sudo: false language: php php: - 7.2 env: global: - DB=sqlite matrix: - CORE_BRANCH=stable19 REPO=nextcloud/server matrix: fast_finish: true before_install: - wget - chmod +x phpunit-5.7.phar - mkdir bin - mv phpunit-5.7.phar bin/phpunit - phpunit --version - cd ../ - git clone$REPO.git --recursive --depth 1 -b $CORE_BRANCH mainrepo - mv apporder mainrepo/apps/ before_script: # fill owncloud with default configs and enable apporder - cd mainrepo - mkdir data - ./occ maintenance:install --database-name oc_autotest --database-user oc_autotest --admin-user admin --admin-pass admin --database $DB --database-pass='' - ./occ app:enable apporder - ./occ app:check-code apporder - php -S localhost:8080 & - cd apps/apporder - export PATH="$PWD/bin:$PATH" script: - make test after_failure: - cat ../../data/owncloud.log after_success: - wget - php ocular.phar code-coverage:upload --format=php-clover build/php-unit.clover