liudijimo. Invalid username: %1. Neteisingas naudotojo vardas: %1. Invalid username. Neteisingas naudotojo vardas. Channel is full. Kanalas pilnas. Channel nesting limit reached. Channel count limit reached. Need to delete channels before creating new ones. Permission denied. Leidimas atmestas. %1 connected and entered channel. %1 connected. %1 prisijungė. %1 is now muted. %1 is now unmuted. Recording started Įrašymas pradėtas Recording stopped Įrašymas sustabdytas %1 started recording. %1 pradėjo įrašymą. %1 stopped recording. %1 sustabdė įrašymą. You revoked your priority speaker status. You assumed priority speaker status. %1 revoked your priority speaker status. %1 gave you priority speaker status. You revoked priority speaker status for %1. You gave priority speaker status to %1. %1 revoked own priority speaker status. %1 assumed priority speaker status. %1 revoked priority speaker status for %2. %1 gave priority speaker status to %2. You were unmuted and undeafened by %1. You were muted by %1. %1 jus nutildė. You were undeafened by %1. You were suppressed. You were suppressed by %1. You were unsuppressed. You were unsuppressed by %1. You joined %1. You moved %1 to %2. Jūs perkėlėte %1 į %2. %1 is recording %1 įrašinėja %1 renamed to %2 by %3. %3 pervadino %1 į %2. %1 disconnected. %1 atsijungė. Server message from Serveris Failed to load Opus, it will not be available for audio encoding/decoding. The server requests minimum client version %1 The server requests positional audio be enabled. Serveris prašo, kad pozicinis garsas būtų įjungtas. The server requests positional audio be disabled. Serveris prašo, kad pozicinis garsas būtų išjungtas. The server requests Push-to-Talk be enabled. The server requests Push-to-Talk be disabled. You were unmuted by %1. You muted %1. You unsuppressed %1. You unmuted %1. %1 muted by %2. %1 unsuppressed by %2. %1 unmuted by %2. Unable to find matching CELT codecs with other clients. You will not be able to talk to all users. You were muted and deafened by %1. You were deafened by %1. %1 jus nutildė ir apkurtino. You were kicked from the server by %1: %2. %1 išmetė jus iš serverio: %2. %3 was kicked from the server by %1: %2. %1 išmetė naudotoją %3 iš serverio: %2. You were kicked and banned from the server by %1: %2. %1 išmetė jus iš serverio ir uždraudė jus: %2. %3 was kicked and banned from the server by %1: %2. %1 išmetė naudotoją %3 iš serverio ir jį uždraudė: %2. You were moved to %1 by %2. %2 jus perkėlė į %1. %1 entered channel. %1 užėjo į kanalą. Server connection rejected: %1. Denied: %1. Atmesta: %1. %1 renamed to %2. %1 left channel and disconnected. %1 išėjo iš kanalo ir atsijungė. Message from %1 Žinutė nuo %1 You have User Dragging set to "Do Nothing" so the user wasn't moved. You have Channel Dragging set to "Do Nothing" so the channel wasn't moved. Jūs esate nusistatę kanalų tempimą į "Nieko nedaryti", taigi, kanalas nebuvo perkeltas. Unknown Channel Drag mode in UserModel::dropMimeData. Nežinoma kanalų tempimo veiksena ties UserModel::dropMimeData. Remote controlling Mumble: Nuotolinis Mumble valdymas: Invocation Error: No RPC command specified Klaida: Nenurodyta RPC komanda RPC RPC Welcome to Mumble. Sveiki atvykę į Mumble. Skipping version check in debug mode. Derinimo veiksenoje, praleidžiamas versijos tikrinimas. Hide Frame Slėpti rėmelį Toggle showing frame on minimal window Perjungia rėmelio rodymą minimaliame lange This will toggle whether the minimal window should have a frame for moving and resizing. &Unlink All Reset the comment of the selected user. Atstatyti pasirinkto naudotojo komentarą. &Join Channel &Prisijungti prie kanalo View comment in editor Rodyti komentarą redaktoriuje Query server for connection information for user S&erver S&erveris &Self &Save &Unlink Plugins A&tsieti įskiepius Register yourself on the server Užregistruoti save serveryje Change your avatar image on this server Keisti savo avataro paveikslą šiame serveryje &Remove Avatar Ša&linti avatarą Remove currently defined avatar image. Šalinti šiuo metu nustatytą avataro paveikslą. Icon Toolbar Piktogramų įrankių juosta Change your own comment Keisti savo komentarą Recording Įrašymas Priority Speaker &Copy URL &Kopijuoti URL Copies a link to this channel to the clipboard. Kopijuoja nuorodą į šį kanalą į iškarpinę. Ignore Messages Nepaisyti žinučių Locally ignore user's text chat messages. Silently drops all text messages from the user. Edit ban list on server Taisyti uždraudimų serveryje sąrašą This lets you edit the server-side IP ban list. Tai leidžia jums serveryje taisyti IP uždraudimų sąrašą. &Filter on/off Toggle the channel filter (Ctrl+F) Perjungti kanalo filtrą (Ctrl+F) Enable or disable the filtering of select channels. By default all empty channels will be filtered. You can mark additional