/* global SlideShow */ (function ($, SlideShow) { "use strict"; /** * Button and key controls for the slideshow * * @param {Object} slideshow * @param {*} container * @param {Object} zoomablePreview * @param {number} interval * @param {Array} features * @constructor */ var Controls = function (slideshow, container, zoomablePreview, interval, features) { this.slideshow = slideshow; this.container = container; this.zoomablePreview = zoomablePreview; this.progressBar = container.find('.progress'); this.interval = interval || 5000; if (features.indexOf('background_colour_toggle') > -1) { this.backgroundToggle = true; } }; Controls.prototype = { current: 0, errorLoadingImage: false, playTimeout: 0, playing: false, active: false, backgroundToggle: false, /** * Initialises the controls */ init: function () { var makeCallBack = function (handler) { return function (evt) { if (!this.active) { return; } evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); handler.call(this); }.bind(this); }.bind(this); this._buttonSetup(makeCallBack); this._specialButtonSetup(makeCallBack); this._keyCodeSetup(makeCallBack); }, /** * Updates the controls * * @param {{name:string, url: string, path: string, fallBack: string}[]} images * @param {bool} autoPlay */ update: function (images, autoPlay) { this.images = images; this.active = true; this.showButton('.play'); this.hideButton('.pause'); this.playing = false; // Hide prev/next and play buttons when we only have one pic this.container.find('.next, .previous, .play').toggle(this.images.length > 1); // Hide the action buttons until we have something to show this.hideActionButtons(); if (autoPlay) { this._playPauseToggle(); } }, /** * Initialises local variables when the show starts * * @param {number} currentImageId */ show: function (currentImageId) { var currentImage = this.images[currentImageId]; this.current = currentImageId; this.errorLoadingImage = false; if (this.playing) { this._setTimeout(); } this._setName(currentImage.name); }, /** * Stops and hides the slideshow */ stop: function () { this._setName(''); this.playing = false; this.slideshow.stop(); this.zoomablePreview.stop(); this._clearTimeout(); this.container.hide(); this.active = false; }, /** * Updates the private variables in case of problems loading an image * * @param {Array} images * @param {bool} errorLoadingImage */ updateControls: function (images, errorLoadingImage) { this.images = images; this.errorLoadingImage = errorLoadingImage; }, /** * Shows the action buttons */ showActionButtons: function () { this._showBackgroundToggle(); this.showButton('.downloadImage'); }, /** * Hides the action buttons */ hideActionButtons: function () { this.hideButton('.changeBackground'); this.hideButton('.downloadImage'); }, /** * Shows a button which has been hidden */ showButton: function (button) { this.container.find(button).removeClass('hidden'); }, /** * Hides a button * * @param button */ hideButton: function (button) { this.container.find(button).addClass('hidden'); }, /** * Removes a button * * @param button */ removeButton: function (button) { this.container.find(button).remove(); }, /** * Sets up the button based navigation * * @param {Function} makeCallBack * @private */ _buttonSetup: function (makeCallBack) { this.container.children('.next').click(makeCallBack(this._next)); this.container.children('.previous').click(makeCallBack(this._previous)); this.container.children('.exit').click(makeCallBack(this._exit)); this.container.children('.pause, .play').click(makeCallBack(this._playPauseToggle)); }, /** * Sets up additional buttons * * @param {Function} makeCallBack * @private */ _specialButtonSetup: function (makeCallBack) { this.container.find('.downloadImage').click(makeCallBack(this._getImageDownload)); this.container.find('.menu').width = 52; if (this.backgroundToggle) { this.container.find('.changeBackground').click( makeCallBack(this._toggleBackground)); this.container.find('.menu').width += 52; } else { this.hideButton('.changeBackground'); } }, /** * Shows the background colour switcher, if activated in the configuration */ _showBackgroundToggle: function () { if (this.backgroundToggle) { this.showButton('.changeBackground'); } }, /** * Sets up the key based controls * * @param {Function} makeCallBack * @private */ _keyCodeSetup: function (makeCallBack) { $(document).keyup(function (evt) { var escKey = 27; var leftKey = 37; var rightKey = 39; var spaceKey = 32; var fKey = 70; var zoomOutKeys = [48, 96, 79, 40]; // zero, o or down key var zoomInKeys = [57, 105, 73, 38]; // 9, i or up key if (evt.keyCode === escKey) { makeCallBack(this._exit)(evt); } else if (evt.keyCode === leftKey) { makeCallBack(this._previous)(evt); } else if (evt.keyCode === rightKey) { makeCallBack(this._next)(evt); } else if (evt.keyCode === spaceKey) { makeCallBack(this._playPauseToggle)(evt); } else if (evt.keyCode === fKey) { makeCallBack(this._fullScreenToggle)(evt); } else if (this._hasKeyBeenPressed(evt, zoomOutKeys)) { makeCallBack(this._zoomToOriginal)(evt); } else if (this._hasKeyBeenPressed(evt, zoomInKeys)) { makeCallBack(this._zoomToFit)(evt); } }.bind(this)); }, /** * Determines if a key has been pressed by comparing the event and the key * * @param evt * @param {Array} keys * * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _hasKeyBeenPressed: function (evt, keys) { var i, keysLength = keys.length; for (i = 0; i < keysLength; i++) { if (evt.keyCode === keys[i]) { return true; } } return false; }, /** * Starts the slideshow timer * * @private */ _setTimeout: function () { this._clearTimeout(); this.playTimeout = setTimeout(this._next.bind(this), this.interval); this.progressBar.stop(); this.progressBar.css('height', '6px'); this.progressBar.animate({'height': '26px'}, this.interval, 'linear'); }, /** * Stops the slideshow timer * * @private */ _clearTimeout: function () { if (this.playTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.playTimeout); } this.progressBar.stop(); this.progressBar.css('height', '6px'); this.playTimeout = 0; }, /** * Starts/stops autoplay and shows/hides the play/pause buttons * * @private */ _playPauseToggle: function () { if (this.playing === true) { this.playing = false; this._clearTimeout(); } else { this.playing = true; this._setTimeout(); } this.container.find('.play, .pause').toggleClass('hidden'); }, /** * Shows the next slide * * @private */ _next: function () { this.slideshow.hideErrorNotification(); this.zoomablePreview.reset(); if (this.errorLoadingImage) { this.current -= 1; } this.current = (this.current + 1) % this.images.length; var next = (this.current + 1) % this.images.length; this._updateSlideshow(next); }, /** * Shows the previous slide * * @private */ _previous: function () { this.slideshow.hideErrorNotification(); this.zoomablePreview.reset(); this.current = (this.current - 1 + this.images.length) % this.images.length; var previous = (this.current - 1 + this.images.length) % this.images.length; this._updateSlideshow(previous); }, /** * Asks the slideshow for the next image * * @param {number} imageId * @private */ _updateSlideshow: function (imageId) { this.slideshow.next(this.current, this.images[imageId]); }, /** * Exits the slideshow by going back in history * * @private */ _exit: function () { // Only modern browsers can manipulate history if (history && history.replaceState) { // We simulate a click on the back button in order to be consistent window.history.back(); } else { // For ancient browsers supported in core this.stop(); } }, /** * Launches fullscreen mode if the browser supports it * * @private */ _fullScreenToggle: function () { this.zoomablePreview.fullScreenToggle(); }, /** * Resizes the image to its original size * * @private */ _zoomToOriginal: function () { this.zoomablePreview.zoomToOriginal(); }, /** * Fits the image in the browser window * * @private */ _zoomToFit: function () { this.zoomablePreview.zoomToFit(); }, /** * Sends the current image as a download * * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _getImageDownload: function () { var downloadUrl = this.images[this.current].downloadUrl; return this.slideshow.getImageDownload(downloadUrl); }, /** * Changes the colour of the background of the image * * @private */ _toggleBackground: function () { this.slideshow.toggleBackground(); }, /** * Shows the filename of the current image * @param {string} imageName * @private */ _setName: function (imageName) { var nameElement = this.container.find('.title'); nameElement.text(imageName); } }; SlideShow.Controls = Controls; })(jQuery, SlideShow);