export const newFileMenuPlugin = { attach: function (menu) { var fileList = menu.fileList; // Make text app handle new file creation if enabled if (typeof OCA.Text !== 'undefined') { return; } // only attach to main file list, public view is not supported yet if (fileList.id !== 'files') { return; } // register the new menu entry menu.addMenuEntry({ id: 'file', displayName: t('files_texteditor', 'New text file'), templateName: t('files_texteditor', 'New text file.txt'), iconClass: 'icon-filetype-text', fileType: 'file', actionHandler: function (name) { var dir = fileList.getCurrentDirectory(); // first create the file fileList.createFile(name).then(function () { // once the file got successfully created, // open the editor OCA.Files_Texteditor._onEditorTrigger( name, { fileList: fileList, dir: dir } ); }); } }); } };