/* global oc_requesttoken, FileList, SlideShow */ (function ($, OC, OCA, oc_requesttoken) { "use strict"; var galleryFileAction = { features: [], mediaTypes: {}, scrollContainer: null, slideShow: null, /** * Builds a URL pointing to one of the app's controllers * * @param {string} endPoint * @param {undefined|string} path * @param {Object} params * * @returns {string} */ buildGalleryUrl: function (endPoint, path, params) { var extension = ''; var tokenElement = $('#sharingToken'); var token = (tokenElement.val()) ? tokenElement.val() : false; if (token) { params.token = token; extension = '.public'; } var query = OC.buildQueryString(params); return OC.generateUrl('apps/gallery/' + endPoint + extension + path, null) + '?' + query; }, /** * Registers a file action for each media type * * @param {Array} mediaTypes */ register: function (mediaTypes) { //console.log("enabledPreviewProviders: ", mediaTypes); if (mediaTypes) { galleryFileAction.mediaTypes = mediaTypes; } var i, mediaTypesLength = mediaTypes.length; // We only want to create slideshows for supported media types for (i = 0; i < mediaTypesLength; i++) { // Each click handler gets the same function and images array and // is responsible to load the slideshow OCA.Files.fileActions.register(mediaTypes[i], 'View', OC.PERMISSION_READ, '', galleryFileAction.onView); OCA.Files.fileActions.setDefault(mediaTypes[i], 'View'); } }, /** * Prepares the features array * * This is duplicated from a method found in galleryconfig. It's done that way in order to * avoid having to load the whole utility class in the Files app * * @param configFeatures * @returns {Array} */ buildFeaturesList: function (configFeatures) { var features = []; var i, configFeaturesLength = configFeatures.length; if (configFeaturesLength) { for (i = 0; i < configFeaturesLength; i++) { features.push(configFeatures[i]); } } window.galleryFileAction.features = features; }, /** * Builds an array containing all the images we can show in the slideshow * * @param {string} filename * @param {Object} context */ onView: function (filename, context) { var imageUrl, downloadUrl; var fileList = context.fileList; var files = fileList.files; var start = 0; var images = []; var dir = context.dir + '/'; var width = Math.floor(screen.width * window.devicePixelRatio); var height = Math.floor(screen.height * window.devicePixelRatio); /* Find value of longest edge. */ var longEdge = Math.max(width, height); /* Find the next larger image size. */ if (longEdge % 100 !== 0) { longEdge = ( longEdge + 100 ) - ( longEdge % 100 ); } for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var file = files[i]; // We only add images to the slideshow if we think we'll be able // to generate previews for this media type if (galleryFileAction.mediaTypes.indexOf(file.mimetype) > -1) { /* jshint camelcase: false */ var params = { width: longEdge, height: longEdge, c: file.etag, requesttoken: oc_requesttoken }; imageUrl = galleryFileAction.buildGalleryUrl('preview', '/' + file.id, params); params = { c: file.etag, requesttoken: oc_requesttoken }; downloadUrl = galleryFileAction.buildGalleryUrl('files', '/download/' + file.id, params); images.push({ name: file.name, path: dir + file.name, fileId: file.id, mimeType: file.mimetype, url: imageUrl, downloadUrl: downloadUrl }); } } for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { //console.log("Images in the slideshow : ", images[i]); if (images[i].name === filename) { start = i; } } if ($.isEmptyObject(galleryFileAction.slideShow)) { galleryFileAction.slideShow = new SlideShow(); $.when(galleryFileAction.slideShow.init( false, null, window.galleryFileAction.features )).then(function () { // Don't show the download button on the "Files" slideshow galleryFileAction.slideShow.removeButton('.downloadImage'); galleryFileAction._startSlideshow(images, start); }); } else { galleryFileAction._startSlideshow(images, start); } }, /** * Launches the slideshow * * @param {{name:string, url: string, path: string, fallBack: string}[]} images * @param {number} start * @private */ _startSlideshow: function (images, start) { galleryFileAction.slideShow.setImages(images, false); var scrollTop = galleryFileAction.scrollContainer.scrollTop(); // This is only called when the slideshow is stopped galleryFileAction.slideShow.onStop = function () { FileList.$fileList.one('updated', function () { galleryFileAction.scrollContainer.scrollTop(scrollTop); }); }; // Only modern browsers can manipulate history if (history && history.replaceState) { // This stores the fileslist in the history state var stateData = { dir: FileList.getCurrentDirectory() }; history.replaceState(stateData, document.title, window.location); // This creates a new entry in history for the slideshow. It will // be updated as the user navigates from picture to picture history.pushState(null, '', '#loading'); } galleryFileAction.slideShow.show(start); } }; window.galleryFileAction = galleryFileAction; })(jQuery, OC, OCA, oc_requesttoken); $(document).ready(function () { "use strict"; // Deactivates fileaction on public preview page if ($('#imgframe').length > 0) { return true; } window.galleryFileAction.scrollContainer = $('#app-content'); if ($('#isPublic').val()) { window.galleryFileAction.scrollContainer = $(window); } // Retrieve the config as well as the list of supported media types. // The list of media files is retrieved when the user clicks on a row var url = window.galleryFileAction.buildGalleryUrl('config', '', {extramediatypes: 1}); $.getJSON(url).then(function (config) { window.galleryFileAction.buildFeaturesList(config.features); window.galleryFileAction.register(config.mediatypes); }); });