import { generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router'; import { Timer, getLetterColor, hslToRgb } from './utils'; function generateSharingUrl(token) { return window.location.origin + OC.generateUrl("/apps/maps/s/favorites/" + token); } function FavoritesController(optionsController, timeFilterController) { this.CLUSTER_MARKER_VIEW_SIZE = 27; this.optionsController = optionsController; this.timeFilterController = timeFilterController; this.cluster = null; // indexed by category name this.categoryLayers = {}; this.categoryDivIcon = {}; this.categoryColors = {}; this.categoryDeletionTimer = {}; // indexed by category name and then by favorite id this.categoryMarkers = {}; // indexed by favorite id this.markers = {}; this.favorites = {}; this.firstDate = null; this.lastDate = null; this.addFavoriteMode = false; this.addFavoriteCategory = null; this.defaultCategory = t('maps', 'Personal'); this.lastUsedCategory = null; this.movingFavoriteId = null; this.sharingFavoriteId = null; // used by optionsController to know if favorite loading // was done before or after option restoration this.favoritesLoaded = false; } FavoritesController.prototype = { // set up favorites-related UI stuff initFavorites : function(map) { = map; var that = this; // UI events // toggle favorites $('body').on('click', '#navigation-favorites > a', function(e) { that.toggleFavorites(); that.optionsController.saveOptionValues({favoritesEnabled:}); that.updateTimeFilterRange(); that.timeFilterController.setSliderToMaxInterval(); // expand category list if we just enabled favorites and category list was folded if ( && !$('#navigation-favorites').hasClass('open')) { that.toggleCategoryList(); that.optionsController.saveOptionValues({favoriteCategoryListShow: $('#navigation-favorites').hasClass('open')}); } }); // expand category list $('body').on('click', '#navigation-favorites', function(e) { if ( === 'LI' && $('id') === 'navigation-favorites') { that.toggleCategoryList(); that.optionsController.saveOptionValues({favoriteCategoryListShow: $('#navigation-favorites').hasClass('open')}); } }); // toggle a category $('body').on('click', '.category-line .category-name', function(e) { var cat = $(this).text(); that.toggleCategory(cat, true); that.saveEnabledCategories(); }); // zoom to category $('body').on('click', '.zoomCategoryButton', function(e) { var cat = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().attr('category'); that.zoomOnCategory(cat); }); // show/hide all categories $('body').on('click', '#toggle-all-categories', function(e) { var allEnabled = true; for (var cat in that.categoryLayers) { if (![cat])) { allEnabled = false; break; } } if (allEnabled) { that.hideAllCategories(); } else { that.showAllCategories(); } that.saveEnabledCategories(); that.optionsController.saveOptionValues({favoritesEnabled:}); }); // export a category $('body').on('click', '.exportCategoryButton', function(e) { var cat = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().attr('category'); that.exportCategory(cat); }); // click on + button $('body').on('click', '#addFavoriteButton', function(e) { if (that.addFavoriteMode) { that.leaveAddFavoriteMode(); } else { if (that.movingFavoriteId !== null) { that.leaveMoveFavoriteMode(); } that.enterAddFavoriteMode(that.defaultCategory); } }); $('body').on('click', '.addFavoriteInCategory', function(e) { var cat = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().attr('category'); if (that.movingFavoriteId !