#!/bin/sh # Check if Finder is running (for systems with Finder disabled) finder_status=`ps aux | grep "/System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOS/Finder" | grep -v "grep"` if ! [ "$finder_status" == "" ] ; then # Finder is running osascript << EOF tell application "Finder" activate select the last Finder window reveal POSIX file "/Applications/@APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE@.app" end tell EOF fi # Always enable the new 10.10 finder plugin if available if [ -x "$(command -v pluginkit)" ]; then # add it to DB. This happens automatically too but we try to push it a bit harder for issue #3463 pluginkit -a "/Applications/@APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE@.app/Contents/PlugIns/FinderSyncExt.appex/" # Since El Capitan we need to sleep #4650 sleep 10s # enable it pluginkit -e use -i @APPLICATION_REV_DOMAIN@.FinderSyncExt fi exit 0