// Copyright 2005-2019 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #include "User.h" #include "Channel.h" #include "ACL.h" #include "Group.h" #include "Message.h" #include "ServerDB.h" #include "Connection.h" #include "Server.h" #include "ServerUser.h" #include "Version.h" #include "CryptState.h" #include #include #define RATELIMIT(user) \ if (user->leakyBucket.ratelimit(1)) { \ return; \ } #define MSG_SETUP(st) \ if (uSource->sState != st) { \ return; \ } \ uSource->bwr.resetIdleSeconds() #define MSG_SETUP_NO_UNIDLE(st) \ if (uSource->sState != st) \ return #define VICTIM_SETUP \ ServerUser *pDstServerUser = uSource; \ if (msg.has_session()) \ pDstServerUser = qhUsers.value(msg.session()); \ if (! pDstServerUser) \ return; \ Q_UNUSED(pDstServerUser) #define PERM_DENIED(who, where, what) \ { \ MumbleProto::PermissionDenied mppd; \ mppd.set_permission(static_cast(what)); \ mppd.set_channel_id(where->iId); \ mppd.set_session(who->uiSession); \ mppd.set_type(MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_Permission); \ sendMessage(uSource, mppd); \ log(uSource, QString("%1 not allowed to %2 in %3").arg(who->qsName).arg(ChanACL::permName(what)).arg(where->qsName)); \ } #define PERM_DENIED_TYPE(type) \ { \ MumbleProto::PermissionDenied mppd; \ mppd.set_type(MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_##type); \ sendMessage(uSource, mppd); \ } #define PERM_DENIED_FALLBACK(type,version,text) \ { \ MumbleProto::PermissionDenied mppd; \ mppd.set_type(MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_##type); \ if (uSource->uiVersion < version) \ mppd.set_reason(u8(text)); \ sendMessage(uSource, mppd); \ } #define PERM_DENIED_HASH(user) \ { \ MumbleProto::PermissionDenied mppd; \ mppd.set_type(MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_MissingCertificate); \ if (user) \ mppd.set_session(user->uiSession); \ sendMessage(uSource, mppd); \ } void Server::msgAuthenticate(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::Authenticate &msg) { if ((msg.tokens_size() > 0) || (uSource->sState == ServerUser::Authenticated)) { QStringList qsl; for (int i=0;iqslAccessTokens = qsl; } clearACLCache(uSource); } MSG_SETUP(ServerUser::Connected); Channel *root = qhChannels.value(0); Channel *c; uSource->qsName = u8(msg.username()); bool ok = false; bool nameok = validateUserName(uSource->qsName); QString pw = u8(msg.password()); // Fetch ID and stored username. // Since this may call DBus, which may recall our dbus messages, this function needs // to support re-entrancy, and also to support the fact that sessions may go away. int id = authenticate(uSource->qsName, pw, uSource->uiSession, uSource->qslEmail, uSource->qsHash, uSource->bVerified, uSource->peerCertificateChain()); uSource->iId = id >= 0 ? id : -1; QString reason; MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType rtType = MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_None; if (id==-2 && ! nameok) { reason = "Invalid username"; rtType = MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_InvalidUsername; } else if (id==-1) { reason = "Wrong certificate or password for existing user"; rtType = MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_WrongUserPW; } else if (id==-2 && ! qsPassword.isEmpty() && qsPassword != pw) { reason = "Invalid server password"; rtType = MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_WrongServerPW; } else if (id==-3) { reason = "Your account information can not be verified currently. Please try again later"; rtType = MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_AuthenticatorFail; } else { ok = true; } ServerUser *uOld = NULL; foreach(ServerUser *u, qhUsers) { if (u == uSource) continue; if (((u->iId>=0) && (u->iId == uSource->iId)) || (u->qsName.toLower() == uSource->qsName.toLower())) { uOld = u; break; } } // Allow reuse of name from same IP if (ok && uOld && (uSource->iId == -1)) { if ((uOld->peerAddress() != uSource->peerAddress()) && (uSource->qsHash.isEmpty() || (uSource->qsHash != uOld->qsHash))) { reason = "Username already in use"; rtType = MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_UsernameInUse; ok = false; } } if ((id != 0) && (qhUsers.count() > iMaxUsers)) { reason = QString::fromLatin1("Server is full (max %1 users)").arg(iMaxUsers); rtType = MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_ServerFull; ok = false; } if ((id != 0) && (uSource->qsHash.isEmpty() && bCertRequired)) { reason = QString::fromLatin1("A certificate is required to connect to this server"); rtType = MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_NoCertificate; ok = false; } Channel *lc; if (bRememberChan) { lc = qhChannels.value(readLastChannel(uSource->iId)); } else { lc = qhChannels.value(iDefaultChan); } if (! lc || ! hasPermission(uSource, lc, ChanACL::Enter) || isChannelFull(lc, uSource)) { lc = qhChannels.value(iDefaultChan); if (! lc || ! hasPermission(uSource, lc, ChanACL::Enter) || isChannelFull(lc, uSource)) { lc = root; if (isChannelFull(lc, uSource)) { reason = QString::fromLatin1("Server channels are full"); rtType = MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_ServerFull; ok = false; } } } if (! ok) { log(uSource, QString("Rejected connection from %1: %2") .arg(addressToString(uSource->peerAddress(), uSource->peerPort()), reason)); MumbleProto::Reject mpr; mpr.set_reason(u8(reason)); mpr.set_type(rtType); sendMessage(uSource, mpr); uSource->disconnectSocket(); return; } startThread(); // Kick ghost if (uOld) { log(uSource, "Disconnecting ghost"); MumbleProto::UserRemove mpur; mpur.set_session(uOld->uiSession); mpur.set_reason("You connected to the server from another