== null) { that.leaveMoveFavoriteMode(); } that.enterAddFavoriteMode(cat); }); // Stop click propagation on shareCategory action to prevent menu from closing $('body').on('click', '.shareCategory', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $('body').on('click', '.favorite-share-link-clipboard-button', function(e) { var clipboardText = $(this).attr('data-clipboard-text'); var $temp = $(""); $("body").append($temp); $temp.val(clipboardText).select(); document.execCommand("copy"); $temp.remove(); var clipboardButton = $(this); clipboardButton.addClass('tooltip-visible'); setTimeout(() => { if (clipboardButton) { clipboardButton.removeClass('tooltip-visible'); } }, 1500); }); $('body').on('change', '.category-sharing-checkbox', function(e) { var category = $(this).attr('data-category'); var shareMenuEntry = $(this).parent(); if (!this.checked) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: OC.generateUrl('/apps/maps/favorites-category/' + category + '/un-share'), data: {}, async: true }).done(function () { var clipboardButton = shareMenuEntry.children('.favorite-share-link-clipboard-button'); clipboardButton.removeClass('visible'); clipboardButton.attr('data-clipboard-text', null); }).always(function () { }).fail(function() { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Failed to remove favorites category share')); }); } else { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: OC.generateUrl('/apps/maps/favorites-category/' + category + '/share'), data: {}, async: true }).done(function (response) { var clipboardButton = shareMenuEntry.children('.favorite-share-link-clipboard-button'); clipboardButton.addClass('visible'); clipboardButton.attr('data-clipboard-text', generateSharingUrl(response.token)); }).always(function () { }).fail(function() { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Failed to share favorites category')); }); } }); // cancel favorite edition $('body').on('click', '.canceleditfavorite', function(e) { = null;; }); $('body').on('click', '.valideditfavorite', function(e) { that.editFavoriteFromPopup($(this)); = null;; }); $('body').on('click', '.deletefavorite', function(e) { var favid = parseInt($(this).parent().parent().attr('favid')); that.deleteFavoriteDB(favid); = null;; }); $('body').on('click', '.valideditdeletefavorite', function(e) { var favid = parseInt($(this).parent().parent().attr('favid')); that.deleteFavoriteDB(favid); = null;; }); $('body').on('click', '.movefavorite', function(e) { var ul = $(this).parent().parent(); var favid = ul.attr('favid'); that.movingFavoriteId = favid; if (that.addFavoriteMode) { that.leaveAddFavoriteMode(); } that.enterMoveFavoriteMode();; }); // key events on popup fields $('body').on('keyup', 'input[role=category], input[role=name]', function(e) { if (e.key === 'Enter') { that.editFavoriteFromPopup($(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().find('.valideditfavorite')); = null;; } }); // rename category $('body').on('click', '.renameCategory', function(e) { $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().find('.renameCategoryInput').focus().select(); $('#category-list > li').removeClass('editing'); $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().addClass('editing'); }); $('body').on('click', '.renameCategoryOk', function(e) { var cat = $(this).parent().parent().parent().attr('category'); $(this).parent().parent().parent().removeClass('editing').addClass('icon-loading-small'); var newCategoryName = $(this).parent().find('.renameCategoryInput').val() || that.defaultCategory; that.renameCategoryDB(cat, newCategoryName); }); $('body').on('keyup', '.renameCategoryInput', function(e) { if (e.key === 'Enter') { var cat = $(this).parent().parent().parent().attr('category'); $(this).parent().parent().parent().removeClass('editing').addClass('icon-loading-small'); var newCategoryName = $(this).parent().find('.renameCategoryInput').val() || that.defaultCategory; that.renameCategoryDB(cat, newCategoryName); } else if (e.key === 'Escape') { $(this).parent().parent().parent().removeClass('editing'); } }); $('body').on('click', '.renameCategoryClose', function(e) { $(this).parent().parent().parent().removeClass('editing'); }); // delete category $('body').on('click', '.deleteCategory', function(e) { var cat = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().attr('category'); $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().addClass('deleted'); that.categoryDeletionTimer[cat] = new Timer(function() { that.deleteCategoryFavoritesDB(cat); }, 7000); }); $('body').on('click', '.undoDeleteCategory', function(e) { var cat = $(this).parent().parent().attr('category'); $(this).parent().parent().removeClass('deleted'); that.categoryDeletionTimer[cat].pause(); delete