channels for filtering from the channel's context menu. Ctrl+F Ctrl+F &Hide Channel when Filtering &Filtruojant, slėpti kanalą Reset the avatar of the selected user. Atstatyti pasirinkto naudotojo avatarą. Locally adjust the user's speech volume. Vietos mastu reguliuoti naudotojo kalbos garsį. Opens a dialog with a volume slider. Use this on other users in the same room. &Developer &Kūrėjas &Hide Mumble &Slėpti Mumble Hides the main Mumble window. Slepia pagrindinį Mumble langą. Hides the main Mumble window. Restore by clicking on the tray icon or starting Mumble again. Slepia pagrindinį Mumble langą. Atkurkite, spusteldami dėklo piktogramą arba vėl paleisdami Mumble. Show the Developer Console Rodyti kūrėjo pultą Shows the Mumble Developer Console, where Mumble's log output can be inspected. Rodo Mumble kūrėjo pultą, kuriame gali būti išnagrinėta Mumble žurnalo išvestis. &Connect... &Ban list... &Information... &Informacija... &Kick... &Ban... Local Volume Adjustment... Vietinio garsio reguliavimas... Send &Message... Siųsti &žinutę... &Add... &Pridėti... &Remove... Š&alinti... &Edit... &Taisyti... Audio S&tatistics... Garso s&tatistika... &Settings... Nu&statymai... &Audio Wizard... G&arso vediklis... Developer &Console... Kūrėjo &pultas... &About... &Apie... About &Speex... Apie &Speex... About &Qt... Apie &Qt... &Certificate Wizard... &Liudijimų vediklis... &Register... &Registruoti... Registered &Users... Registruoti na&udotojai... Change &Avatar... Keisti &avatarą... &Access Tokens... P&rieigos raktai... Reset &Comment... Atstatyti &komentarą... Reset &Avatar... Atstatyti &avatarą... View Comment... Žiūrėti komentarą... &Change Comment... K&eisti komentarą... R&egister... R&egistruoti... Show Shows the main Mumble window. Server sync protocol violation. No user profile received. Protocol violation. Server sent remove for occupied channel. Listen to channel Listen to this channel without joining it Locally adjust the volume for this virtual ear. &Listener No action available... Unable to %1 into %2 - Adding the respective access (password) token might grant you access. No more listeners allowed in this channel. You are not allowed to listen to more channels than you currently are. You started listening to %1 %1 started listening to your channel You stopped listening to %1 %1 stopped listening to your channel Talking UI Toggles the visibility of the TalkingUI. Join user's channel Joins the channel of this user. Channels and users Activity log Chat message Disable Text-To-Speech Locally disable Text-To-Speech for this user's text chat messages. Silently disables Text-To-Speech for all text messages from the user. Tree Channel Kanalas Private %1: %2 (%1) %2 Configuration file %1 does not exist or is not writable. Hide/show main window Global Shortcut &Set Nickname... Set a local nickname Sets a local nickname for another user. Usage: mumble rpc <action> [options] It is possible to remote control a running instance of Mumble by using the 'mumble rpc' command. Valid actions are: mute Mute self unmute Unmute self togglemute Toggle self-mute status deaf Deafen self undeaf Undeafen self toggledeaf Toggle self-deafen status starttalking Start talking stoptalking Stop talking Usage: mumble [options] [<url> | <plugin_list>] <url> specifies a URL to connect to after startup instead of showing the connection window, and has the following form: mumble://[<username>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>][/<channel>[/<subchannel>...]][?version=<x.y.z>] <plugin_list> is a list of plugin files that shall be installed The version query parameter has to be set in order to invoke the correct client version. It currently defaults to 1.2.0. Valid options are: -h, --help Show this help text and exit. -m, --multiple Allow multiple instances of the client to be started. -c, --config Specify an alternative configuration file. If you use this to run multiple instances of Mumble at once, make sure to set an alternative 'database' value in the config. -n, --noidentity Suppress loading of identity files (i.e., certificates.) -jn, --jackname <arg> Set custom Jack client name. --license Show the Mumble license. --authors Show the Mumble authors. --third-party-licenses Show licenses for third-party software used by Mumble. --window-title-ext <arg> Sets a custom window title extension. --dump-input-streams Dump PCM streams at various parts of the input chain (useful for debugging purposes) - raw microphone input - speaker readback for echo cancelling - processed microphone input --print-echocancel-queue Print on stdout the echo cancellation queue state (useful for debugging purposes) --translation-dir <dir> Specifies an additional translation fir <dir> in which Mumble will search for translation files that overwrite the bundled ones Directories added this