device"); sendMessage(uOld, mpur); uOld->forceFlush(); uOld->disconnectSocket(true); } // Setup UDP encryption { QMutexLocker l(&uSource->qmCrypt); uSource->csCrypt.genKey(); MumbleProto::CryptSetup mpcrypt; mpcrypt.set_key(std::string(reinterpret_cast(uSource->csCrypt.raw_key), AES_KEY_SIZE_BYTES)); mpcrypt.set_server_nonce(std::string(reinterpret_cast(uSource->csCrypt.encrypt_iv), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)); mpcrypt.set_client_nonce(std::string(reinterpret_cast(uSource->csCrypt.decrypt_iv), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)); sendMessage(uSource, mpcrypt); } bool fake_celt_support = false; if (msg.celt_versions_size() > 0) { for (int i=0;i < msg.celt_versions_size(); ++i) uSource->qlCodecs.append(msg.celt_versions(i)); } else { uSource->qlCodecs.append(static_cast(0x8000000b)); fake_celt_support = true; } uSource->bOpus = msg.opus(); recheckCodecVersions(uSource); MumbleProto::CodecVersion mpcv; mpcv.set_alpha(iCodecAlpha); mpcv.set_beta(iCodecBeta); mpcv.set_prefer_alpha(bPreferAlpha); mpcv.set_opus(bOpus); sendMessage(uSource, mpcv); if (!bOpus && uSource->bOpus && fake_celt_support) { sendTextMessage(NULL, uSource, false, QLatin1String("WARNING: Your client doesn't support the CELT codec, you won't be able to talk to or hear most clients. Please make sure your client was built with CELT support.")); } // Transmit channel tree QQueue q; QSet chans; q << root; MumbleProto::ChannelState mpcs; while (! q.isEmpty()) { c = q.dequeue(); chans.insert(c); mpcs.Clear(); mpcs.set_channel_id(c->iId); if (c->cParent) mpcs.set_parent(c->cParent->iId); if (c->iId == 0) mpcs.set_name(u8(qsRegName.isEmpty() ? QLatin1String("Root") : qsRegName)); else mpcs.set_name(u8(c->qsName)); mpcs.set_position(c->iPosition); if ((uSource->uiVersion >= 0x010202) && ! c->qbaDescHash.isEmpty()) mpcs.set_description_hash(blob(c->qbaDescHash)); else if (! c->qsDesc.isEmpty()) mpcs.set_description(u8(c->qsDesc)); mpcs.set_max_users(c->uiMaxUsers); sendMessage(uSource, mpcs); foreach(c, c->qlChannels) q.enqueue(c); } // Transmit links foreach(c, chans) { if (c->qhLinks.count() > 0) { mpcs.Clear(); mpcs.set_channel_id(c->iId); foreach(Channel *l, c->qhLinks.keys()) mpcs.add_links(l->iId); sendMessage(uSource, mpcs); } } // Transmit user profile MumbleProto::UserState mpus; userEnterChannel(uSource, lc, mpus); { QWriteLocker wl(&qrwlVoiceThread); uSource->sState = ServerUser::Authenticated; } mpus.set_session(uSource->uiSession); mpus.set_name(u8(uSource->qsName)); if (uSource->iId >= 0) { mpus.set_user_id(uSource->iId); hashAssign(uSource->qbaTexture, uSource->qbaTextureHash, getUserTexture(uSource->iId)); if (! uSource->qbaTextureHash.isEmpty()) mpus.set_texture_hash(blob(uSource->qbaTextureHash)); else if (! uSource->qbaTexture.isEmpty()) mpus.set_texture(blob(uSource->qbaTexture)); const QMap &info = getRegistration(uSource->iId); if (info.contains(ServerDB::User_Comment)) { hashAssign(uSource->qsComment, uSource->qbaCommentHash, info.value(ServerDB::User_Comment)); if (! uSource->qbaCommentHash.isEmpty()) mpus.set_comment_hash(blob(uSource->qbaCommentHash)); else if (! uSource->qsComment.isEmpty()) mpus.set_comment(u8(uSource->qsComment)); } } if (! uSource->qsHash.isEmpty()) mpus.set_hash(u8(uSource->qsHash)); if (uSource->cChannel->iId != 0) mpus.set_channel_id(uSource->cChannel->iId); sendAll(mpus, 0x010202); if ((uSource->qbaTexture.length() >= 4) && (qFromBigEndian(reinterpret_cast(uSource->qbaTexture.constData())) == 600 * 60 * 4)) mpus.set_texture(blob(uSource->qbaTexture)); if (! uSource->qsComment.isEmpty()) mpus.set_comment(u8(uSource->qsComment)); sendAll(mpus, ~ 0x010202); // Transmit other users profiles foreach(ServerUser *u, qhUsers) { if (u->sState != ServerUser::Authenticated) continue; if (u == uSource) continue; mpus.Clear(); mpus.set_session(u->uiSession); mpus.set_name(u8(u->qsName)); if (u->iId >= 0) mpus.set_user_id(u->iId); if (uSource->uiVersion >= 0x010202) { if (! u->qbaTextureHash.isEmpty()) mpus.set_texture_hash(blob(u->qbaTextureHash)); else if (! u->qbaTexture.isEmpty()) mpus.set_texture(blob(u->qbaTexture)); } else if ((uSource->qbaTexture.length() >= 4) && (qFromBigEndian(reinterpret_cast(uSource->qbaTexture.constData())) == 600 * 60 * 4)) { mpus.set_texture(blob(u->qbaTexture)); } if (u->cChannel->iId != 0) mpus.set_channel_id(u->cChannel->iId); if (u->bDeaf) mpus.set_deaf(true); else if (u->bMute) mpus.set_mute(true); if (u->bSuppress) mpus.set_suppress(true); if (u->bPrioritySpeaker) mpus.set_priority_speaker(true); if (u->bRecording) mpus.set_recording(true); if (u->bSelfDeaf) mpus.set_self_deaf(true); else if (u->bSelfMute) mpus.set_self_mute(true); if ((uSource->uiVersion >= 0x010202) && ! u->qbaCommentHash.isEmpty()) mpus.set_comment_hash(blob(u->qbaCommentHash)); else if (! u->qsComment.isEmpty()) mpus.set_comment(u8(u->qsComment)); if (! u->qsHash.isEmpty()) mpus.set_hash(u8(u->qsHash)); sendMessage(uSource, mpus); } // Send syncronisation packet MumbleProto::ServerSync mpss; mpss.set_session(uSource->uiSession); if (! qsWelcomeText.isEmpty()) mpss.set_welcome_text(u8(qsWelcomeText)); mpss.set_max_bandwidth(iMaxBandwidth); if (uSource->iId == 0) { mpss.set_permissions(ChanACL::All); } else { QMutexLocker qml(&qmCache); ChanACL::hasPermission(uSource, root, ChanACL::Enter, &acCache); mpss.set_permissions(acCache.value(uSource)->value(root)); } sendMessage(uSource, mpss); MumbleProto::ServerConfig mpsc; mpsc.set_allow_html(bAllowHTML); mpsc.set_message_length(iMaxTextMessageLength); mpsc.set_image_message_length(iMaxImageMessageLength); mpsc.set_max_users(iMaxUsers); sendMessage(uSource, mpsc); MumbleProto::SuggestConfig