# Community Documentserver This is a easy way to get ONLYOFFICE integrated in Nextcloud. It is developed purely as a way for home users to not have to deal with docker images, reverse proxies and other things. It is not aimed at anything beyond that - if you need it to scale, use the docker image, packages or other methods, those will always be faster and more scalable. The work on this was sponsored by Nextcloud GmbH for the private home user community. There is no commercial support available and there will not be. ## Requirements The community document server only supports running on x86-64 Linux servers using glibc based distributions. To get it running, you also need to install the [ONLYOFFICE](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/onlyoffice) app. We'd like to also support ARM devices like the Raspberry Pi in the future. ## Configuring OnlyOffice The community documentserver will automatically configure itself if no other document server is configured in the onlyoffice settings ("Document Editing Service address" is empty). All other "Server settings" should be left empty. If autoconfiguration fails for any reason, you may manually enter the url. Log in as the admin and go to Settings > ONLYOFFICE. For the ONLYOFFICE Docs address, enter the value in the format of `https:///apps/documentserver_community/`. ## Adding fonts You can add custom fonts to the document server using the following occ commands - Add font by path `occ documentserver:fonts --add /usr/share/fonts/myfont.ttf` - List added fonts `occ documentserver:fonts` - Remove an added font `occ documentserver:fonts --remove myfont.ttf` ## Self signed certificates If your nextcloud is using a self signed certificate for https, you'll need to import the certificate into nextcloud's certificate store to make the documentserver work. occ security:certificates:import /path/to/certificate.crt ## SELinux If you're using SELinux you'll need to configure it to allow executing binaries from the `documentserver_community/3rdparty` directory, for example: ``` semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t '/var/www/html/nextcloud/apps/documentserver_community/3rdparty/onlyoffice/documentserver(/.*)?' restorecon -R -v /var/www/html/nextcloud ``` Specific commands and paths will differ based on your specific setup. ## Setup from git When installing from git `make`, `curl`, `rpm2cpio`, and `cpio` are required. - clone the repo into the Nextcloud app directory - run `make` in the app folder to download the 3rdparty components - Enable the app # OnlyOffice components This app includes components from OnlyOffice to do a large part of the work. While building the app, these components are copied over from the official OnlyOffice documentserver docker image (see `Makefile`). The source for this can be found at the [OnlyOffice](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE) github, primarily the [web-apps](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/web-apps), [sdkjs](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/sdkjs) and [core](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/core) repositories. These components are licenced under AGPL-3.0 with their copyright belonging to the OnlyOffice team.