# Texteditor [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/nextcloud/files_texteditor.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/nextcloud/files_texteditor) [![Scrutinizer Code Quality](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/nextcloud/files_texteditor/badges/quality-score.png?b=master)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/nextcloud/files_texteditor/?branch=master) [![Code Coverage](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/nextcloud/files_texteditor/badges/coverage.png?b=master)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/nextcloud/files_texteditor/?branch=master) The original text editor app for Nextcloud, based on [Ace](http://ace.c9.io/). Features: - Syntax highlighting - Autosave - Syntax checking - Responsive design (optimised on mobile and desktop) ## Install Simply copy the `files_texteditor` folder into the `apps` directory and enable the app within the Nextcloud settings. ## Usage To use the editer, click on a [supported file](https://github.com/nextcloud/files_texteditor/blob/master/js/editor.js#L6) within the Files app and the file will be loaded into the editor. Saving is automatic, but can also be triggered manually with `Ctrl+S` or `Cmd+S`. ## Contributors Maintainer: [Robin Appelman](http://github.com/icewind1991) Past contributors: [Thomas Müller](http://github.com/deepdiver1975) [Tom Needham](http://github.com/tomneedham) [Jörn Friedrich Dreyer](http://github.com/butonic) [Vincent Petry](http://github.com/pvince) Preview apps ------------ Apps can add side-by-side previews to the app for certain file types by using the preview api ```js OCA.MYApp.Preview = function(){ ... } OCA.MYApp.Preview.Prototype = { /** * Give the app the opportunity to load any resources it needs and prepare for rendering a preview */ init: function() { ... }, /** * @param {string} the text to create the preview for * @param {jQuery} the jQuery element to render the preview in */ preview: function(text, previewElement) { ... } } OCA.Files_Texteditor.registerPreviewPlugin('text/markdown', new OCA.MYApp.Preview()); ``` For styling of the preview, the preview element will have the id `preview` and the className will be set to the mimetype of the file being eddited with any slash replaced by dashes. e.g. when editing a markdown file the preview element can be styled using the `#preview.text-markdown` css query.