mpsug; if (! qvSuggestVersion.isNull()) mpsug.set_version(qvSuggestVersion.toUInt()); if (! qvSuggestPositional.isNull()) mpsug.set_positional(qvSuggestPositional.toBool()); if (! qvSuggestPushToTalk.isNull()) mpsug.set_push_to_talk(qvSuggestPushToTalk.toBool()); if (mpsug.ByteSize() > 0) { sendMessage(uSource, mpsug); } log(uSource, "Authenticated"); emit userConnected(uSource); } void Server::msgBanList(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::BanList &msg) { MSG_SETUP(ServerUser::Authenticated); QSet previousBans, newBans; if (! hasPermission(uSource, qhChannels.value(0), ChanACL::Ban)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, qhChannels.value(0), ChanACL::Ban); return; } if (msg.query()) { msg.clear_query(); msg.clear_bans(); foreach(const Ban &b, qlBans) { MumbleProto::BanList_BanEntry *be = msg.add_bans(); be->set_address(b.haAddress.toStdString()); be->set_mask(b.iMask); be->set_name(u8(b.qsUsername)); be->set_hash(u8(b.qsHash)); be->set_reason(u8(b.qsReason)); be->set_start(u8(b.qdtStart.toString(Qt::ISODate))); be->set_duration(b.iDuration); } sendMessage(uSource, msg); } else { previousBans = qlBans.toSet(); qlBans.clear(); for (int i=0;i < msg.bans_size(); ++i) { const MumbleProto::BanList_BanEntry &be = msg.bans(i); Ban b; b.haAddress = be.address(); b.iMask = be.mask(); b.qsUsername = u8(be.name()); b.qsHash = u8(be.hash()); b.qsReason = u8(be.reason()); if (be.has_start()) { b.qdtStart = QDateTime::fromString(u8(be.start()), Qt::ISODate); b.qdtStart.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC); } else { b.qdtStart = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toUTC(); } b.iDuration = be.duration(); if (b.isValid()) { qlBans << b; } } newBans = qlBans.toSet(); QSet removed = previousBans - newBans; QSet added = newBans - previousBans; foreach(const Ban &b, removed) { log(uSource, QString("Removed ban: %1").arg(b.toString())); } foreach(const Ban &b, added) { log(uSource, QString("New ban: %1").arg(b.toString())); } saveBans(); log(uSource, "Updated banlist"); } } void Server::msgReject(ServerUser *, MumbleProto::Reject &) { } void Server::msgServerSync(ServerUser *, MumbleProto::ServerSync &) { } void Server::msgPermissionDenied(ServerUser *, MumbleProto::PermissionDenied &) { } void Server::msgUDPTunnel(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::UDPTunnel &msg) { MSG_SETUP_NO_UNIDLE(ServerUser::Authenticated); const std::string &str = msg.packet(); int len = static_cast(str.length()); if (len < 1) return; QReadLocker rl(&qrwlVoiceThread); processMsg(uSource, str.data(), len); } void Server::msgUserState(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::UserState &msg) { MSG_SETUP(ServerUser::Authenticated); VICTIM_SETUP; Channel *root = qhChannels.value(0); /* First check all permissions involved */ if ((pDstServerUser->iId == 0) && (uSource->iId != 0)) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(SuperUser); return; } msg.set_session(pDstServerUser->uiSession); msg.set_actor(uSource->uiSession); if (msg.has_name()) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(UserName); return; } if (uSource == pDstServerUser) { RATELIMIT(uSource); } if (msg.has_channel_id()) { Channel *c = qhChannels.value(msg.channel_id()); if (!c || (c == pDstServerUser->cChannel)) return; if ((uSource != pDstServerUser) && (! hasPermission(uSource, pDstServerUser->cChannel, ChanACL::Move))) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, pDstServerUser->cChannel, ChanACL::Move); return; } if (! hasPermission(uSource, c, ChanACL::Move) && ! hasPermission(pDstServerUser, c, ChanACL::Enter)) { PERM_DENIED(pDstServerUser, c, ChanACL::Enter); return; } if (isChannelFull(c, uSource)) { PERM_DENIED_FALLBACK(ChannelFull, 0x010201, QLatin1String("Channel is full")); return; } } if (msg.has_mute() || msg.has_deaf() || msg.has_suppress() || msg.has_priority_speaker()) { if (pDstServerUser->iId == 0) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(SuperUser); return; } if (uSource->cChannel->bTemporary) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(TemporaryChannel); return; } if (! hasPermission(uSource, pDstServerUser->cChannel, ChanACL::MuteDeafen) || msg.suppress()) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, pDstServerUser->cChannel, ChanACL::MuteDeafen); return; } } QString comment; if (msg.has_comment()) { bool changed = false; comment = u8(msg.comment()); if (uSource != pDstServerUser) { if (! hasPermission(uSource, root, ChanACL::Move)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, root, ChanACL::Move); return; } if (comment.length() > 0) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(TextTooLong); return; } } if (! isTextAllowed(comment, changed)) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(TextTooLong); return; } if (changed) msg.set_comment(u8(comment)); } if (msg.has_texture()) { if (iMaxImageMessageLength > 0 && (msg.texture().length() > static_cast(iMaxImageMessageLength))) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(TextTooLong); return; } if (uSource != pDstServerUser) { if (! hasPermission(uSource, root, ChanACL::Move)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, root, ChanACL::Move); return; } if (msg.texture().length() > 0) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(TextTooLong); return; } } } if (msg.has_user_id()) { ChanACL::Perm p = (uSource == pDstServerUser) ? ChanACL::SelfRegister : ChanACL::Register; if ((pDstServerUser->iId >= 0) || ! hasPermission(uSource, root, p)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, root, p); return; } if (pDstServerUser->qsHash.isEmpty()) { PERM_DENIED_HASH(pDstServerUser); return; } } // Prevent