way have higher priority than the default locations used otherwise --print-translation-dirs Print out the paths in which Mumble will search for translation files that overwrite the bundled ones. (Useful for translators testing their translations) --locale <locale> Overwrite the locale in Mumble's settings with a locale that corresponds to the given locale string. If the format is invalid, Mumble will error. Otherwise the locale will be permanently saved to Mumble's settings. Manual Manual Mumble Positional Audio Position Pozicija X X Y Y Z Z m Heading Azimuth Elevation ° ° Meta data Metaduomenys Context Kontekstas Identity Tapatybė Set State Unhinge Link Activate Display Rodyti How long silent user's positions should stay marked after they have stopped talking (in seconds). Silent user displaytime: NetworkConfig Network Tinklas Connection Ryšys Use TCP compatibility mode Use TCP compatability mode Naudoti TCP suderinamumo veikseną <b>Enable TCP compatibility mode</b>.<br />This will make Mumble use only TCP when communicating with the server. This will increase overhead and cause lost packets to produce noticeable pauses in communication, so this should only be used if you are unable to use the default (which uses UDP for voice and TCP for control). Reconnect when disconnected Atsijungus, prisijungti iš naujo <b>Reconnect when disconnected</b>.<br />This will make Mumble try to automatically reconnect after 10 seconds if your server connection fails. <b>Atsijungus, prisijungti iš naujo</b>.<br />Tai padarys, kad Mumble, nutrūkus ryšiui su serveriu, automatiškai po 10 sekundžių bandytų prisijungti iš naujo. Reconnect automatically Automatiškai prisijungti iš naujo Proxy Įgaliotasis serveris Type Tipas Type of proxy to connect through Įgaliotojo serverio, per kurį jungtis, tipas Direct connection Tiesioginis ryšys HTTP(S) proxy HTTP(S) įgaliotasis serveris SOCKS5 proxy SOCKS5 įgaliotasis serveris Hostname Hostname of the proxy Force TCP mode Priverstinė TCP veiksena Enable QoS to prioritize packets This will enable QoS, which will attempt to prioritize voice packets over other traffic. Use Quality of Service Don't send certificate to server and don't save passwords. (Not saved). <b>This will suppress identity information from the client.</b><p>The client will not identify itself with a certificate, even if defined, and will not cache passwords for connections. This is primarily a test-option and is not saved.</p> Suppress certificate and password storage <b>Type of proxy to connect through.</b><br />This makes Mumble connect through a proxy for all outgoing connections. Note: Proxy tunneling forces Mumble into TCP compatibility mode, causing all voice data to be sent via the control channel. <b>Hostname of the proxy.</b><br />This field specifies the hostname of the proxy you wish to tunnel network traffic through. Port Prievadas Port number of the proxy Įgaliotojo serverio prievado numeris <b>Port number of the proxy.</b><br />This field specifies the port number that the proxy expects connections on. Username Naudotojo vardas Username for proxy authentication <b>Username for proxy authentication.</b><br />This specifies the username you use for authenticating yourself with the proxy. In case the proxy does not use authentication, or you want to connect anonymously, simply leave this field blank. Password Slaptažodis Password for proxy authentication <b>Password for proxy authentication.</b><br />This specifies the password you use for authenticating yourself with the proxy. In case the proxy does not use authentication, or you want to connect anonymously, simply leave this field blank. Mumble services Mumble tarnybos Check for new releases of Mumble automatically. Automatiškai tikrinti naujas Mumble laidas. This will check for new releases of Mumble every time you start the program, and notify you if one is available. Check for application updates on startup Check for new releases of plugins automatically. Automatiškai tikrinti ar yra naujų įskiepių laidų. This will check for new releases of plugins every time you start the program, and download them automatically. Tai, kas kartą jums paleidus programą, tikrins ar yra naujų įskiepių laidų ir automatiškai jas atsisiųs. <b>Submit anonymous statistics.