MumbleKit - Generating Xcode 3 compatible project files using CMake =================================================================== What's this? ------------ This is a document meant to guide you through the process of generating Xcode 3-compatible project file for MumbleKit using CMake. Fetching dependencies --------------------- Before starting your build, you will need to check out the re- quired submodules. $ git submodule init $ git submodule update This will fetch known "working" snapshot of CELT, Speex and Protocol Buffers for Objective C. Generating the project file --------------------------- MumbleKit uses CMake to generate its Xcode project files. If you're on Mac OS X, you can download CMake from the CMake website at If you're a user of Homebrew, MacPorts or Fink, there are packages available in there, too. Note: CMake 2.8.3 or later required. To generate a MumbleKit.xcodeproj that targets iOS, use: $ cmake -G Xcode . -DIOS_BUILD=1 To generate a MumbleKit.xcodeproj that targets Mac OS X, use: $ cmake -G Xcode . -DMACOSX_BUILD=1 Building it ( ----------------------- After generating a MumbleKit.xcodeproj for your platform, open it and select your prefered configuration (Debug or Release). The default build configuration for MumbleKit is Release. Building it (command line) -------------------------- To build from the command line, do something like this: $ xcodebuild -project MumbleKit.xcodeproj -sdk iphoneos4.1 -target BUILD_ALL -configuration Release How do I include this into my Xcode project? (iOS) -------------------------------------------------- Note: Building MumbleKit on iOS requires the iOS 4 SDK. The easiest way to include MumbleKit with your application on iOS is to drag the MumbleKit.xcodeproj project inside your application's project. Then, do the following: * Make MumbleKitCombined a direct dependency of your application's main executable target. * Drag libMumbleCombined.a into the 'Link Against Libraries' section of your application's main executable target. * Add MumbleKit's src directory as a header search path for your application's main executable target. * Add MumbleKit's dependencies as linked libraries to the executable target: - AudioToolbox.framework - CFNetwork.framework - Security.framework * The build should now work. How do I include this into my Xcode project? (Mac OS X) ------------------------------------------------------- One way to do this is to include MumbleKit.xcodeproj inside your main project. Then: * Make MumbleKit a direct dependency of your chosen target. * Add MumbleKit.framework to the 'Link Binary Against Libraries' section of your chosen target. * Add a copy build phase. Copy MumbleKit.framework into 'Frameworks'. * Add a run script build phase. This is to change the install name id of the Mumble framework, and to fix up the path in your own application binary. The script I use is shown below: APP=${CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/ FWPATH=${APP}/Contents/Frameworks/ EXECUTABLE=${APP}/Contents/MacOS/Mumble install_name_tool -change MumbleKit @executable_path/../Frameworks/MumbleKit.framework/Versions/A/MumbleKit ${EXECUTABLE} It's also worth noting that this procedure seemingly only works if you have a shared build directory. For my own Xcode setup, I have set up an XcodeBuild directory in my home directory. My Xcode preferences are set up to build all projects in this directory. Per-project build directories are inconvenient, because you would have to set the path in both your own .xcodeproj and MumbleKit.xcodeproj. Note: It *should* be possible to do this would a common build directory in Xcode 3.1.1+, but I have not yet gotten this to work myself. If you know how, or you've got this working, throw me a note. Thanks.