sudo: false language: php php: - 7.0 - 7.1 - 7.2 addons: apt: packages: - graphviz - gdb - ghostscript firefox: "latest" env: global: - CORE_BRANCH=master - APP_NAME=gallery - SERVER_FOLDER=server - CLOUD=nextcloud - GH_REF: - secure: "cLmMqrbVZrvn2GAoVs6JWa5h70tzrAISjPZUfENjl0KYT6B84z3B94W/dGU+I2mxwvyBqEP+x83Bih2CxEflqc7tJmdqC+MM/ZZiigPX7RCjq5XHbzUpPpMbC8MFxT2K3jcFXUitfwZvNaZXJIiK3ZQJU4ayKaegLvI91x1SqH0=" matrix: - DB=sqlite - DB=mysql branches: only: - master - /^stable\d+(\.\d+)?$/ cache: directories: # ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} is /home/travis/build/nextcloud/gallery/ - ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/travis/php-cache - ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/travis/lib-cache - $HOME/.composer/cache before_cache: # Archive the vendor folder. Watch closely! - cp -r ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/../${SERVER_FOLDER}/apps/$APP_NAME/vendor ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/travis/php-cache/`php-config --vernum` before_install: # Disable opcache on PHP 7.0 as it crashes too easily - php --modules # Setup Selenium - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start - sleep 3 - wget - mkdir geckodriver - tar -xzf geckodriver-v0.19.1-linux64.tar.gz -C geckodriver - export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/geckodriver - sh -c "wget -O ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/travis/lib-cache/selenium.jar;" - java -jar ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/travis/lib-cache/selenium.jar -port 4444 -enablePassThrough false >/dev/null 2>&1 & # WARNING - Takes a long time to start up. Keep here # Ghostdriver does not work on Travis - Download the latest PhantomJS #- mkdir travis-phantomjs #- sh -c "if [ ! -e ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/travis/lib-cache/phantomjs.tar.bz2 ]; then wget -O ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/travis/lib-cache/phantomjs.tar.bz2; fi;" #- tar -xvf ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/travis/lib-cache/phantomjs.tar.bz2 #- export PATH=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/travis/lib-cache/phantomjs:$PATH #- phantomjs --webdriver=4444 --ignore-ssl-errors=true --webdriver-loglevel=DEBUG & # Get rid of Github limits # Only enable temporarily when making large package changes with composer #- git config --global github.accesstoken $GH_TOKEN # Make modifications to the environment to allow us to retrieve core dumps # When debugging, make sure you enable sudo by commenting out the first line of this file #- ulimit -c unlimited -S #- cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern #- sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '7.0' ]; then echo '/tmp/core_%e.%p' | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern; fi;" #- cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern # Installing the server - wget - bash ./ $APP_NAME $CORE_BRANCH $DB - cd ../${SERVER_FOLDER} - php occ app:enable $APP_NAME before_script: # Make sure Webdriver is running - curl http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/status #- phantomjs --version # Install the Imagick PHP extension - sh -c "pecl config-set preferred_state beta; echo yes | printf "\n" | pecl install imagick;" # Disable xdebug when we don't need coverage to speed up testing - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' != '7.0' ]; then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini; fi;" - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '7.0' ] && [ '$DB' != 'mysql' ]; then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini; fi;" # Always install the latest version of the xdebug PHP extension - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '7.0' ] && [ '$DB' = 'mysql' ]; then cd build; bash; cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/../${SERVER_FOLDER}/apps/$APP_NAME; fi" # Sets up the PHP composer cache - sh -c "if [ ! -d ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/travis/php-cache/`php-config --vernum` ]; then mkdir -p ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/travis/php-cache/`php-config --vernum`; fi;" - rm -rf ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/../${SERVER_FOLDER}/apps/$APP_NAME/vendor - sh -c "if [ -d ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/travis/php-cache/`php-config --vernum`/vendor ]; then cp -r ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/travis/php-cache/`php-config --vernum`/vendor ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/../${SERVER_FOLDER}/apps/$APP_NAME; fi;" # Composer - cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/../${SERVER_FOLDER}/apps/$APP_NAME - composer self-update - composer install -o --prefer-dist --no-interaction - composer show script: # Test lint - php vendor/bin/parallel-lint --exclude vendor/composer/autoload_static.php --exclude travis --exclude vendor . vendor/composer vendor/symfony/yaml vendor/autoload.php # Acceptance tests, using Firefox, without code coverage - php vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance --env firefox # Unit, integration and api tests, without code coverage - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' != '7.0' ]; then php vendor/bin/codecept run unit,integration,api; fi;" - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '7.0' ] && [ '$DB' != 'mysql' ]; then php vendor/bin/codecept run unit,integration,api; fi;" # PHP 7.0 ONLY: Unit, integration and api tests with code coverage - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '7.0' ] && [ '$DB' = 'mysql' ]; then php vendor/bin/codecept run unit,integration,api --coverage --coverage-xml --coverage-html; fi;" # We can't use phpdbg only as it doesn't work with the webdriver and we can't use it for some tests only as we can't merge html reports # - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '7.0' ] && [ '$DB' = 'mysql' ]; then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini; phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/codecept run unit,integration,api --coverage --coverage-xml --coverage-html; fi;" after_success: # Send coverage report to Codecov - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '7.0' ] && [ '$DB' = 'mysql' ]; then wget -O; fi" - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '7.0' ] && [ '$DB' = 'mysql' ] && [ '$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST' ]; then bash -B $TRAVIS_BRANCH -C $TRAVIS_COMMIT -P $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST -t 739120c2-700d-47c4-845c-c0d0c9c3707d -f tests/_output/coverage.xml; fi" - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '7.0' ] && [ '$DB' = 'mysql' ]; then bash -B $TRAVIS_BRANCH -C $TRAVIS_COMMIT -t 739120c2-700d-47c4-845c-c0d0c9c3707d -f tests/_output/coverage.xml; fi" # Generate API documentation - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '7.0' ] && [ '$DB' = 'mysql' ]; then php vendor/bin/phpdoc run; fi" # Generate Wiki documentation - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '7.0' ] && [ '$DB' = 'mysql' ]; then git submodule update --init; fi" # Send documentation to Github Pages - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '7.0' ] && [ '$DB' = 'mysql' ]; then cd build/documentation; bash ./; fi" after_failure: - cat tests/_output/phpbuiltinserver.errors.txt - cat tests/_output/phpbuiltinserver.access_log.txt - bash build/ matrix: include: - php: 7.1 env: DB=pgsql fast_finish: true