that.categoryDeletionTimer[cat]; }); // export favorites $('body').on('click', '#export-displayed-favorites', function(e) { that.exportDisplayedFavorites(); }); // import favorites $('body').on('click', '#import-favorites', function(e) { OC.dialogs.filepicker( t('maps', 'Import favorites from GeoJSON (Google Maps), gpx (OsmAnd, Nextcloud Maps) or kmz/kml (F-Droid Maps,, Marble)'), function(targetPath) { that.importFavorites(targetPath); }, false, ['application/gpx+xml', 'application/', 'application/', 'application/json', 'application/geo+json'], true ); }); this.cluster = L.markerClusterGroup({ iconCreateFunction: this.getClusterIconCreateFunction(), spiderfyOnMaxZoom: false, maxClusterRadius: 28, zoomToBoundsOnClick: false, chunkedLoading: true, icon: { iconSize: [this.CLUSTER_MARKER_VIEW_SIZE, this.CLUSTER_MARKER_VIEW_SIZE] } }); this.cluster.on('clusterclick', function (a) { if (a.layer.getChildCount() > 20 && !== { a.layer.zoomToBounds(); } else { a.layer.spiderfy(); = true; } }); }, getClusterIconCreateFunction: function() { var that = this; return function(cluster) { var fid = parseInt(cluster.getAllChildMarkers()[0].favid); var category = that.favorites[fid].category; category = category.replace(/\s+/g, '-'); var label = cluster.getChildCount(); return new L.DivIcon(L.extend({ iconAnchor: [14, 14], className: 'leaflet-marker-favorite-cluster cluster-marker', html: '
' + label + '' }, this.icon)); }; }, zoomOnCategory: function(cat) { var catLayer = this.categoryLayers[cat]; if ( && {, {padding: [30, 30]}); } }, saveEnabledCategories: function() { var categoryList = []; var layer; for (var cat in this.categoryLayers) { layer = this.categoryLayers[cat]; if ( { categoryList.push(cat); } } var categoryStringList = categoryList.join('|'); this.optionsController.saveOptionValues({enabledFavoriteCategories: categoryStringList}); // this is used when favorites are loaded again (when importing for example) this.optionsController.enabledFavoriteCategories = categoryList; }, showAllCategories: function() { if (! { this.toggleFavorites(); } for (var cat in this.categoryLayers) { if (![cat])) { this.toggleCategory(cat); } } this.updateMyFirstLastDates(); }, hideAllCategories: function() { for (var cat in this.categoryLayers) { if ([cat])) { this.toggleCategory(cat); } } this.updateMyFirstLastDates(); }, toggleCategory: function(cat, updateSlider=false) { var subgroup = this.categoryLayers[cat]; var catLine = $('#category-list > li[category="'+cat+'"]'); var catName = catLine.find('.category-name'); var catCounter = catLine.find('.app-navigation-entry-utils-counter'); var showAgain = false; if ( { // remove and add cluster to avoid a markercluster bug when spiderfied; showAgain = true; } // hide category if ( {; catName.removeClass('active'); catCounter.hide(); $('#map').focus(); } // show category else {; catName.addClass('active');; } if (showAgain) {; } if (updateSlider) { this.updateTimeFilterRange(); this.timeFilterController.setSliderToMaxInterval(); } }, // expand or fold categories in sidebar and save state in user options toggleCategoryList: function() { $('#navigation-favorites').toggleClass('open'); }, // toggle favorites layer on map and save state in user options toggleFavorites: function() { if (!this.favoritesLoaded) { this.getFavorites(); } if ( {; $('#navigation-favorites').removeClass('active'); $('#map').focus(); } else {; $('#navigation-favorites').addClass('active'); } }, updateMyFirstLastDates: function() { if (! { this.firstDate = null; this.lastDate = null; return; } var id, cat; var first = Math.floor( / 1000) + 1000000; var last = 0; for (cat in this.categoryMarkers) { if ([cat])) { for (id in this.categoryMarkers[cat]) { if (this.favorites[id].date_created < first) { first = this.favorites[id].date_created; } if (this.favorites[id].date_created > last) { last = this.favorites[id].date_created; } } } } if (first !== (Math.floor( / 1000) + 1000000) && last !