self-targeting state changes from being applied to others if ((pDstServerUser != uSource) && (msg.has_self_deaf() || msg.has_self_mute() || msg.has_plugin_context() || msg.has_plugin_identity() || msg.has_recording())) { return; } /* -------------------- Permission checks done. Now act -------------------- */ bool bBroadcast = false; if (msg.has_texture()) { QByteArray qba = blob(msg.texture()); if (pDstServerUser->iId > 0) { // For registered users store the texture we just received in the database if (! setTexture(pDstServerUser->iId, qba)) { return; } } else { // For unregistered users or SuperUser only get the hash hashAssign(pDstServerUser->qbaTexture, pDstServerUser->qbaTextureHash, qba); } // The texture will be sent out later in this function bBroadcast = true; } // Writing to bSelfMute, bSelfDeaf and ssContext // requires holding a write lock on qrwlVoiceThread. { QWriteLocker wl(&qrwlVoiceThread); if (msg.has_self_deaf()) { uSource->bSelfDeaf = msg.self_deaf(); if (uSource->bSelfDeaf) msg.set_self_mute(true); bBroadcast = true; } if (msg.has_self_mute()) { uSource->bSelfMute = msg.self_mute(); if (! uSource->bSelfMute) { msg.set_self_deaf(false); uSource->bSelfDeaf = false; } bBroadcast = true; } if (msg.has_plugin_context()) { uSource->ssContext = msg.plugin_context(); // Make sure to clear this from the packet so we don't broadcast it msg.clear_plugin_context(); } } if (msg.has_plugin_identity()) { uSource->qsIdentity = u8(msg.plugin_identity()); // Make sure to clear this from the packet so we don't broadcast it msg.clear_plugin_identity(); } if (! comment.isNull()) { hashAssign(pDstServerUser->qsComment, pDstServerUser->qbaCommentHash, comment); if (pDstServerUser->iId >= 0) { QMap info; info.insert(ServerDB::User_Comment, pDstServerUser->qsComment); setInfo(pDstServerUser->iId, info); } bBroadcast = true; } if (msg.has_mute() || msg.has_deaf() || msg.has_suppress() || msg.has_priority_speaker()) { // Writing to bDeaf, bMute and bSuppress requires // holding a write lock on qrwlVoiceThread. QWriteLocker wl(&qrwlVoiceThread); if (msg.has_deaf()) { pDstServerUser->bDeaf = msg.deaf(); if (pDstServerUser->bDeaf) msg.set_mute(true); } if (msg.has_mute()) { pDstServerUser->bMute = msg.mute(); if (! pDstServerUser->bMute) { msg.set_deaf(false); pDstServerUser->bDeaf = false; } } if (msg.has_suppress()) pDstServerUser->bSuppress = msg.suppress(); if (msg.has_priority_speaker()) pDstServerUser->bPrioritySpeaker = msg.priority_speaker(); log(uSource, QString("Changed speak-state of %1 (%2 %3 %4 %5)").arg(QString(*pDstServerUser), QString::number(pDstServerUser->bMute), QString::number(pDstServerUser->bDeaf), QString::number(pDstServerUser->bSuppress), QString::number(pDstServerUser->bPrioritySpeaker))); bBroadcast = true; } if (msg.has_recording() && (pDstServerUser->bRecording != msg.recording())) { pDstServerUser->bRecording = msg.recording(); MumbleProto::TextMessage mptm; mptm.add_tree_id(0); if (pDstServerUser->bRecording) mptm.set_message(u8(QString(QLatin1String("User '%1' started recording")).arg(pDstServerUser->qsName))); else mptm.set_message(u8(QString(QLatin1String("User '%1' stopped recording")).arg(pDstServerUser->qsName))); sendAll(mptm, ~ 0x010203); bBroadcast = true; } if (msg.has_channel_id()) { Channel *c = qhChannels.value(msg.channel_id()); userEnterChannel(pDstServerUser, c, msg); log(uSource, QString("Moved %1 to %2").arg(QString(*pDstServerUser), QString(*c))); bBroadcast = true; } bool bDstAclChanged = false; if (msg.has_user_id()) { // Handle user (Self-)Registration QMap info; info.insert(ServerDB::User_Name, pDstServerUser->qsName); info.insert(ServerDB::User_Hash, pDstServerUser->qsHash); if (! pDstServerUser->qslEmail.isEmpty()) info.insert(ServerDB::User_Email, pDstServerUser->qslEmail.first()); int id = registerUser(info); if (id > 0) { pDstServerUser->iId = id; setLastChannel(pDstServerUser); msg.set_user_id(id); bDstAclChanged = true; } else { // Registration failed msg.clear_user_id(); } bBroadcast = true; } if (bBroadcast) { // Texture handling for clients < 1.2.2. // Send the texture data in the message. if (msg.has_texture() && (pDstServerUser->qbaTexture.length() >= 4) && (qFromBigEndian(reinterpret_cast(pDstServerUser->qbaTexture.constData())) != 600 * 60 * 4)) { // This is a new style texture, don't send it because the client doesn't handle it correctly / crashes. msg.clear_texture(); sendAll(msg, ~ 0x010202); msg.set_texture(blob(pDstServerUser->qbaTexture)); } else { // This is an old style texture, empty texture or there was no texture in this packet, // send the message unchanged. sendAll(msg, ~ 0x010202); } // Texture / comment handling for clients >= 1.2.2. // Send only a hash of the texture / comment text. The client will request the actual data if necessary. if (msg.has_texture() && ! pDstServerUser->qbaTextureHash.isEmpty()) { msg.clear_texture(); msg.set_texture_hash(blob(pDstServerUser->qbaTextureHash)); } if (msg.has_comment() && ! pDstServerUser->qbaCommentHash.isEmpty()) { msg.clear_comment(); msg.set_comment_hash(blob(pDstServerUser->qbaCommentHash)); } sendAll(msg, 0x010202); if (bDstAclChanged) clearACLCache(pDstServerUser); } emit userStateChanged(pDstServerUser); } void Server::msgUserRemove(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::UserRemove &msg) { MSG_SETUP(ServerUser::Authenticated); VICTIM_SETUP; msg.set_actor(uSource->uiSession); bool ban = msg.has_ban() && msg.ban(); Channel *c = qhChannels.value(0); QFlags perm = ban ? ChanACL::Ban : (ChanACL::Ban|ChanACL::Kick); if ((pDstServerUser->iId ==0) || ! hasPermission(uSource, c, perm)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, c, perm); return; } if (ban) { Ban b; b.haAddress = pDstServerUser->haAddress; b.iMask = 128; b.qsReason = u8(msg.reason()); b.qsUsername = pDstServerUser->qsName; b.qsHash = pDstServerUser->qsHash; b.qdtStart = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toUTC(); b.iDuration = 0; qlBans << b; saveBans(); } sendAll(msg); if (ban) log(uSource, QString("Kickbanned %1 (%2)").arg(QString(*pDstServerUser), u8(msg.reason()))); else log(uSource, QString("Kicked %1 (%2)").arg(QString(*pDstServerUser), u8(msg.reason()))); pDstServerUser->disconnectSocket(); } void Server::msgChannelState(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::ChannelState &msg) { MSG_SETUP(ServerUser::Authenticated); Channel *c = NULL; Channel *p = NULL; // If this message relates to an existing channel check if the id is really valid if (msg.has_channel_id()) { c = qhChannels.value(msg.channel_id()); if (! c) return; } else { RATELIMIT(uSource); } // Check if the parent exists if (msg.has_parent()) { p = qhChannels.value(msg.parent()); if (! p) return; } msg.clear_links(); QString qsName; QString qsDesc; if (msg.has_description()) { qsDesc = u8(msg.description()); bool changed = false; if (! isTextAllowed(qsDesc, changed)) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(TextTooLong); return; } if (changed) msg.set_description(u8(qsDesc)); } if (msg.has_name()) { // If we are sent a channel name this means we want to create this channel so // check if the name is valid and not already in use. qsName = u8(msg.name()); if (! validateChannelName(qsName)) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(ChannelName); return; } if (qsName.length() == 0) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(ChannelName); return; } if (p || (c && c->iId != 0)) { Channel *cp = p ? p : c->cParent; foreach(Channel *sibling, cp->qlChannels) { if (sibling->qsName == qsName) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(ChannelName); return; } } } } if(p) { // Having a parent channel given means we either want to create // a channel in or move a channel into this parent. if (!canNest(p, c)) { PERM_DENIED_FALLBACK(NestingLimit, 0x010204, QLatin1String("Channel nesting limit reached")); return; } } if (! c) { // If we don't have a channel handle up to now we want to create a new channel // so check if the user has enough rights and we got everything we need. if (! p || qsName.isNull()) return; if (iChannelCountLimit != 0 && qhChannels.count() >= iChannelCountLimit) { PERM_DENIED_FALLBACK(ChannelCountLimit, 0x010300, QLatin1String("Channel count limit reached")); return; } ChanACL::Perm perm = msg.temporary() ? ChanACL::MakeTempChannel : ChanACL::MakeChannel; if (! hasPermission(uSource, p, perm)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, p, perm); return; } if ((uSource->iId < 0) && uSource->qsHash.isEmpty()) { PERM_DENIED_HASH(uSource); return; } if (p->bTemporary) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(TemporaryChannel); return; } c = addChannel(p, qsName, msg.temporary(), msg.position(), msg.max_users()); hashAssign(c->qsDesc, c->qbaDescHash, qsDesc); if (uSource->iId >= 0) { Group *g = new Group(c, "admin"); g->qsAdd << uSource->iId; } if (! hasPermission(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write)) { ChanACL *a = new ChanACL(c); a->bApplyHere=true; a->bApplySubs=false; if (uSource->iId >= 0) a->iUserId=uSource->iId; else a->qsGroup=QLatin1Char('$') + uSource->qsHash; a->pDeny=ChanACL::None; a->pAllow=ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::Traverse; clearACLCache(); } updateChannel(c); msg.set_channel_id(c->iId); log(uSource, QString("Added channel %1 under %2").arg(QString(*c), QString(*p))); emit channelCreated(c); sendAll(msg, ~ 0x010202); if (! c->qbaDescHash.isEmpty()) { msg.clear_description(); msg.set_description_hash(blob(c->qbaDescHash)); } sendAll(msg, 0x010202); if (c->bTemporary) { // If a temporary channel has been created move the creator right in there MumbleProto::UserState mpus; mpus.set_session(uSource->uiSession); mpus.set_channel_id(c->iId); userEnterChannel(uSource, c, mpus); sendAll(mpus); emit userStateChanged(uSource); } } else { // The message is related to an existing channel c so check if the user is allowed to modify it // and perform the modifications if (! qsName.isNull()) { if (! hasPermission(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write) || (c->iId == 0)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write); return; } } if (! qsDesc.isNull()) { if (! hasPermission(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write); return; } } if (msg.has_position()) { if (! hasPermission(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write); return; } } if (p) { // If we received a parent channel check if it differs from the old one and is not // Temporary. If that is the case check if the user has enough rights and if the // channel name is not used in the target location. Abort otherwise. if (p == c->cParent) return; Channel *ip = p; while (ip) { if (ip == c) return; ip = ip->cParent; } if (p->bTemporary) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(TemporaryChannel); return; } if (! hasPermission(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write); return; } if (! hasPermission(uSource, p, ChanACL::MakeChannel)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, p, ChanACL::MakeChannel); return; } QString name = qsName.isNull() ? c->qsName : qsName; foreach(Channel *sibling, p->qlChannels) { if (sibling->qsName == name) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(ChannelName); return; } } } QList qlAdd; QList