/* global OC, $, _, Gallery, SlideShow */ $(document).ready(function () { "use strict"; Gallery.hideSearch(); Gallery.utility = new Gallery.Utility(); Gallery.view = new Gallery.View(); Gallery.token = Gallery.utility.getRequestToken(); Gallery.ieVersion = Gallery.utility.getIeVersion(); // The first thing to do is to detect if we're on IE if (Gallery.ieVersion === 'unsupportedIe') { Gallery.utility.showIeWarning(Gallery.ieVersion); Gallery.showEmpty(); } else { if (Gallery.ieVersion === 'oldIe') { Gallery.utility.showIeWarning(Gallery.ieVersion); } // Needed to centre the spinner in some browsers Gallery.resetContentHeight(); // Get the config, the files and initialise the slideshow Gallery.showLoading(); $.getJSON(Gallery.utility.buildGalleryUrl('config', '', {})) .then(function (config) { Gallery.config = new Gallery.Config(config); var currentLocation = window.location.href.split('#')[1] || ''; Gallery.getFiles(currentLocation).then(function () { Gallery.activeSlideShow = new SlideShow(); $.when( Gallery.activeSlideShow.init( false, null, Gallery.config.galleryFeatures )) .then(function () { window.onhashchange(); }); }); }); $(document).click(function () { $('.album-info-content').slideUp(); }); // This block loads new rows $('html, #content-wrapper').scroll(function () { Gallery.view.loadVisibleRows(Gallery.albumMap[Gallery.currentAlbum], Gallery.currentAlbum); }); var windowWidth = $(window).width(); var windowHeight = $(window).height(); $(window).resize(_.throttle(function () { var infoContentElement = $('.album-info-content'); // This section redraws the photowall and limits the width of dropdowns if (windowWidth !== $(window).width()) { if ($('#emptycontent').is(':hidden')) { Gallery.view.viewAlbum(Gallery.currentAlbum); } Gallery.view.breadcrumb.setMaxWidth($(window).width() - Gallery.buttonsWidth); infoContentElement.css('max-width', $(window).width()); windowWidth = $(window).width(); } // This makes sure dropdowns will not be hidden after a window resize if (windowHeight !== $(window).height()) { Gallery.resetContentHeight(); infoContentElement.css('max-height', $(window).height() - Gallery.browserToolbarHeight); windowHeight = $(window).height(); } }, 250)); // A shorter delay avoids redrawing the view in the middle of a previous request, // but it may kill baby CPUs } }); /** * Responsible to refresh the view when we detect a change of location via the browser URL */ window.onhashchange = function () { "use strict"; var currentLocation = window.location.href.split('#')[1] || ''; // The hash location is ALWAYS encoded, despite what the browser shows var path = decodeURIComponent(currentLocation); // This section tries to determine if the hash location points to a file or a folder var albumPath = OC.dirname(path); if (Gallery.albumMap[path]) { albumPath = path; } else if (!Gallery.albumMap[albumPath]) { albumPath = ''; } // We need to get new files if we've assessed that we've changed folder if (Gallery.currentAlbum !== null && Gallery.currentAlbum !== albumPath) { Gallery.getFiles(currentLocation).done(function () { Gallery.refresh(path, albumPath); }); } else { // When the gallery is first loaded, the files have already been fetched Gallery.refresh(path, albumPath); } };