OC.L10N.register( "data_request", { "sent!" : "送出", "No administrator could have been contacted." : "沒有管理員可聯繫", "Personal data export request" : "個人資料導出請求", "Hello %s," : "%s你好,", "The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested an export of their personal data. Please take action accordingly." : "用戶 %s(ID “%s”)已請求導出其個人數據。請採取相應的措施。", "Account deletion request" : "賬戶刪除請求", "The user %s, identified by user id \"%s\", has requested to delete their account. Please take action accordingly." : "用戶 %s(ID “%s”)已請求刪除其賬戶。請採取相應的措施。", "No administrator has set an email address" : "尚無管理員設置電郵地址", "Data Request" : "數據請求", "Request your data from the admins" : "向管理員索取數據", "Enable your users to request an export or deletion of their data. According options are added to the personal settings section. Administrators will be notified by email about the request." : "使您的用戶能夠請求導出或刪除其數據。相關選項將添加到“個人設置”部分。管理員將透過電子郵件收到有關該請求的通知。", "Account" : "賬戶", "You can request an export of your data or account deletion from the system administrator. This can take up to 30 days." : "您可以要求系統管理員導出數據或刪除賬戶。需時可達30天。", "Request data export" : "請求數據導出", "Request account deletion" : "請求賬戶刪除" }, "nplurals=1; plural=0;");