# note that this file is no longer maintained. See owncloud.org/changelog for the current change log. ### HEAD * Switch `div.main` to `main` element now that Modernizr uses the latest HTML5 Shiv * Update to Modernizr 2.7.0 * Don't run JSHint on plugins (`assets/js/plugins/`) * Disable warnings about undefined variables (JSHint) * Merge in updates from HTML5 Boilerplate * Add JS source map (disabled by default) * Update to Bootstrap 3.0.2 * Replace `grunt-recess` with `grunt-contrib-less`, add LESS source map support ### 6.5.1: November 5th, 2013 * Move clean URLs to a [plugin](https://github.com/roots/roots-rewrites) * Update to Bootstrap 3.0.1 ### 6.5.0: August 23rd, 2013 * Reference new site, [http://roots.io/](http://roots.io/) * Remove bundled docs, reference [http://roots.io/docs/](http://roots.io/docs/) * Use Bootstrap variables for media queries * Update to Bootstrap 3.0.0 * Update to jQuery 1.10.2 * Change media directory from `/assets/` to `/media/` * Update to Google Universal Analytics * Show author display name for author archives * Add Serbian translation * Remove post tags from templates * Remove TinyMCE valid elements tweaks (no longer necessary) * Remove additional widget classes * Move `/assets/css/less/` to `/assets/less/` * Add wrapper templates filter * Fix relative external URLs issue ### 6.4.0: May 1st, 2013 * Fix Theme Activation page issues * Fix issues with root relative URLs and rewrites on non-standard setups * Make sure rewrites are added to `.htaccess` immediately after activation * Move HTML5 Boilerplate's `.htaccess` to a [plugin](https://github.com/roots/wp-h5bp-htaccess) * Rename `page-custom.php` to `template-custom.php` * Don't warn about unwritable htaccess if that option is disabled * Add missing collapse class for top navbar * Add comment template * Update is_dropdown evaluation in nav walker * Re-organize archives template * Add missing comment ID * hNews consistency with entry-title class * Add `wp_title()` filter * Fix missing closing div in comments * Fix for navbar dropdowns * Add option for using jQuery on Google CDN * Correct logic in `roots_enable_root_relative_urls` * Add Greek translation, update Brazilian Portuguese translation * Update to Bootstrap 2.3.1 * Simplify alerts * Remove disabled post nav links * Use Bootstrap media object for listing comments * Move Google Analytics to `lib/scripts.php` * Static top navbar instead of fixed ### 6.3.0: February 8th, 2013 * Update to Bootstrap 2.3.0 * Update to jQuery 1.9.1 * Output author title with `get_the_author()` * Add EditorConfig * Update 404 template based on H5BP * Update H5BP's included .htaccess * Don't show comments on passworded posts * Add `do_action('get_header')` for WooSidebars compatibility * Simplify entry meta * Allow `get_search_form()` to be called more than once per request * Move plugins.js and main.js to footer * JavaScript clean up (everything is now enqueued) * Remove conditional feed * Introduce `add_theme_support('bootstrap-gallery')` * Rewrites organization (introduce `lib/rewrites.php`) * Fix `add_editor_style` path * Updated translations: French, Bulgarian, Turkish, Korean * Enable `add_theme_support` for Nice Search * Replace ID's with classes * Add support for dynamic sidebar templates * Fix PHP notice on search with no results * Update to jQuery 1.9.0 ### 6.2.0: January 13th, 2013 * Implement latest Nice Search * Update [gallery] shortcode * Add Simplified Chinese, Indonesian, Korean translations * Move template title to `lib/utils.php` * Update to Bootstrap 2.2.2 * Update to jQuery 1.8.3 * Use `entry-summary` class for excerpts per Readability's Article Publishing Guidelines * Cleanup/refactor `lib/activation.php` * Remove `lib/post-types.php` and `lib/metaboxes.php` * Make sure Primary Navigation menu always gets created and has the location set upon activation, update activation permalink method * Update to Bootstrap 2.2.1 * Update conditional feed