setName('generate:changelog') ->setDescription('Generates the changelog.') ->addArgument('repo', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The repo name, default is server. Other options e.g. desktop, android.') ->addArgument('base', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The base version.') ->addArgument('head', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The head version.') ->addOption( 'format', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'What format should the output have? (markdown, forum, html)', 'markdown' ); } protected function cleanTitle($title) { $title = preg_replace('!(\[|\()(stable)? ?\d\d(\]|\))?\W*!i', '', $title); $title = preg_replace('!^\[security\]!i', '', $title); $title = trim($title); return strtoupper(substr($title, 0, 1)) . substr($title, 1); } protected function processPR($repoName, $pr) { $title = $this->cleanTitle($pr['title']); $id = '#' . $pr['number']; if ($repoName !== 'server') { $id = $repoName . $id; } $data = [ 'repoName' => $repoName, 'number' => $pr['number'], 'title' => $title, ]; if (isset($pr['author']['login'])) { $data['author'] = $pr['author']['login']; } return [$id, $data]; } protected function shouldPRBeSkipped($title) { if (preg_match('!^\d+(\.\d+(\.\d+))? ?(rc|beta|alpha)? ?(\d+)?$!i', $title)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get the list of shipped apps from server head * Then compare for existing repos to check against * * @param string $head the server head, master, stable25, stable19... * @return string[] */ protected function getReposToIterate($head = 'master') { $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(); $ghClient = new \Github\Client(); $this->authenticateGithubClient($ghClient); // TODO iterate over all repos $shippedApps = []; $orgRepositories = []; $reposToIterate = [ "server", "3rdparty", ]; try { $res = $client->request('GET', "$head/core/shipped.json"); $shippedApps = json_decode($res->getBody()->getContents(), true)['shippedApps'] ?? []; } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new Exception('Unable to fetch the shipped apps list.'); } try { /** @var \Github\Api\Organization $organizationApi */ $organizationApi = $ghClient->api('organization'); $paginator = new Github\ResultPager($ghClient, 50); $parameters = array(self::ORG_NAME); $repos = $paginator->fetchAll($organizationApi, 'repositories', $parameters); // Filter out archived and disabled repos $results = array_filter($repos, function($repo): bool { return $repo['archived'] === false && $repo['disabled'] === false; }); // Return repos names $orgRepositories = array_map(fn($repo): string => $repo['name'], $results); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new Exception('Unable to fetch the github repositories list.'); } return [...$reposToIterate, ...array_intersect($orgRepositories, $shippedApps)]; } protected function authenticateGithubClient(\Github\Client $client) { if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../credentials.json')) { throw new Exception('Credentials file is missing - please provide your credentials in credentials.json in the root folder.'); } $credentialsData = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../credentials.json'), true); if (!is_array($credentialsData) || !isset($credentialsData['apikey'])) { throw new Exception('Credentials file can not be read or does not provide "apikey".'); } $client->authenticate($credentialsData['apikey'], Github\Client::AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN); } /** * @throws Exception */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $repoName = $input->getArgument('repo'); $base = $input->getArgument('base'); $head = $input->getArgument('head'); $orgName = self::ORG_NAME; if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../credentials.json')) { throw new Exception('Credentials file is missing - please provide your credentials in credentials.json in the root folder.'); } $credentialsData = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../credentials.json'), true); if (!is_array($credentialsData) || !isset($credentialsData['apikey'])) { throw new Exception('Credentials file can not be read or does not provide "apikey".'); } $format = $input->getOption('format'); if (!in_array($format, ['markdown', 'forum', 'html'])) { throw new \Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidOptionException( "The provided format is invalid (should be one of markdown, forum, html but was '$format')" ); } if ($output->isVerbose()) { $output->writeln("repo: $repoName"); $output->writeln("base: $base"); $output->writeln("head: $head"); } // Android overriding $milestoneToCheck = null; $substring = 'v'; $subStringNum = 1; if ($repoName !== self::REPO_SERVER) { $reposToIterate = [$repoName]; $substring = 'stable-'; $subStringNum = 7; } else { // else we are checking the server changelog $reposToIterate = $this->getReposToIterate($head); } if (substr($base, 0, $subStringNum) === $substring) { $version = explode('.', strtolower(substr($base, $subStringNum))); if (count($version) !== 3) { $output->writeln('Detected version does not have exactly 3 numbers separated by a dot.'); } else { if (strpos($version[2], 'rc') !