/* global OC, OCA, FileList, $, t */ var GalleryButton = {}; GalleryButton.isPublic = false; GalleryButton.button = {}; GalleryButton.url = null; /** * Rebuilds the Gallery URL every time the files list has changed */ GalleryButton.onFileListUpdated = function () { "use strict"; var fileList; if (GalleryButton.isPublic) { fileList = OCA.Sharing.PublicApp.fileList; } else { fileList = FileList; } GalleryButton.buildGalleryUrl(fileList.getCurrentDirectory().replace(/^\//, '')); }; /** * Builds the URL which will load the exact same folder in Gallery * * @param dir */ GalleryButton.buildGalleryUrl = function (dir) { "use strict"; var params = {}; var tokenPath = ''; var sharingTokenElement = $('#sharingToken'); var token = (sharingTokenElement.val()) ? sharingTokenElement.val() : false; if (token) { params.token = token; tokenPath = 's/{token}'; } GalleryButton.url = OC.generateUrl('apps/gallery/' + tokenPath, params) + '#' + encodeURIComponent(dir); }; $(document).ready(function () { "use strict"; if ($('#body-login').length > 0) { return true; //deactivate on login page } if ($('html').is('.ie8')) { return true; //deactivate in IE8 } if ($('#isPublic').val()) { GalleryButton.isPublic = true; } if ($('#filesApp').val()) { $('#fileList').on('updated', GalleryButton.onFileListUpdated); // Button for opening files list as gallery view GalleryButton.button = $(''); GalleryButton.button.click(function () { $(this).addClass('loading'); window.location.href = GalleryButton.url; }); $('#controls').prepend(GalleryButton.button); } } );