# CI images for Nextcloud :package: Containers used for Continous Integration jobs (automated testing) ## GitHub Container Registry The images are automatic builds on GitHub actions. You can find them at https://github.com/orgs/nextcloud/packages?repo_name=docker-ci. The build is triggered using GitHub workflows. ### GitHub workflows To trigger a build of a specific container, go to https://github.com/nextcloud/docker-ci/actions/workflows/docker.yml and press "Run Workflow". Enter the following information: - Path to the folder (e.g. `translations`) - Path to Dockerfile: `Dockerfile-Plain` **IMPORTANT:** If you are not using `Dockerfile` but one with a suffix here, you also need to add the suffix on the image name in the next field (all lowercased) - Suffix to image name: `-plain` - Tag name (e.g. `latest`) This would result in the Dockerfile `/client/Dockerfile` being built and the binary being pushed to the GitHub Container Registry as `client:latest`. ## Docker Hub The images are automatic builds on Docker Hub. You can find them at https://hub.docker.com/u/nextcloudci/. The build is only triggered if a git tag is set. ### Git tags To trigger a build of a specific container the tag needs to be named like the folder followed by a dash and a version number. This means `translations-1` will only trigger a build of the translation container and will then build the container `nextcloudci/translations:translations-1`. Other example: - git tag `php7.1-5` will only build `nextcloudci/php7.1:php7.1-5`