# Nextcloud SMS (Android) [![codebeat badge](https://codebeat.co/badges/df05cef7-6724-4a2f-b170-96ed1ab793f6)](https://codebeat.co/projects/github-com-nerzhul-owncloud-sms-app-master) Nextcloud SMS app pushes your Android devices conversation into your Nextcloud instance, using [ocsms app](https://github.com/nerzhul/ocsms). ## :arrow_forward: Access [![Nextcloud Notes App on fdroid.org](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/7df0eafa4433fa4919a56f87c3d99cf81b68d01c/68747470733a2f2f662d64726f69642e6f72672f77696b692f696d616765732f632f63342f462d44726f69642d627574746f6e5f617661696c61626c652d6f6e2e706e67)](https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=fr.unix_experience.owncloud_sms) ocsms app sources are available here: https://github.com/nextcloud/ocsms ## :notebook: Application documentation You can find the application documentation here: https://github.com/nerzhul/ncsms-android/wiki ## :link: Requirements - [Nextcloud](https://nextcloud.com/) instance running - [ocsms](https://github.com/nextcloud/ocsms) app enabled ## :exclamation: Reporting issues - **Client:** https://github.com/nerzhul/ncsms-android/issues - **Server:** https://github.com/nextcloud/ocsms/issues ## :rocket: Contributions - We are searching for **translations** into others languages. To contribute please download `res/values/strings.xml` and `res/values/google_playstore_strings.xml` and provide a Pull Request with a translated version! - You can also contribute by adding **patches** in Java code or cleanups. - Application uses a [GoMobile AAR](https://gitlab.com/nerzhul/ncsmsgo) to have the best performance on phones with modern technologies like HTTP/2.0 ### Build requirements - gradle ### Coding guidelines - No empty lines at EOF - No trailing whitespaces ## :notebook: License Nextcloud SMS Android Application license is in reflexion, then sources are partial. - App locales and layouts are under BSD 2 clause license - App DataProviders are under AGPLv3