OCC::ConflictDialog 0 0 504 407 Sync Conflict Conflicting versions of %1. 16 Which version of the file do you want to keep?<br/>If you select both versions, the local file will have a number added to its name. 16 Local version Click to open the file 64 64 true Qt::Vertical 20 40 0 today 0 byte <a href="%1">Open local version</a> true Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Server version Click to open the file 64 64 true Qt::Vertical 20 40 0 today 0 byte <a href="%1">Open server version</a> true Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok buttonBox accepted() OCC::ConflictDialog accept() 123 218 148 248 buttonBox rejected() OCC::ConflictDialog reject() 181 215 240 254