== 0) { this.firstDate = first; this.lastDate = last; } else { this.firstDate = null; this.lastDate = null; } }, updateTimeFilterRange: function() { this.updateMyFirstLastDates(); this.timeFilterController.updateSliderRangeFromController(); }, // add/remove markers from layers considering current filter values updateFilterDisplay: function() { var startFilter = this.timeFilterController.valueBegin; var endFilter = this.timeFilterController.valueEnd; var cat, favid, markers, i, date_created; // markers to hide for (cat in this.categoryLayers) { markers = this.categoryLayers[cat].getLayers(); for (i=0; i < markers.length; i++) { favid = markers[i].favid; date_created = this.favorites[favid].date_created; if (date_created < startFilter || date_created > endFilter) { this.categoryLayers[cat].removeLayer(markers[i]); } } } // markers to show for (cat in this.categoryMarkers) { for (favid in this.categoryMarkers[cat]) { date_created = this.favorites[favid].date_created; if (date_created >= startFilter && date_created <= endFilter) { this.categoryLayers[cat].addLayer(this.categoryMarkers[cat][favid]); } } } }, // get favorites from server and create map layers // show map layers if favorites are enabled getFavorites: function() { var that = this; $('#navigation-favorites').addClass('icon-loading-small'); var favorites = []; var sharedCategories = []; $.when( $.ajax({ url: generateUrl('/apps/maps/favorites'), data: {}, type: 'GET', async: true, success: function(response) { favorites = response; }, fail: function(response) { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Failed to load favorites')); } }), $.ajax({ url: OC.generateUrl('/apps/maps/favorites-category/shared'), data: {}, type: 'GET', async: true, success: function(response) { for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) { sharedCategories[response[i].category] = response[i].token; } }, fail: function(response) { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Failed to load favorite share token')); } }) ).then(function() { for (var i=0; i < favorites.length; i++) { var token = sharedCategories[favorites[i].category] || null; const enableCategory = that.optionsController.enabledFavoriteCategories.includes(favorites[i].category) that.addFavoriteMap(favorites[i], enableCategory, false, token); } that.updateCategoryCounters(); that.favoritesLoaded = true; that.updateTimeFilterRange(); that.timeFilterController.setSliderToMaxInterval(); $('#navigation-favorites').removeClass('icon-loading-small'); }); }, // add category in side menu // add layer // set color and icon addCategory: function(rawName, enable=false, shareToken = null) { var name = rawName.replace(/\s+/g, '-'); // color var color = '0000EE'; if (rawName.length > 1) { var hsl = getLetterColor(rawName[0], rawName[1]); color = hslToRgb(hsl.h/360, hsl.s/100, hsl.l/100); } if (rawName === this.defaultCategory) { color = (OCA.Theming ? OCA.Theming.color : '#0082c9').replace('#', ''); } this.categoryColors[rawName] = color; $('').appendTo('body'); // subgroup layer this.categoryLayers[rawName] = L.featureGroup.subGroup(this.cluster, []); this.categoryMarkers[rawName] = {}; // icon for markers this.categoryDivIcon[rawName] = L.divIcon({ iconAnchor: [9, 9], className: 'leaflet-marker-favorite', html: '
' }); var checkboxId = 'checkbox-' + name.toLowerCase(); // side menu entry var imgurl = generateUrl('/svg/core/actions/star?color='+color); var li = '
  • ' + ' '+rawName+'' + '
    ' + ' ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + ' ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    '+t('maps', 'Category deleted')+'
    ' + ' ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