</b><br />Mumble has a small development team, and as such needs to focus its development where it is needed most. By submitting a bit of statistics you help the project determine where to focus development. Submit anonymous statistics to the Mumble project Pateikti Mumble projektui anoniminę statistiką Submit anonymous statistics Siųsti anoniminę statistiką Reconnect to last used server when starting Mumble Paleidžiant Mumble, iš naujo prisijungti prie paskutinio naudoto serverio Reconnect to last server on startup Paleidus programą, iš naujo prisijungti prie paskutinio serverio Privacy Privatumas Prevent OS information being sent to Mumble servers and web servers Neleisti siųsti OS informaciją į Mumble serverius ir saityno serverius <b>Don't send OS information to servers</b><br/> Prevents the client from sending potentially identifying information about the operating system to the Mumble server and web servers. Do not send OS information to Mumble servers and web servers Nesiųsti OS informaciją į Mumble serverius ir saityno serverius When toggled this hides the public server list from the connect dialog Hide public server list Check for plugin updates on startup Automatically download and install plugin updates Overlay Silent Talking Kalbėjimo Whisper Šnabždesys Shout Channel Kanalas Failed to create communication with overlay at %2: %1. No overlay will be available. OverlayClient Filter Filtras Only talking Tik kalbantys Talking and recently active Kalbantys ir paskiausiai aktyvūs All in current channel Visi esamame kanale All in linked channels Visi susietuose kanaluose Always show yourself Visada rodyti mane Configure recently active time (%1 seconds)... Konfigūruoti paskiausiai aktyvių laiką (%1 sekundės)... Columns Stulpeliai Sort Rikiuoti Alphabetically Pagal abėcėlę Last state change Edit... Keisti... Reset Zoom Atstatyti mastelį Configure recently active time Konfigūruoti paskiausiai aktyvių laiką Amount of seconds users remain active after talking: OverlayConfig To move the users, drag the little red dot. Norėdami perkelti naudotojus, tempkite raudoną taškelį. To resize the users, mouse wheel over a user. To resize the users, mousewheel over a user. Norėdami keisti naudotojų dydį, slinkite virš jų pelės ratuką. For more options, right click a user. For more options, rightclick a user. Launcher Filter Overlay Perdanga Choose executable Choose application Choose path Load Overlay Presets Mumble overlay presets (*.mumblelay) Save Overlay Presets Options Parinktys Enable overlay. Įjungti perdangą. Enable Overlay Įjungti perdangą This sets whether the overlay is enabled or not. This setting is only checked when applications are started, so make sure Mumble is running and this option is on before you start the application.<br />Please note that if you start Mumble after starting the application, or if you disable the overlay while the application is running, there is no safe way to restart the overlay without also restarting the application. This sets whether the overlay is enabled or not. This setting is only checked when applications are started, so make sure Mumble is running and this option is on before you start the application.<br />Please note that if you start the application after starting Mumble, or if you disable the overlay while running, there is no safe way to restart the overlay without also restarting the application. Layout Išdėstymas Blacklist Whitelist Uninstall Overlay Pašalinti perdangą Overlay Installation Perdangos įdiegimas Mumble has detected that you do not have the Mumble Overlay installed. Click the button below to install the overlay. Mumble aptiko, kad neturite įdiegę Mumble perdangos. Spustelėkite mygtuką žemiau, norėdami įdiegti perdangą. Install Mumble Overlay Įdiegti Mumble perdangą Overlay Upgrade Perdangos naujinimas Mumble has detected an old version of the overlay support files installed on your computer. To upgrade these files to their latest versions, click the button below. Mumble jūsų kompiuteryje aptiko įdiegtą senąją perdangos palaikymo failų versiją. Norėdami naujinti šiuos failus į naujausią versiją, spustelėkite mygtuką žemiau. Upgrade Mumble Overlay Naujinti Mumble perdangą Display a frame counter in the overlay Rodyti perdangoje kadrų skaitiklį Show FPS counter Rodyti kadr./s skaitiklį Load an overlay preset from file Įkelti išankstines perdangos parinktis iš failo Load… Įkelti... Save your overlay settings to file Įrašyti jūsų perdangos nustatymus į failą Save… Įrašyti... Set the overlay font. Nustatyti perdangos šriftą. Set the overlay text color. Nustatyti perdangos teksto spalvą. Color Spalva Remove Šalinti Font Šriftas FPS and Clock Display Kadr./s ir laikrodžio rodymas Display a clock in the overlay showing the current local time (system time). Rodyti perdangoje laikrodį, rodantį dabartinį vietinį laiką (sistemos laiką). Show Clock Rodyti laikrodį Overlay Exceptions Perdangos išimtys Overlay Exception Mode Perdangos išimčių veiksena Allowed launchers Add Pridėti Allowed programs Allowed paths Blacklisted programs OverlayEditor State Būsena User is not talking Naudotojas nekalba Passive Pasyvi User is talking in your channel or a linked channel Talking Kalbėjimo User is whispering to you privately Private Whisper User is shouting to your channel Channel Whisper Zoom Mastelis Zoom Factor Enabled Elements Įjungti elementai