Nextcloud strives to make migration of customers from ownCloud™ as seamless as possible. Due to the large technical overlap, the migration of the application is easy. Business processes are equally easily updated.

Technical migration

Moving from ownCloud™ to Nextcloud follows the same process as a upgrade within either product. You can essentially follow our usual upgrade documentation.

The steps are as follows:

Find more details in our documentation.

Note that, as ownCloud does not support skipping releases, upgrades have to go through all releases between the existing ownCloud release and the desired Nextcloud release. We will support upgrades from ownCloud 8.2 and onwards. If you are on a older release, contact our support team or ask sales for an offer.

License Compliance

Nextcloud is licensed exclusively under the AGPL or less restrictive open source licenses, removing any risk of mixing incompatible licenses or other legal issues. If you have not made any changes to the code of ownCloud Server™ and did not develop custom ownCloud applications, you will not need to do anything to be in compliance with the open source licenses of Nextcloud. Note that theme changes or branding are unaffected by AGPL licensing. Find more information in our FAQ. Our sales team will be happy to answer any questions you have.

Take over of support contract

Nextcloud will honor any any valid contract with ownCloud which has started before the 2nd of June for free if a new agreement is signed for a period of at least 12 months.

All product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners, which might in no way be associated or affiliated with Nextcloud.