OC.L10N.register( "external", { "Please enter valid urls - they have to start with either http://, https:// or /" : "Sartu baliozko helbideak - hasi behar dute http://, https:// edo /", "External sites saved." : "Kanpoko guneak gordeta.", "External Sites" : "Kanpoko guneak", "Please note that some browsers will block displaying of sites via http if you are running https." : "Egin kontu zenbait nabigatzailek blokea dezaketela guneen http bidezko bistaratzea https erabiltzen ari bazara.", "Furthermore please note that many sites these days disallow iframing due to security reasons." : "Gainera kontuan izan egun hauetan zenbait gunek ez dutela iframing onartzen seguritatea arrazoiengatik.", "We highly recommend to test the configured sites below properly." : "Guztiz gomendatzen dugu behar bezala probatzea konfiguratutako guneak.", "Name" : "Izena", "URL" : "URL", "Select an icon" : "Hautatu ikono bat", "Remove site" : "Ezabatu lekua", "Add" : "Gehitu" }, "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");