// Copyright 2005-2019 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN # include "win.h" #endif #include "Channel.h" #include "Group.h" #include "Meta.h" #include "Server.h" #include "ServerDB.h" #include "ServerUser.h" #include "Version.h" #ifdef Q_OS_WIN # include #endif void Server::setUserState(User *pUser, Channel *cChannel, bool mute, bool deaf, bool suppressed, bool prioritySpeaker, const QString& name, const QString &comment) { bool changed = false; if (deaf) mute = true; if (! mute) deaf = false; MumbleProto::UserState mpus; mpus.set_session(pUser->uiSession); if (mute != pUser->bMute) { changed = true; mpus.set_mute(mute); } if (deaf != pUser->bDeaf) { changed = true; mpus.set_deaf(deaf); } if (suppressed != pUser->bSuppress) { changed = true; mpus.set_suppress(suppressed); } if (prioritySpeaker != pUser->bPrioritySpeaker) { changed = true; mpus.set_priority_speaker(prioritySpeaker); } if (comment != pUser->qsComment) { changed = true; mpus.set_comment(u8(comment)); if (pUser->iId >= 0) { QMap info; info.insert(ServerDB::User_Comment, comment); setInfo(pUser->iId, info); } } if (name != pUser->qsName) { changed = true; mpus.set_name(u8(name)); } { QWriteLocker wl(&qrwlVoiceThread); pUser->bDeaf = deaf; pUser->bMute = mute; pUser->bSuppress = suppressed; } pUser->bPrioritySpeaker = prioritySpeaker; pUser->qsName = name; hashAssign(pUser->qsComment, pUser->qbaCommentHash, comment); if (cChannel != pUser->cChannel) { changed = true; mpus.set_channel_id(cChannel->iId); userEnterChannel(pUser, cChannel, mpus); } if (changed) { sendAll(mpus, ~ 0x010202); if (mpus.has_comment() && ! pUser->qbaCommentHash.isEmpty()) { mpus.clear_comment(); mpus.set_comment_hash(blob(pUser->qbaCommentHash)); } sendAll(mpus, 0x010202); emit userStateChanged(pUser); } } // Sets err to error message on failure. bool Server::setChannelStateGRPC(const MumbleProto::ChannelState &cs, QString &err) { ::MumbleProto::ChannelState mpcs; bool changed = false; bool updated = false; if (!cs.has_channel_id()) { err = QLatin1String("missing channel ID"); return false; } Channel *channel = qhChannels.value(cs.channel_id()); if (!channel) { err = QLatin1String("invalid channel"); return false; } mpcs.set_channel_id(cs.channel_id()); // Links and parent channel are processed first, because they can return // errors. Without doing this, the server state can be changed without // notifying users. QSet< ::Channel *> newLinksSet; for (int i = 0; i < cs.links_size(); i++) { Channel *link = qhChannels.value(cs.links(i)); if (!link) { err = QLatin1String("invalid channel link"); return false; } newLinksSet.insert(link); } if (cs.has_parent()) { Channel *parent = qhChannels.value(cs.parent()); if (!parent) { err = QLatin1String("invalid parent channel"); return false; } if (parent != channel->cParent) { Channel *p = parent; while (p) { if (p == channel) { err = QLatin1String("parent channel cannot be a descendant of channel"); return false; } p = p->cParent; } if (!canNest(parent, channel)) { err = QLatin1String("channel cannot be nested in the given parent"); return false; } { QWriteLocker wl(&qrwlVoiceThread); channel->cParent->removeChannel(channel); parent->addChannel(channel); } mpcs.set_parent(parent->iId); changed = true; updated = true; } } if (cs.has_name()) { QString qsName = u8(cs.name()); if (channel->qsName != qsName) { channel->qsName = qsName; mpcs.set_name(cs.name()); changed = true; updated = true; } } const QSet &oldLinksSet = channel->qsPermLinks; if (newLinksSet != oldLinksSet) { // Remove foreach(Channel *l, oldLinksSet) { if (!newLinksSet.contains(l)) { removeLink(channel, l); mpcs.add_links_remove(l->iId); } } // Add