  • '; var beforeThis = null; var rawLower = rawName.toLowerCase(); $('#category-list > li').each(function() { var catName = $(this).attr('category'); if (rawLower.localeCompare(catName) < 0) { beforeThis = $(this); return false; } }); if (beforeThis !== null) { $(li).insertBefore(beforeThis); } else { $('#category-list').append(li); } // enable if in saved options or if it should be enabled for another reason : // * added because a favorite was added by the user in this category which didn't exist // * added because a favorite was edited by the user and triggered creation of this category if (enable || this.optionsController.enabledFavoriteCategories.indexOf(rawName) !== -1) { this.toggleCategory(rawName); } }, renameCategoryDB: function(cat, newCategoryName) { var that = this; var origCatList = [cat]; $('#navigation-favorites').addClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'wait'); var req = { categories: origCatList, newName: newCategoryName }; var url = generateUrl('/apps/maps/favorites-category'); $.ajax({ type: 'PUT', url: url, data: req, async: true }).done(function (response) { var markers = that.categoryMarkers[cat]; var favid, favname; for (favid in markers) { that.editFavoriteMap(favid, null, null, newCategoryName, null, null); } that.updateCategoryCounters(); }).always(function (response) { $('#navigation-favorites').removeClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'grab'); }).fail(function() { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Failed to rename category')); }); }, deleteCategoryFavoritesDB: function(cat) { var markers = this.categoryMarkers[cat]; var favids = []; for (var favid in markers) { favids.push(favid); } var that = this; $('#navigation-favorites').addClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'wait'); var req = { ids: favids }; var url = generateUrl('/apps/maps/favorites'); $.ajax({ type: 'DELETE', url: url, data: req, async: true }).done(function (response) { that.deleteCategoryMap(cat, true); }).always(function (response) { $('#navigation-favorites').removeClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'grab'); }).fail(function() { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Failed to delete category favorites')); }); }, deleteCategoryMap: function(cat, updateSlider=false) { // favorites (just in case the category is not empty) var favids = []; for (favid in this.categoryMarkers[cat]) { favids.push(favid); } for (var i=0; i < favids.length; i++) { var favid = favids[i]; this.categoryLayers[cat].removeLayer(this.markers[favid]); delete this.favorites[favid]; delete this.markers[favid]; delete this.categoryMarkers[cat][favid]; } // category[cat]); delete this.categoryLayers[cat]; delete this.categoryMarkers[cat]; delete this.categoryDivIcon[cat]; delete this.categoryColors[cat]; $('#category-list #' + cat.replace(/\s+/g, '-') + '-category').fadeOut('slow', function() { $(this).remove(); }); if (updateSlider) { this.updateTimeFilterRange(); this.timeFilterController.setSliderToMaxInterval(); } }, updateCategoryCounters: function() { var count; var total = 0; for (var cat in this.categoryMarkers) { count = Object.keys(this.categoryMarkers[cat]).length; $('#' + cat.replace(/\s+/g, '-')+'-category .app-navigation-entry-utils-counter').text(count); total = total + count; } //$('#navigation-favorites > .app-navigation-entry-utils .app-navigation-entry-utils-counter').text(total); }, enterAddFavoriteMode: function(categoryName) { this.addFavoriteCategory = categoryName; $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor','crosshair');'click', this.addFavoriteClickMap); = true; $('#addFavoriteButton button').removeClass('icon-add').addClass('icon-history'); $('#explainaddpoint').show(); this.addFavoriteMode = true; OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Click on the map to add a favorite, press Esc to cancel')); }, leaveAddFavoriteMode: function() { $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor','grab');'click', this.addFavoriteClickMap); = false; $('#addFavoriteButton button').addClass('icon-add').removeClass('icon-history'); this.addFavoriteMode = false; this.addFavoriteCategory = null; }, addFavoriteClickMap: function(e) { var categoryName = this.favoritesController.addFavoriteCategory; if (categoryName === this.favoritesController.defaultCategory && this.favoritesController.lastUsedCategory !== null) { categoryName = this.favoritesController.lastUsedCategory; } this.favoritesController.leaveAddFavoriteMode(); this.favoritesController.addFavoriteDB(categoryName,, e.latlng.lng.toFixed(6), null); }, contextAddFavorite: function(e) { var categoryName = this.favoritesController.defaultCategory; if (this.favoritesController.lastUsedCategory !