FROM node:8 as node WORKDIR /srv COPY nextcloudappstore/core/static nextcloudappstore/core/static COPY package.json package.json COPY yarn.lock yarn.lock COPY webpack.config.js webpack.config.js COPY tsconfig.json tsconfig.json RUN yarn install RUN yarn run build FROM python:3.6 as translations WORKDIR /srv RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y gettext libgettextpo-dev COPY requirements requirements RUN pip install -r requirements/base.txt RUN pip install -r requirements/development.txt COPY nextcloudappstore nextcloudappstore COPY COPY locale locale # provide a temporary secret key in order to be able to run the compile messages command RUN echo "SECRET_KEY = 'secret'" >> nextcloudappstore/settings/ RUN python compilemessages --settings=nextcloudappstore.settings.base FROM python:3.6 as main ARG platform ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 EXPOSE 8000 WORKDIR /srv COPY requirements requirements COPY nextcloudappstore nextcloudappstore COPY COPY scripts/build/ RUN rm -r nextcloudappstore/core/static COPY --from=node /srv/nextcloudappstore/core/static nextcloudappstore/core/static COPY --from=translations /srv/locale locale RUN pip install -r requirements/base.txt RUN pip install -r requirements/${platform}.txt RUN groupadd nextcloudappstore RUN useradd -g nextcloudappstore -s /bin/false nextcloudappstore RUN chown -R nextcloudappstore:nextcloudappstore /srv ENTRYPOINT ["/srv/"]