== false || strpos($version[2], 'beta') !== false) { $version[2] = (string)((int)$version[2]); // this basically removes the beta/RC part $milestoneToCheck = join('.', $version); if (strpos($milestoneToCheck, '.0.0') !== false) { $milestoneToCheck = str_replace('.0.0', '', $milestoneToCheck); } } else { $version[2] = (string)((int)$version[2] + 1); $milestoneToCheck = join('.', $version); } if ($output->isVerbose()) { $output->writeln("Checking milestone $milestoneToCheck for pending PRs ..."); } } } else { $output->writeln('No version detected - the output will not contain any pending PRs. Use a git tag starting with "v" like "v13.0.5".'); } $prTitles = ['closed' => [], 'pending' => []]; # TODO #$client = new \Redis(); #$client->connect('', 6379); // Create a PSR6 cache pool #$pool = new RedisCachePool($client); $client = new \Github\Client(); # TODO #$client->addCache($pool); $this->authenticateGithubClient($client); $factor = 2; if ($milestoneToCheck !== null) { $factor = 3; } $progressBar = new ProgressBar($output, count($reposToIterate) * $factor); $progressBar->setFormat( implode( "\n", [ ' %message%', ' %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%%', ' Remaining: %remaining:6s%', ] ) ); $progressBar->setMessage('Starting ...'); $progressBar->start(); $isBetaNull = strpos($base, 'beta0') !== false; foreach ($reposToIterate as $repoName) { $pullRequests = []; /** @var \Github\Api\Repo $repo */ $repo = $client->api('repo'); if (!$isBetaNull) { try { $progressBar->setMessage("Fetching git history for $repoName between $base and $head..."); $paginator = new Github\ResultPager($client); $parameters = array(self::ORG_NAME, $repoName, $base, $head); $commitsApi = $repo->commits(); $commits = $paginator->fetch($commitsApi, 'compare', $parameters)['commits']; while ($paginator->hasNext()) { $commits = array_merge($commits, $paginator->fetchNext()['commits']); } } catch (\Github\Exception\RuntimeException $e) { if ($e->getMessage() === 'Not Found') { $output->writeln('Could not find base or head reference on ' . $repoName . '.'); // print 3 empty lines to not overwrite the error message with the progress bar $output->writeln(''); $output->writeln(''); $output->writeln(''); continue; } throw $e; } foreach ($commits as $commit) { $fullMessage = $commit['commit']['message']; list($firstLine,) = explode("\n", $fullMessage, 2); if (substr($firstLine, 0, 20) === 'Merge pull request #') { $firstLine = substr($firstLine, 20); list($number,) = explode(" ", $firstLine, 2); $pullRequests[] = $number; } } } $progressBar->advance(); if ($milestoneToCheck !== null) { $progressBar->setMessage("Fetching pending PRs for $repoName $milestoneToCheck ..."); $query = "query{ repository(owner: \"$orgName\", name: \"$repoName\") { milestones(first: 40, states: [OPEN]) { nodes { title number pullRequests(states: [OPEN], first: 40) { nodes { number title author { login } } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } } } } }"; $response = $client->api('graphql')->execute($query); foreach ($response['data']['repository']['milestones']['nodes'] as $milestone) { if (strpos($milestone['title'], $milestoneToCheck) !== false) { foreach ($milestone['pullRequests']['nodes'] as $pr) { if ($this->shouldPRBeSkipped($pr['title'])) { continue; } list($id, $data) = $this->processPR($repoName, $pr); $prTitles['pending'][$id] = $data; } while ($milestone['pullRequests']['pageInfo']['hasNextPage']) { $query = "query{ repository(owner: \"$orgName\", name: \"$repoName\") { milestone(number: {$milestone['number']}) { title number pullRequests(states: [OPEN], first: 40, after: \"{$milestone['pullRequests']['pageInfo']['endCursor']}\") { nodes { number title author { login } } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } } } }"; $response = $client->api('graphql')->execute($query); $milestone = $response['data']['repository']['milestone']; foreach ($milestone['pullRequests']['nodes'] as $pr) { if ($this->shouldPRBeSkipped($pr['title'])) { continue; } list($id, $data) = $this->processPR($repoName, $pr); $prTitles['pending'][$id] = $data; } } } } $progressBar->advance(); } $query = <<<'QUERY' query { QUERY; $query .= ' repository(owner: "' . $orgName . '", name: "' . $repoName . '") {'; foreach ($pullRequests as $pullRequest) { $query .= "pr$pullRequest: pullRequest(number: $pullRequest) { number, title },"; } $query .= <<<'QUERY' } } QUERY; $progressBar->setMessage("Fetching PR titles for $repoName ..."); if (count($pullRequests) === 0) { $progressBar->advance(); continue; } $response = $client->api('graphql')->execute($query); if (!isset($response['data']['repository'])) { $progressBar->advance(); continue; } foreach ($response['data']['repository'] as $pr) { if ($this->shouldPRBeSkipped($pr['title'])) { continue; } list($id, $data) = $this->processPR($repoName, $pr); $prTitles['closed'][$id] = $data; } $progressBar->advance(); } $progressBar->finish(); $output->writeln(''); ksort($prTitles['closed']); ksort($prTitles['pending']); switch ($format) { case 'html': $version = $milestoneToCheck; $versionDashed = str_replace('.', '-', $version); $date = new \DateTime('now'); $date = $date->add(new \DateInterval('P1D')); $date = $date->format('F j Y'); $output->writeln('

