/* global Gallery */ (function ($, Gallery) { "use strict"; /** * Stores the gallery configuration * * @param {{features: string[], mediatypes: string[]}} config * @constructor */ var Config = function (config) { this.galleryFeatures = this._setGalleryFeatures(config.features); this.mediaTypes = this._setMediaTypes(config.mediatypes); }; Config.prototype = { galleryFeatures: [], cachedFeaturesString: '', mediaTypes: [], cachedMediaTypesString: '', albumPermissions: null, albumInfo: null, albumSorting: null, albumError: false, infoLoaded: false, /** * Returns the list of supported features in a string * * @returns {string} */ getFeatures: function () { return this.cachedFeaturesString; }, /** * Returns the list of supported media types in a string * * @returns {string} */ getMediaTypes: function () { return this.cachedMediaTypesString; }, /** * Stores the configuration about the current album * * @param {{ * fileid: number, * permissions: number, * path: string, * etag: string * information, * sorting, * error: string * }} albumConfig */ setAlbumConfig: function (albumConfig) { this.albumPermissions = this._setAlbumPermissions(albumConfig); this.albumInfo = this._setAlbumInfo(albumConfig); this.albumSorting = this._setAlbumSorting(albumConfig); this.albumError = albumConfig.error; }, /** * Updates the sorting order */ updateAlbumSorting: function (sortConfig) { this.albumSorting = { type: sortConfig.type, order: sortConfig.order, albumOrder: sortConfig.albumOrder }; }, /** * Saves the list of features which have been enabled in the app * * @param {string[]} configFeatures * * @returns {Array} * @private */ _setGalleryFeatures: function (configFeatures) { var features = []; var feature = null; var i, configFeaturesLength = configFeatures.length; if (configFeaturesLength) { for (i = 0; i < configFeaturesLength; i++) { feature = configFeatures[i]; if (this._worksInCurrentBrowser(feature, 'native_svg')) { features.push(feature); } } } this.cachedFeaturesString = features.join(';'); return features; }, /** * Saves the list of supported media types * * @param {string[]} mediaTypes * * @returns {Array} * @private */ _setMediaTypes: function (mediaTypes) { var supportedMediaTypes = []; var mediaType = null; var i, mediaTypesLength = mediaTypes.length; if (mediaTypesLength) { for (i = 0; i < mediaTypesLength; i++) { mediaType = mediaTypes[i]; if (this._worksInCurrentBrowser(mediaType, 'image/svg+xml')) { supportedMediaTypes.push(mediaType); } } } this.cachedMediaTypesString = supportedMediaTypes.join(';'); return supportedMediaTypes; }, /** * Determines if we can accept a specific config element in Internet Explorer * * @param {string} feature * @param {string} validationRule * * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _worksInCurrentBrowser: function (feature, validationRule) { var isAcceptable = true; if (feature === validationRule && Gallery.ieVersion !== false) { isAcceptable = false; } return isAcceptable; }, /** * Saves the permissions for the current album * * @param {{ * fileid: number, * permissions: number, * path: string, * etag: string * information, * sorting, * error: string * }} albumConfig * * @returns {{fileid: number, permissions: number}} * @private */ _setAlbumPermissions: function (albumConfig) { return { fileid: albumConfig.fileid, permissions: albumConfig.permissions }; }, /** * Saves the description and copyright information for the current album * * @param {{ * fileid: number, * permissions: number, * path: string, * etag: string * information, * sorting, * error: string * }} albumConfig * * @returns {null||{ * description: string, * descriptionLink: string, * copyright: string, * copyrightLink: string, * background: string, * filePath: string, * inherit: bool, * level: number * }} * @private */ _setAlbumInfo: function (albumConfig) { var albumPath = albumConfig.path; /**@type {{ * description: string, * description_link: string, * copyright: string, * copyright_link: string, * background: string, * inherit: bool, * level: number * }} */ var albumInfo = albumConfig.information; var params = null; if (!$.isEmptyObject(albumInfo)) { var docPath = albumPath; var level = albumInfo.level; if (level > 0) { if (docPath.indexOf('/') !== -1) { var folders = docPath.split('/'); folders = folders.slice(-0, -level); docPath = folders.join('/') + '/'; } else { docPath = ''; } } /* jshint camelcase: false */ params = { description: albumInfo.description, descriptionLink: albumInfo.description_link, copyright: albumInfo.copyright, copyrightLink: albumInfo.copyright_link, background: albumInfo.background, filePath: docPath, inherit: albumInfo.inherit, level: albumInfo.level }; } return params; }, /** * Saves the sorting configuration for the current album * * @param {{ * fileid: number, * permissions: number, * path: string, * etag: string * information, * sorting, * error: string * }} albumConfig * * @returns {{type: string, order: string, albumOrder: string}} * @private */ _setAlbumSorting: function (albumConfig) { var sortType = 'name'; var sortOrder = 'asc'; var albumSortOrder = 'asc'; if (!$.isEmptyObject(albumConfig.sorting)) { if (!$.isEmptyObject(albumConfig.sorting.type)) { sortType = albumConfig.sorting.type; } if (!$.isEmptyObject(albumConfig.sorting.order)) { sortOrder = albumConfig.sorting.order; if (sortType === 'name') { albumSortOrder = sortOrder; } } } return { type: sortType, order: sortOrder, albumOrder: albumSortOrder }; } }; Gallery.Config = Config; })(jQuery, Gallery);