OC.L10N.register( "impersonate", { "Could not impersonate user" : "不能模拟用户", "Are you sure you want to impersonate \"{userId}\"?" : "您确定要模拟用户\"{userId}\"吗?", "Impersonate user" : "模拟用户", "Impersonate" : "模拟", "Logged in as {uid}" : "以 {uid} 的身份登录", "User not found" : "未找到用户", "Insufficient permissions to impersonate user" : "无足够权限来模拟用户", "Impersonate other users" : "模拟其它用户", "These groups will be able to impersonate users they are allowed to administrate. If you remove all groups, every group administrator will be allowed to impersonate." : "这些分组将可模拟他们可管理的用户。如果您移除所有分组,每位分组管理员均可以进行模拟。", "Cannot impersonate the user because it was never logged in." : "无法冒充该用户,因为该用户从未登录", "Cannot impersonate yourself." : "不能冒充自己", "By installing the impersonate app of your Nextcloud you enable administrators to impersonate other users on the Nextcloud server. This is especially useful for debugging issues reported by users.\n\nTo impersonate a user an administrator has to simply follow the following four steps:\n\n1. Login as administrator to Nextcloud\n2. Open the user administration interface\n3. Select the impersonate button on the affected user\n4. Confirm the impersonation\n\nThe administrator is then logged-in as the user, to switch back to the regular user account they simply have to press the logout button.\n\n**Note:**\n\n- This app is not compatible with instances that have encryption enabled.\n- While impersonate actions are logged note that actions performed impersonated will be logged as the impersonated user.\n- Impersonating an user is only possible after their first login." : "安装 Nextcloud 模拟应用,管理员便可以模拟 Nextcloud 服务器上其它用户。此功能对用户提报的问题进行除错非常有用。\n\n管理员须按照以下四个简单步骤来模拟用户:\n\n1. 以管理员身份登录 Nextcloud\n2. 打开用户管理界面\n3. 选择被模拟用户的按钮\n4. 确认进行模拟\n\n管理员随后将以该用户身份登录,如需切换回正常身份可以点击登出按钮。\n\n**注意:**\n\n- 此应用不兼容已启用加密的实例。\n- 模拟操作会记录为被模拟用户行为。\n- 用户模拟仅在用户首次登录后方可使用。" }, "nplurals=1; plural=0;");