method * Update to Bootstrap 2.2.0 * Return instead of echo class names in `roots_main_class` and `roots_sidebar_class` * Move nav customizations into `lib/nav.php` ### 6.1.0: October 2nd, 2012 * Change roots_sidebar into a more explicit configuration array * Re-organize configuration/setup files * Update to jQuery 1.8.2 * Refactor/simplify Roots vCard Widget * Move custom entry_meta code into template * Move Google Analytics code into footer template * Add CONTRIBUTING.md to assist with the new GitHub UI * Add nav walker support for CSS dividers and nav-header ### 6.0.0: September 16th, 2012 * Simplify nav walker and support 3rd level dropdowns * Update to Bootstrap 2.1.1, jQuery 1.8.1, Modernizr 2.6.2 * Add bundled docs * Update all templates to use [PHP Alternative Syntax](http://php.net/manual/en/control-structures.alternative-syntax.php) * Add MIT License * Implement scribu's [Theme Wrapper](http://scribu.net/wordpress/theme-wrappers.html) (see `base.php`) * Move `css/`, `img/`, and `js/` folders within a new `assets/` folder * Move templates, `comments.php`, and `searchform.php` to `templates/` folder * Rename `inc/` to `lib/` * Add placeholder `lib/post-types.php` and `lib/metaboxes.php` files * Rename `loop-` files to `content-` * Remove all hooks * Use `templates/page-header.php` for page titles * Use `head.php` for everything in `` ### 5.2.0: August 18th, 2012 * Update to jQuery 1.8.0 and Modernizr 2.6.1 * Fix duplicate active class in `wp_nav_menu` items * Merge `Roots_Navbar_Nav_Walker` into `Roots_Nav_Walker` * Add and update code documentation * Use `wp_get_theme()` to get the theme name on activation * Use `
` & `
` for captions * Wrap embedded media as suggested by Readability * Remove unnecessary `remove_action`'s on `wp_head` as of WordPress 3.2.1 * Add updates from HTML5 Boilerplate * Remove well class from sidebar * Flush permalinks on activation to avoid 404s with clean URLs * Show proper classes on additional `wp_nav_menu()`'s * Clean up `inc/cleanup.php` * Remove old admin notice for tagline * Remove default tagline admin notice, hide from feed * Fix for duplicated classes in widget markup * Show title on custom post type archive template * Fix for theme preview in WordPress 3.3.2 * Introduce `inc/config.php` with options for clean URLs, H5BP's `.htaccess`, root relative URLs, and Bootstrap features * Allow custom CSS classes in menus, walker cleanup * Remove WordPress version numbers from stylesheets * Don't include HTML5 Boilerplate's `style.css` by default * Allow `inc/htaccess.php` to work with Litespeed * Update to Bootstrap 2.0.4 * Update Bulgarian translation * Don't use clean URLs with default permalink structure * Add translations for Catalan, Polish, Hungarian, Norwegian, Russian ### 5.1.0: April 14th, 2012 * Various bugfixes for scripts, stylesheets, root relative URLs, clean URLs, and htaccess issues * Add a conditional feed link * Temporarily remove Gravity Forms customizations * Update to Bootstrap 2.0.2 * Update `roots.pot` for translations * Add/update languages: Vietnamese, Swedish, Bulgarian, Turkish, Norwegian, Brazilian Portugese * Change widgets to use `
` instead of `
` * Add comment-reply.js * Remove optimized robots.txt * HTML5 Boilerplate, Modernizr, and jQuery updates ### 5.0.0: February 5th, 2012 * Remove all frameworks except Bootstrap * Update to Bootstrap 2.0 * Remove `roots-options.php` and replaced with a more simple `roots-config.php` * Now using Bootstrap markup on forms, page titles, image galleries, alerts and errors, post and comment navigation * Remove Roots styles from `style.css` and introduced `app.css` for site-specific CSS * Remove almost all previous default Roots styling * Latest updates from HTML5 Boilerplate ### 4.1.0: February 1st, 2012 * Update translations * HTML5 Boilerplate updates * Fix for Server 500 errors * Add `roots-scripts.php`, now using `wp_enqueue_script` * Re-organize `roots-actions.php` * Allow `