{ "translations": { "Shared file {file} was downloaded by {actor} via the desktop client" : "{actor} baxó'l ficheru compartíu {file} pel veceru d'escritoriu", "Shared file {file} was downloaded by {actor} via the mobile app" : "{actor} baxó'l ficheru compartíu {file} pela aplicación móvil", "Shared file {file} was downloaded by {actor} via the browser" : "{actor} baxó'l ficheru compartíu {file} pel restolador", "A local shared file or folder was downloaded" : "Baxóse un ficheru o carpeta compartíos llocales", "Activities for shared file downloads" : "Actividaes pa les descargues de ficheros compartíos" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" }