Version ' . $version . ' ' . $date . '

'); $output->writeln('

Download: nextcloud-' . $version . '.tar.bz2 or nextcloud-' . $version . '.zip
'); $output->writeln('Check the file integrity with:
'); $output->writeln('MD5: nextcloud-' . $version . '.tar.bz2.md5 or nextcloud-' . $version . '.zip.md5
'); $output->writeln('SHA256: nextcloud-' . $version . '.tar.bz2.sha256 or nextcloud-' . $version . '.zip.sha256
'); $output->writeln('SHA512: nextcloud-' . $version . '.tar.bz2.sha512 or nextcloud-' . $version . '.zip.sha512
'); $output->writeln('PGP (Key): nextcloud-' . $version . '.tar.bz2.asc or nextcloud-' . $version . '.zip.asc

'); $output->writeln(""); $output->writeln("


"); $output->writeln(""); $count = count($prTitles['pending']); if ($count > 0) { $output->writeln("$count pending PRs not printed - maybe the release is not ready yet"); } break; case 'forum': foreach ($prTitles['closed'] as $id => $data) { $repoName = $data['repoName']; $number = $data['number']; $title = $data['title']; $output->writeln("* [$title ($repoName#$number)]($orgName/$repoName/pull/$number)"); } $count = count($prTitles['pending']); if ($count > 0) { $output->writeln("$count pending PRs not printed - maybe the release is not ready yet"); } break; case 'markdown': default: foreach ($prTitles['closed'] as $id => $data) { $repoName = $data['repoName']; $number = $data['number']; $title = $data['title']; if ($repoName === 'server') { $output->writeln("* #$number"); } else { $output->writeln("* $orgName/$repoName#$number"); } } if (count($prTitles['pending'])) { $output->writeln("\n\nPending PRs:\n"); } foreach ($prTitles['pending'] as $id => $data) { $repoName = $data['repoName']; $number = $data['number']; $title = $data['title']; $author = array_key_exists('author', $data) ? '@' . $data['author'] : ''; if ($author === '@backportbot-nextcloud') { $author = ''; } if ($author === '@dependabot-preview') { $author = ''; } if ($author === '@dependabot') { $author = ''; } if ($author === '@dependabot[bot]') { $author = ''; } if ($repoName === 'server') { $output->writeln("* [ ] #$number $author"); } else { $output->writeln("* [ ] $orgName/$repoName#$number $author"); } } break; } // Stop using cache # TODO #$client->removeCache(); } } $application = new Application(); $application->add(new GenerateChangelogCommand()); $application->run();