== null) { categoryName = this.favoritesController.lastUsedCategory; } this.favoritesController.addFavoriteDB(categoryName,, e.latlng.lng.toFixed(6), null); }, // make the request addFavoriteDB: function(category, lat, lng, name, comment=null, extensions=null) { var that = this; $('#navigation-favorites').addClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'wait'); var req = { name: name, lat: lat, lng: lng, category: category, comment: comment, extensions: extensions }; var url = generateUrl('/apps/maps/favorites'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: req, async: true }).done(function (response) { that.addFavoriteMap(response, true, true); that.updateCategoryCounters(); // show edition popup that.openEditionPopup(; }).always(function (response) { $('#navigation-favorites').removeClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'grab'); }).fail(function() { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Failed to add favorite')); }); }, // add a marker to the corresponding layer addFavoriteMap: function(fav, enableCategory=false, fromUserAction=false, shareToken = null) { // manage category first var cat = fav.category; if (!this.categoryLayers.hasOwnProperty(cat)) { this.addCategory(cat, enableCategory, shareToken); if (enableCategory && fromUserAction) { this.saveEnabledCategories(); } } else { // if favorites are hidden, show them if (fromUserAction && ! { this.toggleFavorites(); this.optionsController.saveOptionValues({favoritesEnabled:}); } // if the category is disabled, enable it if (fromUserAction && ![cat])) { this.toggleCategory(cat); this.saveEnabledCategories(); } } // create the marker and related events // put favorite id as marker attribute var marker = L.marker(L.latLng(, fav.lng), { icon: this.categoryDivIcon[cat] }); marker.favid =; marker.on('mouseover', this.favoriteMouseover); marker.on('mouseout', this.favoriteMouseout); marker.on('click', this.favoriteMouseClick); marker.on('contextmenu', this.favoriteMouseRightClick); // add to map and arrays this.favorites[] = fav; this.markers[] = marker; this.categoryMarkers[cat][] = marker; this.categoryLayers[cat].addLayer(marker); if (fromUserAction) { // we make sure created favorite is displayed var minFilter = this.timeFilterController.min; var maxFilter = this.timeFilterController.max; var startFilter = this.timeFilterController.valueBegin; var endFilter = this.timeFilterController.valueEnd; var favDate = fav.date_created; if (favDate < minFilter) { minFilter = favDate; } if (favDate < startFilter) { startFilter = favDate; } if (favDate > maxFilter) { maxFilter = favDate; } if (favDate > endFilter) { endFilter = favDate; } this.timeFilterController.updateSliderRange(minFilter, maxFilter); this.timeFilterController.setSlider(startFilter, endFilter); // and make sure slider will reset to correct values (dblclick) this.updateMyFirstLastDates(); } }, favoriteMouseover: function(e) { var favid =; var fav = this._map.favoritesController.favorites[favid]; var cat = fav.category.replace(/\s+/g, '-'); var favTooltip = this._map.favoritesController.getFavoriteTooltipContent(fav);, { className: 'leaflet-marker-favorite-tooltip tooltipfav-' + cat, direction: 'top' });; }, favoriteMouseout: function(e) {;; }, getFavoriteTooltipContent: function(fav) { var content = '' + t('maps', 'Name') + ': ' + ( || t('maps', 'No name')); content = content + '
    ' + t('maps', 'Category') + ': ' + fav.category; if (fav.comment) { content = content + '
