{ "translations": { "the search returned {total} results in {time} ms" : "bilaketak {total} emaitza itzuli ditu {time} ms-tan", "the search in {title} for \"{search}\" returned {total} results in {time} ms" : "{title}-n bilaketak \"{search}\" bilaketarako {total} emaitza eman ditu {time} ms-tan", "Search" : "Bilatu", "Index not found" : "Indizea ez da aurkitu", "Process timed out" : "Prozesua denboraz kanpo", "Full Text Search" : "Testu osoko bilaketa", "Full text search" : "Testu osoko bilaketa", "Core of the full-text search framework for Nextcloud" : "Nextcloudentzat testu bilaketa ingurunearen bihotza", "Core App of the full-text search framework for your Nextcloud." : "Zure Nextcloudentzat testu bilaketa ingurunearen aplikazioa", "Search on %s" : "Bilatu %s-(e)an", "Please check the wiki for documentation related to the installation and the configuration of the full text search within your Nextcloud" : "Irakurri wikia zure Nextclouden testu bilaketa instalatu eta konfiguratzeko.", "General" : "Orokorra", "Search Platform" : "Bilaketa plataforma", "Select the app to index content and answer search queries." : "Aukeratu zein aplikaziok indexatu eta erantzungo dituen duen zure edukiaren inguruko bilaketak.", "Navigation Icon" : "Nabigazioaren ikonoa", "Enable global search within all your content." : "Aktibatu zure eduki guztian bilatzea." },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" }