qlRemove; if (msg.links_add_size() || msg.links_remove_size()) { if (! hasPermission(uSource, c, ChanACL::LinkChannel)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, c, ChanACL::LinkChannel); return; } if (msg.links_remove_size()) { for (int i=0;i < msg.links_remove_size(); ++i) { unsigned int link = msg.links_remove(i); Channel *l = qhChannels.value(link); if (! l) return; qlRemove << l; } } if (msg.links_add_size()) { for (int i=0;i < msg.links_add_size(); ++i) { unsigned int link = msg.links_add(i); Channel *l = qhChannels.value(link); if (! l) return; if (! hasPermission(uSource, l, ChanACL::LinkChannel)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, l, ChanACL::LinkChannel); return; } qlAdd << l; } } } if (msg.has_max_users()) { if (! hasPermission(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write); return; } } // All permission checks done -- the update is good. if (p) { log(uSource, QString("Moved channel %1 from %2 to %3").arg(QString(*c), QString(* c->cParent), QString(*p))); { QWriteLocker wl(&qrwlVoiceThread); c->cParent->removeChannel(c); p->addChannel(c); } } if (! qsName.isNull()) { log(uSource, QString("Renamed channel %1 to %2").arg(QString(*c), QString(qsName))); c->qsName = qsName; } if (! qsDesc.isNull()) hashAssign(c->qsDesc, c->qbaDescHash, qsDesc); if (msg.has_position()) c->iPosition = msg.position(); foreach(Channel *l, qlAdd) { addLink(c, l); } foreach(Channel *l, qlRemove) { removeLink(c, l); } if (msg.has_max_users()) c->uiMaxUsers = msg.max_users(); updateChannel(c); emit channelStateChanged(c); sendAll(msg, ~ 0x010202); if (msg.has_description() && ! c->qbaDescHash.isEmpty()) { msg.clear_description(); msg.set_description_hash(blob(c->qbaDescHash)); } sendAll(msg, 0x010202); } } void Server::msgChannelRemove(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::ChannelRemove &msg) { MSG_SETUP(ServerUser::Authenticated); Channel *c = qhChannels.value(msg.channel_id()); if (!c) return; if (! hasPermission(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write) || (c->iId == 0)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write); return; } log(uSource, QString("Removed channel %1").arg(*c)); removeChannel(c); } void Server::msgTextMessage(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::TextMessage &msg) { MSG_SETUP(ServerUser::Authenticated); QMutexLocker qml(&qmCache); TextMessage tm; // for signal userTextMessage QSet users; QQueue q; RATELIMIT(uSource); int res = 0; emit textMessageFilterSig(res, uSource, msg); switch (res) { // Accept case 0: // No-op. break; // Reject case 1: PERM_DENIED(uSource, uSource->cChannel, ChanACL::TextMessage); return; // Drop case 2: return; } QString text = u8(msg.message()); bool changed = false; if (! isTextAllowed(text, changed)) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(TextTooLong); return; } if (text.isEmpty()) return; if (changed) msg.set_message(u8(text)); tm.qsText = text; { // Happy easter char m[29] = {0117, 0160, 0145, 0156, 040, 0164, 0150, 0145, 040, 0160, 0157, 0144, 040, 0142, 0141, 0171, 040, 0144, 0157, 0157, 0162, 0163, 054, 040, 0110, 0101, 0114, 056, 0}; if (msg.channel_id_size() == 1 && msg.channel_id(0) == 0 && msg.message() == m) { PERM_DENIED_TYPE(H9K); return; } } msg.set_actor(uSource->uiSession); for (int i=0;iqlUsers) users.insert(static_cast(p)); tm.qlChannels.append(id); } for (int i=0;iqlChannels) q.enqueue(sub); foreach(User *p, c->qlUsers) users.insert(static_cast(p)); } } for (int i=0;i < msg.session_size(); ++i) { unsigned int session = msg.session(i); ServerUser *u = qhUsers.value(session); if (u) { if (! ChanACL::hasPermission(uSource, u->cChannel, ChanACL::TextMessage, &acCache)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, u->cChannel, ChanACL::TextMessage); return; } users.insert(u); } tm.qlSessions.append(session); } users.remove(uSource); foreach(ServerUser *u, users) sendMessage(u, msg); emit userTextMessage(uSource, tm); } void Server::msgACL(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::ACL &msg) { MSG_SETUP(ServerUser::Authenticated); Channel *c = qhChannels.value(msg.channel_id()); if (!c) return; if (! hasPermission(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write) && !(c->cParent && hasPermission(uSource, c->cParent, ChanACL::Write))) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write); return; } RATELIMIT(uSource); if (msg.has_query() && msg.query()) { QStack chans; Channel *p; ChanACL *acl; QSet qsId; msg.clear_groups(); msg.clear_acls(); msg.clear_query(); msg.set_inherit_acls(c->bInheritACL); p = c; while (p) { chans.push(p); if ((p==c) || p->bInheritACL) p = p->cParent; else p = NULL; } while (! chans.isEmpty()) { p = chans.pop(); foreach(acl, p->qlACL) { if ((p == c) || (acl->bApplySubs)) { MumbleProto::ACL_ChanACL *mpacl = msg.add_acls(); mpacl->set_inherited(p != c); mpacl->set_apply_here(acl->bApplyHere); mpacl->set_apply_subs(acl->bApplySubs); if (acl->iUserId >= 0) { mpacl->set_user_id(acl->iUserId); qsId.insert(acl->iUserId); } else mpacl->set_group(u8(acl->qsGroup)); mpacl->set_grant(acl->pAllow); mpacl->set_deny(acl->pDeny); } } } p = c->cParent; QSet allnames=Group::groupNames(c); foreach(const QString &name, allnames) { Group *g = c->qhGroups.value(name); Group *pg = p ? Group::getGroup(p, name) : NULL; MumbleProto::ACL_ChanGroup *group = msg.add_groups(); group->set_name(u8(name)); group->set_inherit(g ? g->bInherit : true); group->set_inheritable(g ? g->bInheritable : true); group->set_inherited((pg != NULL) && pg->bInheritable); if (g) { foreach(int id, g->qsAdd) { qsId.insert(id); group->add_add(id); } foreach(int