User avatar, chosen by each user Naudotojo avataras, pasirenkamas kiekvieno naudotojo Avatar Avataras User's name Naudotojo vardas Username Naudotojo vardas Name of user's channel, if outside your current channel Naudotojo kanalo pavadinimas, jeigu naudotojas yra už jūsų dabartinio kanalo ribų Channel Kanalas Muted or deafened Mute state Nutildymo būsena Bounding box, automatically shrunk to minimum size to contain all visible elements Bounding box Overlay Editor Perdangos redaktorius Zoom level OverlayEditorScene Layout preset Large square avatar Didelis kvadratinis avataras Avatar and Name User Opacity %1% %1% Object Opacity Alignment Lygiavimas Left Kairė Center Centras Right Dešinė Top Viršus Bottom Apačia Color... Spalva... Font... Šriftas... Bounding box Pen width Padding Pen color Fill color Pick pen color Pick fill color Pick color Pick font PluginConfig Plugins Įskiepiai Plugin has no configure function. Įskiepis neturi konfigūravimo funkcijos. Plugin has no about function. Įskiepis neturi "apie" funkcijos. Options Parinktys Enable plugins and transmit positional information Įjungti įskiepius ir perduoti pozicinę informaciją This allows plugins for supported games to fetch your in-game position and transmit it with each voice packet. This enables other users to hear your voice in-game from the direction your character is in relation to their own. Tai leidžia įskiepiams palaikomuose žaidimuose gauti jūsų poziciją žaidime ir perduoti ją su kiekvienu balso paketu. Tai leidžia kitiems naudotojams girdėti žaidime jūsų balsą iš tos vietos, kurioje yra jūsų veikėjas jų veikėjo atžvilgiu. Link to Game and Transmit Position Susieti su žaidimu ir perduoti poziciją Reloads all plugins Iš naujo įkelti visus įskiepius This rescans and reloads plugins. Use this if you just added or changed a plugin to the plugins directory. Tai peržiūri ir iš naujo įkelia įskiepius. Naudokite tai, jeigu jūs ką tik į įskiepių katalogą pridėjote ar pakeitėte įskiepį. &Reload plugins &Iš naujo įkelti įskiepius Information about plugin Informacija apie įskiepį This shows a small information message about the plugin. Tai rodo mažą informacinį pranešimą apie įskiepį. &About &Apie Show configuration page of plugin Rodyti įskiepio konfigūravimo puslapį This shows the configuration page of the plugin, if any. Tai rodo įskiepio konfigūracijos puslapį, jei toks yra. &Configure &Konfigūruoti Name Pavadinimas Enable Įjungti PA KeyEvents Install a plugin from a local file Install plugin... Unload the currently selected plugin. This will remove it from the plugin list for the current session. Unload The plugin was installed successfully Unable to deactivate all requested features for plugin "%1" Unable to load plugin "%1" Whether the positional audio feature of this plugin should be enabled This plugin does not provide support for positional audio Whether this plugin has the permission to be listening to all keyboard events that occur while Mumble has focus Whether this plugin should be enabled PluginInstaller PluginInstaller You are about to install the plugin listed below. Do you wish to proceed? <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Name:</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Version:</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Author(s):</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Description:</span></p></body></html> &No &Yes The file "%1" is not a valid plugin file! Found more than one plugin library for the current OS in "%1" ("%2" and "%3")! Unable to find a plugin for the current OS in "%1" Unable to load plugin "%1" - check the plugin interface! Unable to delete old plugin at "%1" Unable to copy plugin library from "%1" to "%2" Unable to move plugin library to "%1" PluginManager %1 lost link %1 linked Plugin "%1" encountered a permanent error in positional data gathering Non-plugin found in plugin directory: "%1" Failed at loading manual plugin: %1 PluginUpdater PluginUpdater The following plugins can be updated. Select all Plugin Download-URL Do you want to update the selected plugins? Unable to download plugin update for "%1" from "%2" (%3) Update for plugin "%1" failed due to too many redirects Unable to download plugin update for "%1" from "%2" (HTTP status code %3) Successfully updated plugin "%1" PortAudioSystem Default device Numatytasis įrenginys PulseAudioSystem Default Input Numatytoji įvestis Default Output Numatytoji išvestis QApplication Failed to restart mumble Nepavyko iš naujo paleisti Mumble Mumble failed to restart itself. Please restart it manually. Programai Mumble nepavyko paleisti savęs iš naujo. Prašome paleisti ją iš naujo rankiniu būdu. Mumble is currently connected to a server QObject CodecInit: Failed to load Opus, it will not be available for encoding/decoding audio. Talking UI Echo cancellation is not supported for the interface combination "%1" (in) and "%2" (out). <p>If you're using Linux this is most likely because you are using a version from your distribution's package repository that have their own update cycles.