{ "translations": { "Mail" : "邮箱", "{from}\n{subject}" : "{from}\n{subject}", "_%n new message in {folderName} \nfrom {from}_::_%n new messages in {folderName} \nfrom {from}_" : ["发自{from}的%n份电邮保存在{folderName}中"], "Error while loading the accounts." : "载入账户时出错。", "Error while loading the selected account." : "指定账户载入时出错。", "Error while loading messages." : "载入电邮时发生错误。", "Error while loading the selected message." : "指定邮件加载时发生错误。", "Forwarded message" : "电邮已转发。", "Choose a folder to store the attachment in" : "选择附件保存的目录", "Attachments saved to Files." : "附件已保存。", "Attachment saved to Files." : "附件已保存。", "Error while saving attachments to Files." : "保存附件时发生错误。", "Error while saving attachment to Files." : "保存附件时发生错误。", "Message could not be starred. Please try again." : "无法加注星标,请重试。", "Unknown error" : "未知错误", "Error while creating an account: " : "创建账户时出错:", "Show all folders" : "显示全部文件夹", "Collapse folders" : "折叠文件夹", "Choose a file to add as attachment" : "选择文件添加为附件", "Reply" : "回复", "Send" : "发送", "Sending …" : "正在发送…", "Message sent!" : "邮件已发送!", "Server error" : "服务器错误", "you" : "你", "Send message to {email}" : "发送邮件至{email}", "No writable calendars found" : "未找到可写的日历", "Error while importing the calendar event" : "导入日历事件错误", "Error while downloading calendar event" : "下载日历事件错误", "Opening HTML drafts is not supported yet." : "暂时未能打开HTML格式的草稿,请见谅。", "Draft saved!" : "草稿已保存!", "Checking messages" : "正在检查邮件", "Loading …" : "加载中...", "Load more …" : "加载更多…", "Check messages" : "检查邮件", "Error while deleting message." : "删除邮件时出错。", "Error while deleting account." : "删除账户时出错", "Connecting" : "正在连接", "Connect" : "连接", "Inbox" : "收件箱", "Sent" : "发出的邮件", "Drafts" : "草稿", "Archive" : "归档", "Trash" : "回收站", "Junk" : "垃圾邮件", "All" : "全部", "Favorites" : "收藏", "Creating account failed: " : "未能创建账户:", "Auto detect failed. Please use manual mode." : "自动检测失败,请使用手动模式。", "Delete permanently" : "永久删除", "& others" : "和其他", "All inboxes" : "所有目录", "Error loading message" : "载入电邮时发生错误", "Forwarding you to %s - click here if you are not automatically redirected within the next few seconds." : "正在跳转至%s,如果无法成功跳转,请点击这里。", "Redirect warning" : "跳转提示", "The previous page is sending you to %s" : "之前的页面把你带到了 %s", "If you do not want to visit that page, you can return to the mail app." : "如不您不想访问该页面,请返回邮件系统。", "Continue to %s" : "继续 %s" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;" }