id, g->qsRemove) { qsId.insert(id); group->add_remove(id); } } if (pg) foreach(int id, pg->members()) { qsId.insert(id); group->add_inherited_members(id); } } sendMessage(uSource, msg); MumbleProto::QueryUsers mpqu; foreach(int id, qsId) { QString uname=getUserName(id); if (! uname.isEmpty()) { mpqu.add_ids(id); mpqu.add_names(u8(uname)); } } if (mpqu.ids_size()) sendMessage(uSource, mpqu); } else { Group *g; ChanACL *a; { QWriteLocker wl(&qrwlVoiceThread); QHash > hOldTemp; foreach(g, c->qhGroups) { hOldTemp.insert(g->qsName, g->qsTemporary); delete g; } foreach(a, c->qlACL) delete a; c->qhGroups.clear(); c->qlACL.clear(); c->bInheritACL = msg.inherit_acls(); for (int i = 0; i < msg.groups_size(); ++i) { const MumbleProto::ACL_ChanGroup &group = msg.groups(i); g = new Group(c, u8(group.name())); g->bInherit = group.inherit(); g->bInheritable = group.inheritable(); for (int j = 0; j < group.add_size(); ++j) if (!getUserName(group.add(j)).isEmpty()) g->qsAdd << group.add(j); for (int j = 0; j < group.remove_size(); ++j) if (!getUserName(group.remove(j)).isEmpty()) g->qsRemove << group.remove(j); g->qsTemporary = hOldTemp.value(g->qsName); } for (int i = 0; i < msg.acls_size(); ++i) { const MumbleProto::ACL_ChanACL &mpacl = msg.acls(i); if (mpacl.has_user_id() && getUserName(mpacl.user_id()).isEmpty()) continue; a = new ChanACL(c); a->bApplyHere = mpacl.apply_here(); a->bApplySubs = mpacl.apply_subs(); if (mpacl.has_user_id()) a->iUserId = mpacl.user_id(); else a->qsGroup = u8(mpacl.group()); a->pDeny = static_cast(mpacl.deny()) & ChanACL::All; a->pAllow = static_cast(mpacl.grant()) & ChanACL::All; } } clearACLCache(); if (! hasPermission(uSource, c, ChanACL::Write) && ((uSource->iId >= 0) || !uSource->qsHash.isEmpty())) { { QWriteLocker wl(&qrwlVoiceThread); a = new ChanACL(c); a->bApplyHere = true; a->bApplySubs = false; if (uSource->iId >= 0) a->iUserId = uSource->iId; else a->qsGroup = QLatin1Char('$') + uSource->qsHash; a->iUserId = uSource->iId; a->pDeny = ChanACL::None; a->pAllow = ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::Traverse; } clearACLCache(); } updateChannel(c); log(uSource, QString("Updated ACL in channel %1").arg(*c)); } } void Server::msgQueryUsers(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::QueryUsers &msg) { MSG_SETUP(ServerUser::Authenticated); MumbleProto::QueryUsers reply; for (int i=0;i= 0) { const QString &name = getUserName(id); if (! name.isEmpty()) { reply.add_ids(id); reply.add_names(u8(name)); } } } for (int i=0;i= 0) { name = getUserName(id); reply.add_ids(id); reply.add_names(u8(name)); } } sendMessage(uSource, reply); } void Server::msgPing(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::Ping &msg) { MSG_SETUP_NO_UNIDLE(ServerUser::Authenticated); QMutexLocker l(&uSource->qmCrypt); CryptState &cs=uSource->csCrypt; cs.uiRemoteGood = msg.good(); cs.uiRemoteLate = msg.late(); cs.uiRemoteLost = msg.lost(); cs.uiRemoteResync = msg.resync(); uSource->dUDPPingAvg = msg.udp_ping_avg(); uSource->dUDPPingVar = msg.udp_ping_var(); uSource->uiUDPPackets = msg.udp_packets(); uSource->dTCPPingAvg = msg.tcp_ping_avg(); uSource->dTCPPingVar = msg.tcp_ping_var(); uSource->uiTCPPackets = msg.tcp_packets(); quint64 ts = msg.timestamp(); msg.Clear(); msg.set_timestamp(ts); msg.set_good(cs.uiGood); msg.set_late(cs.uiLate); msg.set_lost(cs.uiLost); msg.set_resync(cs.uiResync); sendMessage(uSource, msg); } void Server::msgCryptSetup(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::CryptSetup &msg) { MSG_SETUP_NO_UNIDLE(ServerUser::Authenticated); QMutexLocker l(&uSource->qmCrypt); if (! msg.has_client_nonce()) { log(uSource, "Requested crypt-nonce resync"); msg.set_server_nonce(std::string(reinterpret_cast(uSource->csCrypt.encrypt_iv), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)); sendMessage(uSource, msg); } else { const std::string &str = msg.client_nonce(); if (str.size() == AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { uSource->csCrypt.uiResync++; memcpy(uSource->csCrypt.decrypt_iv, str.data(), AES_BLOCK_SIZE); } } } void Server::msgContextActionModify(ServerUser *, MumbleProto::ContextActionModify &) { } void Server::msgContextAction(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::ContextAction &msg) { MSG_SETUP(ServerUser::Authenticated); unsigned int session = msg.has_session() ? msg.session() : 0; int id = msg.has_channel_id() ? static_cast(msg.channel_id()) : -1; if (session && ! qhUsers.contains(session)) return; if ((id >= 0) && ! qhChannels.contains(id)) return; emit contextAction(uSource, u8(msg.action()), session, id); } void Server::msgVersion(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::Version &msg) { RATELIMIT(uSource); if (msg.has_version()) uSource->uiVersion=msg.version(); if (msg.has_release()) uSource->qsRelease = u8(msg.release()); if (msg.has_os()) { uSource->qsOS = u8(msg.os()); if (msg.has_os_version()) uSource->qsOSVersion = u8(msg.os_version()); } log(uSource, QString("Client version %1 (%2: %3)").arg(MumbleVersion::toString(uSource->uiVersion)).arg(uSource->qsOS).arg(uSource->qsRelease)); } void Server::msgUserList(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::UserList &msg) { MSG_SETUP(ServerUser::Authenticated); // The register permission is required on the root channel to be allowed to // view the registered users. if (! hasPermission(uSource, qhChannels.value(0), ChanACL::Register)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, qhChannels.value(0), ChanACL::Register); return; } if (msg.users_size() == 0) { // Query mode. QList users = getRegisteredUsersEx(); QList::const_iterator it = users.constBegin(); for (; it != users.constEnd(); ++it) { // Skip the SuperUser