foreach(Channel *l, newLinksSet) { if (! oldLinksSet.contains(l)) { addLink(channel, l); mpcs.add_links_add(l->iId); } } changed = true; } if (cs.has_position() && cs.position() != channel->iPosition) { channel->iPosition = cs.position(); mpcs.set_position(cs.position()); changed = true; updated = true; } if (cs.has_description()) { QString qsDescription = u8(cs.description()); if (qsDescription != channel->qsDesc) { hashAssign(channel->qsDesc, channel->qbaDescHash, qsDescription); mpcs.set_description(cs.description()); changed = true; updated = true; } } if (updated) { updateChannel(channel); } if (changed) { sendAll(mpcs, ~ 0x010202); if (mpcs.has_description() && !channel->qbaDescHash.isEmpty()) { mpcs.clear_description(); mpcs.set_description_hash(blob(channel->qbaDescHash)); } sendAll(mpcs, 0x010202); emit channelStateChanged(channel); } return true; } bool Server::setChannelState(Channel *cChannel, Channel *cParent, const QString &qsName, const QSet &links, const QString &desc, const int position) { bool changed = false; bool updated = false; MumbleProto::ChannelState mpcs; mpcs.set_channel_id(cChannel->iId); if (cChannel->qsName != qsName) { cChannel->qsName = qsName; mpcs.set_name(u8(qsName)); updated = true; changed = true; } if ((cParent != cChannel) && (cParent != cChannel->cParent)) { Channel *p = cParent; while (p) { if (p == cChannel) return false; p = p->cParent; } if (!canNest(cParent, cChannel)) { return false; } { QWriteLocker wl(&qrwlVoiceThread); cChannel->cParent->removeChannel(cChannel); cParent->addChannel(cChannel); } mpcs.set_parent(cParent->iId); updated = true; changed = true; } const QSet &oldset = cChannel->qsPermLinks; if (links != oldset) { // Remove foreach(Channel *l, oldset) { if (! links.contains(l)) { removeLink(cChannel, l); mpcs.add_links_remove(l->iId); } } // Add foreach(Channel *l, links) { if (! oldset.contains(l)) { addLink(cChannel, l); mpcs.add_links_add(l->iId); } } changed = true; } if (position != cChannel->iPosition) { changed = true; updated = true; cChannel->iPosition = position; mpcs.set_position(position); } if (! desc.isNull() && desc != cChannel->qsDesc) { updated = true; changed = true; hashAssign(cChannel->qsDesc, cChannel->qbaDescHash, desc); mpcs.set_description(u8(desc)); } if (updated) updateChannel(cChannel); if (changed) { sendAll(mpcs, ~ 0x010202); if (mpcs.has_description() && ! cChannel->qbaDescHash.isEmpty()) { mpcs.clear_description(); mpcs.set_description_hash(blob(cChannel->qbaDescHash)); } sendAll(mpcs, 0x010202); emit channelStateChanged(cChannel); } return true; } void Server::sendTextMessageGRPC(const ::MumbleProto::TextMessage &tm) { MumbleProto::TextMessage mptm; mptm.set_message(tm.message()); if (tm.has_actor()) { mptm.set_actor(tm.actor()); } // Broadcast if (!tm.session_size() && !tm.channel_id_size() && !tm.tree_id_size()) { sendAll(mptm); return; } // Single targets for (int i = 0; i < tm.session_size(); i++) { ServerUser *user = qhUsers.value(tm.session(i)); if (!user) { continue; } mptm.add_session(user->uiSession); sendMessage(user, mptm); mptm.clear_session(); } // Channel targets QSet chans; for (int i = 0; i < tm.channel_id_size(); i++) { Channel *channel = qhChannels.value(tm.channel_id(i)); if (!channel) { continue; } chans.insert(channel); mptm.add_channel_id(channel->iId); } QQueue chansQ; for (int i = 0; i < tm.tree_id_size(); i++) { Channel *channel = qhChannels.value(tm.tree_id(i)); if (!channel) { continue; } chansQ.enqueue(channel); mptm.add_tree_id(channel->iId); } while (!chansQ.isEmpty()) { Channel *c = chansQ.dequeue(); chans.insert(c); foreach(c, c->qlChannels) { chansQ.enqueue(c); } } foreach(Channel *c, chans) { foreach(::User *p, c->qlUsers) { sendMessage(static_cast< ::ServerUser *>(p), mptm); } } } void Server::sendTextMessage(Channel *cChannel, ServerUser *pUser, bool tree, const QString &text) { MumbleProto::TextMessage mptm; mptm.set_message(u8(text)); if (pUser) { mptm.add_session(pUser->uiSession); sendMessage(pUser, mptm); } else { if (tree) mptm.add_tree_id(cChannel->iId); else mptm.add_channel_id(cChannel->iId); QSet chans; QQueue q; q << cChannel; chans.insert(cChannel); Channel *c; if (tree) { while (! q.isEmpty()) { c = q.dequeue(); chans.insert(c); foreach(c, c->qlChannels) q.enqueue(c); } } foreach(c, chans) { foreach(User *p, c->qlUsers) sendMessage(static_cast(p), mptm); } } } /** * Sets the list of temporary groups the given userid is a member of. If no channel is given root will * be targeted. * * If userid is negative the absolute value is a session id. If it is positive it is a registration id. */ void Server::setTempGroups(int userid, int sessionId, Channel *cChannel, const QStringList &groups) { if (! cChannel) cChannel = qhChannels.value(0); { QWriteLocker wl(&qrwlVoiceThread); Group *g; foreach(g, cChannel->qhGroups) { g->qsTemporary.remove(userid); if (sessionId != 0) g->qsTemporary.remove(- sessionId); } QString gname; foreach(gname, groups) { g = cChannel->qhGroups.value(gname); if (! g) { g = new Group(cChannel, gname); } g->qsTemporary.insert(userid); if (sessionId != 0) g->qsTemporary.insert(- sessionId); } } User *p = qhUsers.value(userid); if (p) clearACLCache(p); } /** * Clears temporary group memberships for the given User. If no channel is given root will be targeted. * If recursion is activated all temporary memberships in related channels will also be cleared. */ void Server::clearTempGroups(User *user, Channel *cChannel, bool recurse) { QList qlChans; if (! cChannel) cChannel = qhChannels.value(0); qlChans.append(cChannel); { QWriteLocker wl(&qrwlVoiceThread); while (!qlChans.isEmpty()) { Channel *chan = qlChans.takeLast(); Group *g; foreach(g, chan->qhGroups) { g->qsTemporary.remove(user->iId); g->qsTemporary.remove(-static_cast(user->uiSession)); } if (recurse) qlChans << chan->qlChannels; } } clearACLCache(user); } void Server::connectAuthenticator(QObject *obj) { connect(this, SIGNAL(registerUserSig(int &, const QMap &)), obj, SLOT(registerUserSlot(int &, const QMap &))); connect(this, SIGNAL(unregisterUserSig(int &, int)), obj, SLOT(unregisterUserSlot(int &, int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(getRegisteredUsersSig(const QString &, QMap &)), obj, SLOT(getRegisteredUsersSlot(const QString &, QMap &))); connect(this, SIGNAL(getRegistrationSig(int &, int, QMap &)), obj, SLOT(getRegistrationSlot(int &, int, QMap &))); connect(this, SIGNAL(authenticateSig(int &, QString &, int, const QList &, const QString &, bool, const QString &)), obj, SLOT(authenticateSlot(int &, QString &, int, const QList &, const QString &, bool, const QString &))); connect(this, SIGNAL(setInfoSig(int &, int, const QMap &)), obj, SLOT(setInfoSlot(int &, int, const QMap &))); connect(this, SIGNAL(setTextureSig(int &, int, const QByteArray &)), obj, SLOT(setTextureSlot(int &, int, const QByteArray &))); connect(this, SIGNAL(idToNameSig(QString &, int)), obj, SLOT(idToNameSlot(QString &, int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(nameToIdSig(int &, const QString &)), obj, SLOT(nameToIdSlot(int &, const QString &))); connect(this, SIGNAL(idToTextureSig(QByteArray &, int)), obj, SLOT(idToTextureSlot(QByteArray &, int))); } void Server::disconnectAuthenticator(QObject *obj) { disconnect(this, SIGNAL(registerUserSig(int &, const QMap &)), obj, SLOT(registerUserSlot(int &, const QMap &))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(unregisterUserSig(int &, int)), obj, SLOT(unregisterUserSlot(int &, int))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(getRegisteredUsersSig(const QString &, QMap &)), obj, SLOT(getRegisteredUsersSlot(const QString &, QMap &))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(getRegistrationSig(int &, int, QMap &)), obj, SLOT(getRegistrationSlot(int &, int, QMap &))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(authenticateSig(int &, QString &, int, const QList &, const QString &, bool, const QString &)), obj, SLOT(authenticateSlot(int &, QString &, int, const QList &, const QString &, bool, const QString &))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(setInfoSig(int &, int, const QMap &)), obj, SLOT(setInfoSlot(int &, int, const QMap &))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(setTextureSig(int &, int, const QByteArray &)), obj, SLOT(setTextureSlot(int &, int, const QByteArray &))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(idToNameSig(QString &, int)), obj, SLOT(idToNameSlot(QString &, int))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(nameToIdSig(int &, const QString &)), obj, SLOT(nameToIdSlot(int &, const QString &))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(idToTextureSig(QByteArray &, int)), obj, SLOT(idToTextureSlot(QByteArray &, int))); } void Server::connectListener(QObject *obj) { connect(this, SIGNAL(userStateChanged(const User *)), obj, SLOT(userStateChanged(const User *))); connect(this, SIGNAL(userTextMessage(const User *, const TextMessage &)), obj, SLOT(userTextMessage(const User *, const TextMessage &))); connect(this, SIGNAL(userConnected(const User *)), obj, SLOT(userConnected(const User *))); connect(this, SIGNAL(userDisconnected(const User *)), obj, SLOT(userDisconnected(const User *))); connect(this, SIGNAL(channelStateChanged(const Channel *)), obj, SLOT(channelStateChanged(const Channel *))); connect(this, SIGNAL(channelCreated(const Channel *)), obj, SLOT(channelCreated(const Channel *))); connect(this, SIGNAL(channelRemoved(const Channel *)), obj, SLOT(channelRemoved(const Channel *))); } void Server::disconnectListener(QObject *obj) { disconnect(this, SIGNAL(userStateChanged(const User *)), obj, SLOT(userStateChanged(const User *))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(userTextMessage(const User *, const TextMessage &)), obj, SLOT(userTextMessage(const User *, const TextMessage &))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(userConnected(const User *)), obj, SLOT(userConnected(const User *))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(userDisconnected(const User *)), obj, SLOT(userDisconnected(const User *))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(channelStateChanged(const Channel *)), obj, SLOT(channelStateChanged(const Channel *))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(channelCreated(const Channel *)), obj, SLOT(channelCreated(const Channel *))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(channelRemoved(const Channel *)), obj, SLOT(channelRemoved(const Channel *))); } void Meta::connectListener(QObject *obj) { connect(this, SIGNAL(started(Server *)), obj, SLOT(started(Server *))); connect(this, SIGNAL(stopped(Server *)), obj, SLOT(stopped(Server *))); } void Meta::getVersion(int &major, int &minor, int &patch, QString &string) { string = QLatin1String(MUMBLE_RELEASE); major = minor = patch = 0; MumbleVersion::get(&major, &minor, &patch); }