</p><p>If you want to always have the most recent Mumble version, you should consider using a different method of installation. See <a href="">the Mumble wiki</a> for what alternatives there are.</p> Local Mute Ignore Messages Nepaisyti žinučių Disable Text-To-Speech "%1" could not be saved permanently and is lost on restart because %2 does not have a certificate. Local Volume Adjustment... Vietinio garsio reguliavimas... <p>You're using a Mumble version that <b>explicitly disabled</b> update-checks.</p><p>This means that the update notification you might receive by using this option will <b>most likely be meaningless</b> for you.</p> Talking (muted) All messages Toggle console for all events Toggle pop-up notifications for all events Toggle window highlight (if not active) for all events Click here to toggle sound notifications for all events Toggle Text-to-Speech for all events RNNoise is not available due to a sample rate mismatch. Reset all settings? Do you really want to reset all settings (not only the ones currently visible) to their default value? Local Nickname Adjustment... <b>Blocked URL scheme "%1"</b> The URL uses a scheme that has been blocked for security reasons. Blocked URL: "%1" Default Device Numatytasis įrenginys Access to the microphone was denied. Please allow Mumble to use the microphone by changing the settings in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Microphone. Access to the microphone was denied due to system restrictions. You will not be ableto use the microphone in this session. If enabled this tries to cancel out echo from the audio stream. Disabled Išjungta Echo cancellation is disabled. Mixed echo cancellation (speex) Mixed has low CPU impact, but only works well if your speakers are equally loud and equidistant from the microphone. Multichannel echo cancellation (speex) Multichannel echo cancellation provides much better echo cancellation, but at a higher CPU cost. Multichannel echo cancellation requires more CPU, so you should try mixed first. The provided URL uses an invalid version format: "%1" The directories in which Mumble searches for extra translation files are: Invocation EXPERIMENTAL: Acoustic echo cancellation (Apple). The support for this option is experimental only! This option works best when using built-in microphone and speaker. RichTextEditor Failed to load image Nepavyko įkelti paveikslo Image file too large to embed in document. Please use images smaller than %1 kB. Message is too long. Žinutė per ilga. Display Rodyti Source Text Šaltinio tekstas &Bold &Pusjuodis Ctrl+B Ctrl+B &Italic &Kursyvas Italic Kursyvas Ctrl+I Ctrl+I Underline Pabraukimas Ctrl+U Ctrl+U Color Spalva Insert Link Įterpti nuorodą Ctrl+L Ctrl+L Insert Image Įterpti paveikslą RichTextEditorLink Add Link Pridėti nuorodą URL URL Text Tekstas ServerHandler Unable to resolve hostname Server is not responding to TCP pings UDP packets cannot be sent to or received from the server. Switching to TCP mode. UDP paketai negali būti išsiųsti ar gauti iš serverio. Perjungiama į TCP veikseną. UDP packets cannot be sent to the server. Switching to TCP mode. UDP paketai negali būti išsiųsti į serverį. Perjungiama į TCP veikseną. UDP packets cannot be received from the server. Switching to TCP mode. UDP paketai negali būti gauti iš serverio. Perjungiama į TCP veikseną. UDP packets can be sent to and received from the server. Switching back to UDP mode. UDP paketai gali būti išsiųsti ir gauti iš serverio. Perjungiama atgal į UDP veikseną. Connection timed out Pasibaigė ryšiui skirtas laikas ServerInformation Server information Server Information <b>Host:</b> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Port:</span></p></body></html> <b>Users</b>: <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Protocol:</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Release:</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">OS:</span></p></body></html> Audio <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Allowed:</span></p></body></html> <b>Current:</b> <b>Codec:</b> Connection details UDP (Voice) <b>Encryption:</b> <b>Avg. latency:</b> Statistics Good Gerai Late Pavėluota Lost Prarasta Resync Outgoing Incoming Voice packets is currently sent over TCP. TCP (Control) <b>TLS version:</b> <b>Cipher suite:</b> <forward secrecy> &View certificate &Ok Unknown The connection provides perfect forward secrecy. The connection does NOT provide perfect forward secrecy. No information about forward secrecy available. ServerView Favorite Mėgstami LAN Public Internet Viešas internetas