# Copyright 2005-2017 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the # Mumble source tree or at . # This file describes the x64 toolchain of # MSVC2015 compiler. # # This file can be included in a .pro file # to cause the target in that file to be # built for the x64 architecture, regardless # of the native architecture of the build # environment. # Use the x86-based amd64 cross compiler by default. QMAKE_CC = "\"$$(VCINSTALLDIR)bin\\x86_amd64\\cl.exe\"" QMAKE_CXX = "\"$$(VCINSTALLDIR)bin\\x86_amd64\\cl.exe\"" QMAKE_LINK = \""$$(VCINSTALLDIR)\\bin\\x86_amd64\\link.exe\"" QMAKE_LIB = \""$$(VCINSTALLDIR)\\bin\\x86_amd64\\lib.exe\"" # ...but use the native amd64 compiler if it is available. exists($$(VCINSTALLDIR)\\bin\\amd64) { QMAKE_CC = "\"$$(VCINSTALLDIR)bin\\amd64\\cl.exe\"" QMAKE_CXX = "\"$$(VCINSTALLDIR)bin\\amd64\\cl.exe\"" QMAKE_LINK = \""$$(VCINSTALLDIR)\\bin\\amd64\\link.exe\"" QMAKE_LIB = \""$$(VCINSTALLDIR)\\bin\\amd64\\lib.exe\"" } QMAKE_RC = \""$$(WindowsSdkDir)\\bin\\x64\\rc.exe\"" INCLUDEPATH *= "$$(VCINSTALLDIR)\\include" INCLUDEPATH *= "$$(VCINSTALLDIR)\\atlmfc\\include" INCLUDEPATH *= "$$(WindowsSdkDir)\\include\\shared" INCLUDEPATH *= "$$(WindowsSdkDir)\\include\\um" INCLUDEPATH *= "$$(WindowsSdkDir)\\include\\winrt" QMAKE_LFLAGS *= "/LIBPATH:\"$$(VCINSTALLDIR)\\lib\\amd64\"" QMAKE_LFLAGS *= "/LIBPATH:\"$$(VCINSTALLDIR)\\atlmfc\\lib\\amd64\"" QMAKE_LFLAGS *= "/LIBPATH:\"$$(WindowsSdkDir)\\lib\\$$(WindowsSDKLibVersion)um\\x64\"" QMAKE_LFLAGS *= "/LIBPATH:\"$$(WindowsSdkDir)\\lib\\$$(WindowsSDKLibVersion)ucrt\\x64\""