CHANGELOG ========= Version 0.4 (Tested with OwnCloud 5.0.8) ---------------------------------------- * Add csrf protection on setting form * Add a config param to force the saml login * Use openssl_random_pseudo_bytes instead of mt_rand (if available) * Support displayName * Support multiple values for mapping username, groups, mail and displayName Version 0.3 (Tested with OwnCloud 4.5.2) ---------------------------------------- * Fix login Issue: Javascript features + * RewriteRule of the .httaccess avoid to redirect to apps/user_saml/auth.php. Now appinfo/ap.php do all the work and load the logic of the auth.php Version 0.2 ----------- * BugFix a 500 error that appeared when saml config values were not set * Some bugfixes (typos, default settings handler) [from alenkovich] * Code style improved [from DeepDiver1975] Version 0.1 ----------- * Initial plugin