ShortcutActionWidget Unassigned Nepriskirta ShortcutDelegate On Įjungta Off Išjungta Toggle Unassigned Nepriskirta No buttons assigned Press to show button combination ShortcutTargetDialog Root Parent Current Subchannel #%1 ShortcutTargetWidget ... ... , , Root Parent Current Subchannel #%1 Invalid Empty <Empty> Current selection ShortcutToggleWidget Off Išjungta Toggle On Įjungta TextMessage Enter text If checked the message is recursively sent to all subchannels Jei pažymėta, žinutė bus rekursyviai išsiųsta į visus pokanalius Send recursively to subchannels Siųsti rekursyviai į pokanalius Message Žinutė Tokens Empty Token Tuščias prieigos raktas Mumble - Access Tokens Mumble - Prieigos raktai List of access tokens on current server Esamame serveryje esančių prieigos raktų sąrašas <b>This is an editable list of access tokens on the connected server.</b> <br /> An access token is a text string, which can be used as a password for very simple access management on channels. Mumble will remember the tokens you've used and resend them to the server next time you reconnect, so you don't have to enter these every time. <b>Tai yra redaguojamas prisijungtame serveryje esančių prieigos raktų sąrašas.</b> <br /> Prieigos raktas yra tekstinė eilutė, kuri gali būti naudojama kaip slaptažodis ir kuri yra skirta lengvam prieigos tvarkymui kanaluose. Mumble prisimins jūsų naudotus prieigos raktus ir kitą kartą jums vėl prisijungus prie serverio, išsiųs juos iš naujo, taigi, tokiu būdu jums nereikės kas kartą juos įvedinėti. Add a token Pridėti prieigos raktą &Add &Pridėti Remove a token Šalinti prieigos raktą &Remove Ša&linti Tokens UserEdit Registered Users Registruoti naudotojai Remove Šalinti Rename Pervadinti Who are you looking for? Ko ieškote? Days Weeks Months Years Inactive for Registered users: %n account(s) Registruoti naudotojai: %n paskyra Registruoti naudotojai: %n paskyros Registruoti naudotojai: %n paskyrų Search User list UserInformation User Information Naudotojo informacija Connection Information Ryšio informacija Version Versija OS OS Certificate Liudijimas IP Address IP adresas CELT Versions CELT versijos Details... Išsamiau... Ping Statistics Ping statistika Pings received Gauta ping Average ping Vidutinis ping TCP (Control) UDP (Voice) UDP Network statistics UDP tinklo statistika Good Gerai Late Pavėluota Lost Prarasta Resync From Client Nuo kliento To Client Klientui Connection time Ryšio laikas %1w %1sav. %1d %1d. %1h %1val. %1m %1min. %1s %1s , , %1 (%2) %1.%2.%3 (%4) %1 (%2) Supported Palaikoma Not Supported Nepalaikoma Not Reported %1 online (%2 idle) %1 prisijungęs (%2 neveiklus) %1 online %1 prisijungęs %1 kbit/s %1 kbit/s Bandwidth GroupBox Siuntimo sparta Bandwidth Label Siuntimo sparta Ping deviation Ping nuokrypis UserListModel Nick Slapyvardis Inactive days Last channel Last seen: %1 Paskutinį kartą matytas: %1 Never Niekada Channel ID: %1 Kanalo ID: %1 UserLocalNicknameDialog Local nickname for other users <b>Adjust the nickname of other users locally</b><br /> User nickname Adjusting local nickname for %1 UserLocalVolumeDialog Local volume for other users Kitų naudotojų vietinis garsis <b>Adjust the volume of other users locally</b><br />Mumble supports adjusting the volume of other users locally. Adjusting local volume for %1 Vietinio garsio reguliavimas naudotojui %1 dB dB <html><head/><body><p>Use the slider or the text box to change the volume of the user.</p><p><span style="font-weight:600;">Attention!</span></p><p>Increasing the volume of a user too much can permanently damage your hearing. It may also increase the background noise of the user.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Naudokite slinktuką arba tekstinį langelį, kad pakeistumėte naudotojo garsį.</p><p><span style="font-weight:600;">Dėmesio!</span></p><p>Per didelis naudotojo garsio padidinimas gali visiems laikams pažeisti jūsų klausą. Be to, jis taip pat gali padidinti naudotojo foninį triukšmą.</p></body></html> User volume UserModel This is a user connected to the server. The icon to the left of the user indicates whether or not they are talking: Tai yra prie serverio prisijungęs naudotojas. Iš kairės nuo naudotojo esanti piktograma nurodo ar naudotojas kalba ar ne: Talking to your channel. Kalba jūsų kanalui. Shouting directly to your channel. Whispering directly to your channel. Šaukia tiesiogiai jūsų kanalui. Whispering directly to you. Šnabžda tiesiogiai jums. Not talking. Nekalba. This is a channel on the server. The icon indicates the state of the channel: Tai yra kanalas serveryje. Piktograma nurodo kanalo būseną: Your current channel. A channel that is linked with your channel. Linked channels can talk to each other. A channel on the server that you are not linked to. This shows the flags the user has on the server, if any: On your