MumbleKit - A Mumble client framework for iOS and Mac OS X ========================================================== What's this? ------------ This is the source code of MumbleKit - a Mumble client framework for iOS-based devices and computers running Mac OS X. Mumble is gaming-focused social voice chat utility. The desktop version runs of Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and various other Unix-like systems. Visit its website at: Fetching dependencies --------------------- To build this you need the iOS 4 SDK from Apple. The iOS 4 SDK requires Snow Leopard. Also note that these instructions are written for use with Xcode 4. If you use Xcode 3.x, please see the README-CMAKE.markdown file for instructions on how to generate Xcode 3 compatible project files using CMake. Before starting your build, you will need to check out the re- quired submodules. $ git submodule init $ git submodule update This will fetch known "working" snapshot of CELT, Speex and Protocol Buffers for Objective C. How do I include this into my Xcode project? (iOS, Xcode 4) ----------------------------------------------------------- The easiest way to include MumbleKit with your application on iOS is to drag the MumbleKit.xcodeproj project inside your application's project, or workspace. Then, do the following: * Make MumbleKit (iOS) direct dependency of your application's main executable target. * Drag libMumbleKit.a into the 'Link Binary With Libraries' section of your application target's build phases. * Add MumbleKit's src directory as a header search path for your application's main executable target. * Add MumbleKit's dependencies as linked libraries to the executable target: - AudioToolbox.framework - CFNetwork.framework - Security.framework * The build should now work. How do I include this into my Xcode project? (Mac OS X, Xcode 4) ---------------------------------------------------------------- One way to do this is to include MumbleKit.xcodeproj inside your main project. Then: * Make MumbleKit (Mac) a direct dependency of your chosen target. * Add MumbleKit.framework to the 'Link Binary With Libraries' section of your chosen target's build phases. * Add a copy build phase. Copy MumbleKit.framework into 'Frameworks'.