    ' + t('maps', 'Comment') + ': ' + fav.comment; } return content; }, favoriteMouseClick: function(e) { var favid =; this._map.favoritesController.openEditionPopup(favid); }, openEditionPopup: function(favid) { var that = this; var fav = this.favorites[favid]; //; var popupContent = this.getFavoritePopupContent(fav); var popup = L.popup({ closeOnClick: true, className: 'popovermenu open popupMarker', offset: L.point(-5, 9) }) .setLatLng([, fav.lng]) .setContent(popupContent) .openOn(; $(popup._closeButton).one('click', function(e){ = null; }); // add completion to category field var catList = []; for (var c in this.categoryLayers) { catList.push(c); } $('input[role="category"]').autocomplete({ source: catList }); $('input[role="name"]').focus().select(); = true; }, getFavoritePopupContent: function(fav) { var validText = t('maps', 'Submit'); var deleteText = t('maps', 'Delete'); var namePH = t('maps', 'Favorite name'); var categoryPH = t('maps', 'Category'); var commentPH = t('maps', 'Comment'); var res = ''; return res; }, favoriteMouseRightClick: function(e) { var that = this; var favid =; var fav = this._map.favoritesController.favorites[favid]; this._map.clickpopup = true;; var popupContent = this._map.favoritesController.getFavoriteContextPopupContent(fav); var popup = L.popup({ closeOnClick: true, className: 'popovermenu open popupMarker', offset: L.point(-5, 9) }) .setLatLng([, fav.lng]) .setContent(popupContent) .openOn(this._map); $(popup._closeButton).one('click', function (e) { that._map.clickpopup = null; }); }, getFavoriteContextPopupContent: function(fav) { var moveText = t('maps', 'Move'); var deleteText = t('maps', 'Delete'); var res = ''; return res; }, deleteFavoriteDB: function(favid) { var that = this; $('#navigation-favorites').addClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'wait'); var req = { }; var url = generateUrl('/apps/maps/favorites/'+favid); $.ajax({ type: 'DELETE', url: url, data: req, async: true }).done(function (response) { that.deleteFavoriteMap(favid); that.updateCategoryCounters(); }).always(function (response) { $('#navigation-favorites').removeClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'grab'); }).fail(function() { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Failed to delete favorite')); }); }, deleteFavoriteMap: function(favid) { var marker = this.markers[favid]; var fav = this.favorites[favid]; var cat = fav.category; this.categoryLayers[cat].removeLayer(marker); delete this.categoryMarkers[cat][favid]; delete this.markers[favid]; delete this.favorites[favid]; // delete category if empty if (Object.keys(this.categoryMarkers[cat]).length === 0) { this.deleteCategoryMap(cat, true); this.saveEnabledCategories(); } // as this was triggered by user action : this.updateMyFirstLastDates(); }, editFavoriteFromPopup: function(button) { var ul = button.parent().parent(); var favid = parseInt(ul.attr('favid')); var fav = this.favorites[favid]; var newName = ul.find('input[role=name]').val(); var newCategory = ul.find('input[role=category]').val() || this.defaultCategory; var newComment = ul.find('textarea[role=comment]').val(); this.lastUsedCategory = newCategory; this.editFavoriteDB(favid, newName, newComment, newCategory, null, null); }, editFavoriteDB: function(favid, name, comment, category, lat, lng) { var that = this; $('#navigation-favorites').addClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'wait'); var req = { name: name, extensions: null }; if (comment !== null) { req.comment = comment; } if (category !== null) { req.category = category; } if (lat) { = lat; } if (lng) { req.lng = lng; } var url = generateUrl('/apps/maps/favorites/'+favid); $.ajax({ type: 'PUT', url: url, data: req, async: true }).done(function (response) { that.editFavoriteMap(favid, name, comment, category, lat, lng); that.updateCategoryCounters(); }).always(function (response) { $('#navigation-favorites').removeClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'grab'); }).fail(function() { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Failed to edit favorite')); }); }, editFavoriteMap: function(favid, name, comment, category, lat, lng) { if (name !== null) { this.favorites[favid].name = name; } if (comment !== null) { this.favorites[favid].comment = comment; } if (category !== null) { var oldCategory = this.favorites[favid].category; var newCategory = category; if (newCategory !