friend list Authenticated user Muted (manually muted by self) Muted (manually muted by admin) Muted (not allowed to speak in current channel) Muted (muted by you, only on your machine) Muted (push-to-mute) Deafened (by self) Deafened (by admin) User has a new comment set (click to show) User has a comment set, which you've already seen. (click to show) Ignoring Text Messages This shows the flags the channel has, if any: Channel has a new comment set (click to show) Kanale yra nustatytas naujas komentaras (spustelėkite, norėdami rodyti) Channel has a comment set, which you've already seen. (click to show) Kanale yra nustatytas komentaras, kurį jau matėte. (spustelėkite, norėdami rodyti) Channel will be hidden when filtering is enabled Įjungus filtravimą, kanalas bus paslėptas Name Flags Vėliavėlės Are you sure you want to drag this user? Are you sure you want to drag this channel? Ar tikrai norite tempti šį kanalą? Cannot perform this movement automatically, please reset the numeric sorting indicators or adjust it manually. Talking while being muted on your end This is a channel listener. The corresponding user hears everything you say in this channel. Channel has access restrictions so that you can't enter it Channel has access restrictions but you can enter nonetheless VersionCheck Upgrade Mumble Naujinti Mumble A new version of Mumble has been detected and automatically downloaded. It is recommended that you either upgrade to this version, or downgrade to the latest stable release. Do you want to launch the installer now? Buvo aptikta ir automatiškai atsiųsta nauja Mumble versija. Yra rekomenduojama, kad jūs arba naujintumėte iki šios versijos, arba sendintumėte iki naujausios stabilios laidos. Ar norėtumėte paleisti diegimo programą dabar? Failed to launch snapshot installer. Nepavyko paleisti momentinės kopijos diegimo programos. Corrupt download of new version detected. Automatically removed. Aptiktas pažeistas naujos versijos atsiuntimas. Automatiškai pašalintas. Downloading new snapshot from %1 to %2 Atsiunčiama nauja momentinė kopija iš %1 į %2 Failed to write new version to disk. Failed to write new version to disc. Nepavyko įrašyti naujos versijos į diską. Mumble failed to retrieve version information from the central server. Programai Mumble nepavyko iš centrinio serverio gauti versijos informacijos. ViewCert Certificate Chain Details Išsamesnė liudijimų grandinės informacija Certificate chain Liudijimų grandinė Certificate details Išsamesnė liudijimo informacija Common Name Bendrinis pavadinimas Organization Organizacija Subunit Country Šalis Locality Vietovė State Valstija/Regionas Valid from: %1 Galioja nuo: %1 Valid to: %1 Galioja iki: %1 Serial: %1 Numeris: %1 Public Key: %1 bits %2 Viešasis raktas: %1 bitų %2 RSA RSA DSA DSA Digest (SHA-1): %1 Maišos reikšmė (SHA-1): %1 Digest (SHA-256): %1 Maišos reikšmė (SHA-256): %1 Email: %1 El. paštas: %1 DNS: %1 DNS: %1 Issued by: Išdavė: Unit Name Padalinio pavadinimas VoiceRecorder Recorder failed to create directory '%1' Rašytuvui nepavyko sukurti katalogo "%1" Recorder failed to open file '%1' Rašytuvui nepavyko atverti failo "%1" .wav - Uncompressed .wav - Nesuglaudintas .ogg (Vorbis) - Compressed .ogg (Vorbis) - Suglaudintas .au - Uncompressed .au - Nesuglaudintas .flac - Lossless compressed .flac - Nenuostolingasis suglaudintas VoiceRecorderDialog Recorder Rašytuvas Control Valdymas 00:00:00 00:00:00 &Start &Pradėti S&top S&tabdyti Mode Veiksena Multichannel Daugiakanalė Output Išvestis Output format Išvesties formatas Target directory Paskirties katalogas Filename Failo pavadinimas &Browse... &Naršyti... Valid variables are: Teisingi kintamieji yra: Inserts the user's name Įterpia naudotojo vardą Inserts the current date Įterpia esamą datą Inserts the current time Įterpia esamą laiką Inserts the hostname Įterpia serverį Recorder still running Rašytuvas yra vis dar vykdomas Closing the recorder without stopping it will discard unwritten audio. Do you really want to close the recorder? Rašytuvo užvėrimas, jo nesustabdžius, atmes neįrašytą garsą. Ar tikrai norite užverti rašytuvą? Unable to start recording. Not connected to a server. The server you are currently connected to is version 1.2.2 or older. For privacy reasons, recording on servers of versions older than 1.2.3 is not possible. Please contact your server administrator for further information. There is already a recorder active for this server. Please select a recording format. Prašome pasirinkti įrašymo formatą. Stopping Select target directory Pasirinkite paskirties katalogą Downmix WASAPIInput Access to the microphone was denied. Please check that your operating system's microphone settings allow Mumble to use the microphone. WASAPISystem Default Device Numatytasis įrenginys qwPTTButtonWidget Mumble PTT Push to talk