t('Customer Advisory Board');?>

t('Open Innovation in practice');?>

t('The Customer Advisory Board gives our valuable customers an opportunity to discuss their challenges & ideas with senior management of Nextcloud, help set strategic directions and learn of new technologies our engineers are working on.');?>


Our board currently has a little over 20 members,
some of whom prefer to remain private.

Peter Münzer

Team Lead IT Service Management, Siemens AG

It's always a pleasure working with professionals that keep an ear on the ground. Taking the chance to collaborate on the best solution, leads to success for us all.

Andreas Reschke

Senior Linux Administrator, MAHLE International GmbH

Steve Jordi

System engineer at the City of Geneva

Being part of the nextCloud Advisory Board is the best way for us to help shape the future of the product, for our own needs, but also to give back with our expertise to the community

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Hildmann

Head of the infrastructure department, TU Berlin

I have had good experiences with Advisory Boards and am looking forward to a more frequent exchange of ideas and thoughts.

Gerd Schnapka

Head of Joint Network Center, Max Planck Society

The Nextcloud Advisory Board will make our exchange of ideas on a regular basis possible and I'm really looking forward to that.

Anders Salling Andersen

IT-System Administrator, Syddansk Universitet

Great initiative, we find this to be very usefull indeed.

Matthieu Le Corre

UNCloud Project manager & IT technical manager for computer sciences, Université de Nantes

As UNCloud, our Nextcloud instance, is a very structuring project for the Universite of Nantes,we appreciate the opportunity to share our feedback and participe to the future orientations of the NextCloud product

Felipe Padilha

IT Deputy Director, AMX Contenido

I'm happy to be part of the Nextcloud Customer Advisory Board and able to exchange experiences and visions from different markets aiming better cloud solutions