Nextcloud Markdown Editor ================= Extends Nextcloud text editing with a live preview for markdown files ![Markdown Editor](screenshots/editor.png) Usage --- Starting with Nextcloud 17, the **[Text](** app replaced the **[Plain text editor](** app. In order to use ***Markdown Editor***, you must install and enable both it and **[Plain text editor](**. To use ***Markdown Editor***, simply open any file with an `.md` or `.markdown` extension. Behaviors --- ![dots]( ### SCENARIO ONE _WITH **MARKDOWN EDITOR**, **PLAIN TEXT EDITOR**, AND **TEXT** APPS ALL ENABLED:_ The **[Text](** app will still, by default, open `.txt`, `.md`, and `.markdown` files. However, you can override that behavior by clicking the three-dot dropdown menu for any `.txt`, `.md`, or `.markdown` file and choosing “Edit in plain text editor.” Using this method, ***Markdown Editor*** will open `.md`, and `.markdown` files while ***Plain text editor*** will open `.txt` files. ### SCENARIO TWO _WITH **MARKDOWN EDITOR** AND **PLAIN TEXT EDITOR** ENABLED, BUT **TEXT** DISABLED:_ ***Markdown Editor*** will open `.md`, and `.markdown` files while ***Plain text editor*** will open `.txt` files. It’s unnecessary to use the three-dot dropdown menu to invoke either. >_Be aware: Disabling the **Text** app will also disable (but not delete) any **Rich Workspace** notes you may have created. These are the styled notes that appear above and before file lists. Re-enabling **Text** makes them visible again._ Features --- ### Embed images and videos stored on your Nextcloud ![Embed Images](screenshots/embed.png) ![Embed Videos](screenshots/videos.png) ### Use LaTeX to add math to your documents ![LaTeX math](screenshots/math.png) ### Keep track of tasks with checkbox lists ![Checkbox lists](screenshots/checkboxes.png) ### Syntax highlighting for your code ![Syntax highlighting](screenshots/syntax.png) ### Create graph using [mermaid.js]( ![Mermaid.js graphs](screenshots/graph.png) ### Fully rendered previews in the sidebar ![Sidebar previews](screenshots/preview.png) Requirements --- This app requires the [Plain text editor]( app to be installed on Nextcloud 10 or higher. Installation --- - Get ***Markdown Editor*** from the [Nextcloud app store]( or download the latest release from [github]( - If you’re installing from git, build the project by running `make` in Nextcloud’s app directory. Development --- ***Markdown Editor*** is written in [typescript]( It requires [nodejs]( and [npm]( to build. For development you can automatically build the project every time the source changes by running `make watch`.