== oldCategory) { var marker = this.markers[favid]; delete this.categoryMarkers[oldCategory][favid]; this.categoryLayers[oldCategory].removeLayer(marker); var shouldSaveCategories = false; // delete old category if empty if (Object.keys(this.categoryMarkers[oldCategory]).length === 0) { this.deleteCategoryMap(oldCategory, true); shouldSaveCategories = true; } // create category if necessary if (!this.categoryLayers.hasOwnProperty(newCategory)) { this.addCategory(newCategory, true); shouldSaveCategories = true; } else { // enable category if it's not if (![newCategory])) { this.toggleCategory(newCategory) shouldSaveCategories = true; } } if (shouldSaveCategories) { this.saveEnabledCategories(); } marker.setIcon(this.categoryDivIcon[newCategory]); this.categoryLayers[newCategory].addLayer(marker); this.categoryMarkers[newCategory][favid] = marker; // the real value goes here this.favorites[favid].category = category; } } if (lat !== null && lng !== null) { this.favorites[favid].lat = lat; this.favorites[favid].lng = lng; var marker = this.markers[favid]; marker.setLatLng([lat, lng]); } }, enterMoveFavoriteMode: function() { $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'crosshair');'click', this.moveFavoriteClickMap); OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Click on the map to move the favorite, press Esc to cancel')); }, leaveMoveFavoriteMode: function() { $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'grab');'click', this.moveFavoriteClickMap); this.movingFavoriteId = null; }, moveFavoriteClickMap: function(e) { var lat =; var lng = e.latlng.lng; var favid = this.favoritesController.movingFavoriteId; var name = this.favoritesController.favorites[favid].name; this.favoritesController.leaveMoveFavoriteMode(); this.favoritesController.editFavoriteDB(favid, name, null, null, lat, lng); }, exportCategory: function(cat) { var catList = [cat]; this.exportDisplayedFavorites(catList); }, exportDisplayedFavorites: function(catList=null) { $('#navigation-favorites').addClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'wait'); if (catList === null) { catList = []; if ( { for (var cat in this.categoryLayers) { if ([cat])) { catList.push(cat); } } } } var begin = this.timeFilterController.valueBegin; var end = this.timeFilterController.valueEnd; var req = { categoryList: catList, begin: begin, end: end }; var url = generateUrl('/apps/maps/export/favorites'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: req, async: true }).done(function (response) { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Favorites exported in {path}', {path: response})); }).always(function (response) { $('#navigation-favorites').removeClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'grab'); }).fail(function(response) { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Failed to export favorites') + ': ' + response.responseText); }); }, importFavorites: function(path) { $('#navigation-favorites').addClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'wait'); var that = this; var req = { path: path }; var url = generateUrl('/apps/maps/import/favorites'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: req, async: true }).done(function (response) { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', '{nb} favorites imported from {path}', {nb: response.nbImported, path: path})); var catToDel = []; for (var cat in that.categoryLayers) { catToDel.push(cat); } for (var i=0; i < catToDel.length; i++) { that.deleteCategoryMap(catToDel[i]); } that.getFavorites(); if (response.linesFound === true) { OC.Notification.showTemporary( t('maps', 'Warning: tracks or routes were found in imported files, they were ignored.')); } }).always(function (response) { $('#navigation-favorites').removeClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-container, .mapboxgl-map').css('cursor', 'grab'); }).fail(function() { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Failed to import favorites')); }); }, getAutocompData: function() { var that = this; var fav, layer; var data = []; if ( { for (var cat in this.categoryLayers) { layer = this.categoryLayers[cat]; if ( { layer.eachLayer(function (l) { fav = that.favorites[l.favid]; if ( { data.push({ type: 'favorite', label:, value:, lat:, lng: fav.lng }); } }); } } } return data; }, } export default FavoritesController;