if (it->user_id > 0) { ::MumbleProto::UserList_User *user = msg.add_users(); user->set_user_id(it->user_id); user->set_name(u8(it->name)); if (it->last_channel) { user->set_last_channel(*it->last_channel); } user->set_last_seen(u8(it->last_active.toString(Qt::ISODate))); } } sendMessage(uSource, msg); } else { // Update mode for (int i=0; i < msg.users_size(); ++i) { const MumbleProto::UserList_User &user = msg.users(i); int id = user.user_id(); if (id == 0) continue; if (! user.has_name()) { log(uSource, QString::fromLatin1("Unregistered user %1").arg(id)); unregisterUser(id); } else { const QString &name = u8(user.name()); if (validateUserName(name)) { log(uSource, QString::fromLatin1("Renamed user %1 to '%2'").arg(QString::number(id), name)); QMap info; info.insert(ServerDB::User_Name, name); setInfo(id, info); MumbleProto::UserState mpus; foreach(ServerUser *serverUser, qhUsers) { if (serverUser->iId == id) { serverUser->qsName = name; mpus.set_session(serverUser->uiSession); break; } } if (mpus.has_session()) { mpus.set_actor(uSource->uiSession); mpus.set_name(u8(name)); sendAll(mpus); } } else { MumbleProto::PermissionDenied mppd; mppd.set_type(MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_UserName); if (uSource->uiVersion < 0x010201) mppd.set_reason(u8(QString::fromLatin1("%1 is not a valid username").arg(name))); else mppd.set_name(u8(name)); sendMessage(uSource, mppd); } } } } } void Server::msgVoiceTarget(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::VoiceTarget &msg) { MSG_SETUP_NO_UNIDLE(ServerUser::Authenticated); int target = msg.id(); if ((target < 1) || (target >= 0x1f)) return; QWriteLocker lock(&qrwlVoiceThread); uSource->qmTargetCache.remove(target); int count = msg.targets_size(); if (count == 0) { uSource->qmTargets.remove(target); } else { WhisperTarget wt; for (int i=0;iqmTargets.remove(target); else uSource->qmTargets.insert(target, wt); } } void Server::msgPermissionQuery(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::PermissionQuery &msg) { MSG_SETUP_NO_UNIDLE(ServerUser::Authenticated); Channel *c = qhChannels.value(msg.channel_id()); if (!c) return; sendClientPermission(uSource, c, true); } void Server::msgCodecVersion(ServerUser *, MumbleProto::CodecVersion &) { } void Server::msgUserStats(ServerUser*uSource, MumbleProto::UserStats &msg) { MSG_SETUP_NO_UNIDLE(ServerUser::Authenticated); VICTIM_SETUP; const BandwidthRecord &bwr = pDstServerUser->bwr; const QList &certs = pDstServerUser->peerCertificateChain(); bool extend = (uSource == pDstServerUser) || hasPermission(uSource, qhChannels.value(0), ChanACL::Register); if (! extend && ! hasPermission(uSource, pDstServerUser->cChannel, ChanACL::Enter)) { PERM_DENIED(uSource, pDstServerUser->cChannel, ChanACL::Enter); return; } bool details = extend; bool local = extend || (pDstServerUser->cChannel == uSource->cChannel); if (msg.stats_only()) details = false; msg.Clear(); msg.set_session(pDstServerUser->uiSession); if (details) { foreach(const QSslCertificate &cert, certs) { const QByteArray &der = cert.toDer(); msg.add_certificates(blob(der)); } msg.set_strong_certificate(pDstServerUser->bVerified); } if (local) { MumbleProto::UserStats_Stats *mpusss; QMutexLocker l(&pDstServerUser->qmCrypt); const CryptState &cs = pDstServerUser->csCrypt; mpusss = msg.mutable_from_client(); mpusss->set_good(cs.uiGood); mpusss->set_late(cs.uiLate); mpusss->set_lost(cs.uiLost); mpusss->set_resync(cs.uiResync); mpusss = msg.mutable_from_server(); mpusss->set_good(cs.uiRemoteGood); mpusss->set_late(cs.uiRemoteLate); mpusss->set_lost(cs.uiRemoteLost); mpusss->set_resync(cs.uiRemoteResync); } msg.set_udp_packets(pDstServerUser->uiUDPPackets); msg.set_tcp_packets(pDstServerUser->uiTCPPackets); msg.set_udp_ping_avg(pDstServerUser->dUDPPingAvg); msg.set_udp_ping_var(pDstServerUser->dUDPPingVar); msg.set_tcp_ping_avg(pDstServerUser->dTCPPingAvg); msg.set_tcp_ping_var(pDstServerUser->dTCPPingVar); if (details) { MumbleProto::Version *mpv; mpv = msg.mutable_version(); if (pDstServerUser->uiVersion) mpv->set_version(pDstServerUser->uiVersion); if (! pDstServerUser->qsRelease.isEmpty()) mpv->set_release(u8(pDstServerUser->qsRelease)); if (! pDstServerUser->qsOS.isEmpty()) { mpv->set_os(u8(pDstServerUser->qsOS)); if (! pDstServerUser->qsOSVersion.isEmpty()) mpv->set_os_version(u8(pDstServerUser->qsOSVersion)); } foreach(int v, pDstServerUser->qlCodecs) msg.add_celt_versions(v); msg.set_opus(pDstServerUser->bOpus); msg.set_address(pDstServerUser->haAddress.toStdString()); } if (local) msg.set_bandwidth(bwr.bandwidth()); msg.set_onlinesecs(bwr.onlineSeconds()); if (local) msg.set_idlesecs(bwr.idleSeconds()); sendMessage(uSource, msg); } void Server::msgRequestBlob(ServerUser *uSource, MumbleProto::RequestBlob &msg) { MSG_SETUP_NO_UNIDLE(ServerUser::Authenticated); int ntextures = msg.session_texture_size(); int ncomments = msg.session_comment_size(); int ndescriptions = msg.channel_description_size(); if (ndescriptions) { MumbleProto::ChannelState mpcs; for (int i=0;iqsDesc.isEmpty()) { mpcs.set_channel_id(id); mpcs.set_description(u8(c->qsDesc)); sendMessage(uSource, mpcs); } } } if (ntextures || ncomments) { MumbleProto::UserState mpus; for (int i=0;iqbaTexture.isEmpty()) { mpus.set_session(session); mpus.set_texture(blob(su->qbaTexture)); sendMessage(uSource, mpus); } } if (ntextures) mpus.clear_texture(); for (int i=0;iqsComment.isEmpty()) { mpus.set_session(session); mpus.set_comment(u8(su->qsComment)); sendMessage(uSource, mpus); } } } } void Server::msgServerConfig(ServerUser *, MumbleProto::ServerConfig &) { } void Server::msgSuggestConfig(ServerUser *, MumbleProto::SuggestConfig &) { }