{ "translations": { "No tags given" : "Nulle etiquettas prefixate", "Tag(s) could not be found: %s" : "Etiquetta(s) non trovate: %s", "At least one of the given tags is invalid" : "Al minus un del etiquettas prefixate non es valide", "Each rule group consists of one or more rules. A request matches a group if all rules evaluate to true. On uploading a file all defined groups are evaluated and when matching, the given collaborative tags are assigned to the file." : "Cata gruppo de regulas consiste in un o plus regulas. Un requesta corresponde a un gruppo si tote le regulas es evalutate como ver. Quando incargar un file, tote le gruppos definite es evalutate e quando illos corresponde, le etiquettas collaborative prefixate es assignate al file.", "Files automated tagging" : "Files etiquettate automaticamente" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" }