{ "translations": { "Please enter valid urls - they have to start with either http://, https:// or /" : "Introduza os URL correctos - teñen que comezar con http://, https:// ou /", "External sites saved." : "Gardáronse os sitios externos", "External Sites" : "Sitios externos", "Please note that some browsers will block displaying of sites via http if you are running https." : "Teña en conta que algúns navegadores bloquean o acceso a sitios a través de http se está executando https.", "Furthermore please note that many sites these days disallow iframing due to security reasons." : "Debe ter tamén en conta que, por mor da seguridade, actualmente moitos sitios non permiten «iframing».", "We highly recommend to test the configured sites below properly." : "Recomendámoslle probar os sitios configurados embaixo correctamente.", "Name" : "Nome", "URL" : "URL", "Select an icon" : "Escolla unha icona", "Remove site" : "Retirar o sitio", "Add" : "Engadir" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" }