t('Order Nextcloud');?>

t('Order your Nextcloud subscription online');?>

t('Nextcloud helps you be successful');?>

t('You run your own Nextcloud server, keeping your data in-house and under control. A support subscription from Nextcloud makes sure it works.');?>

t('You will be able to contact our support team for a speedy answer to questions and fixes for problems you encounter; you can use our');?> t('migration support or add additional capabilities with our');?> Outlook add-in t('or');?> Online Office. t('Learn about');?> t('what our Enterprise Subscription offers here and see answers in our');?> t('Frequently Asked Questions');?>

t('Using this form, you can order a Basic or Standard Support Subscription for up to 250 users. If you need more users, other options like branding or a Premium Support Subscription,');?> t('please contact sales for a quote.');?>

t('Fill in the form below to receive a contract and invoice from us and get started!');?>

t('Your order');?>

t('Our Basic subscription offers email support with a 3 day response time,
Standard offers business hours phone support with a 2 day response time.');?>

t('See details on pricing ');?> t('or ask');?> t('a quote from our sales team ');?> t('for the premium subscription.');?>

t('Optional features:');?>

t(' Include');?> t('our Outlook add-in (€ 5/user)');?>

t('Only with a Standard Subscription:');?>

t(' Include');?> Collabora Online t('(€ 17/user for the first 100, € 16/user after that)');?>
t(' Include one day remote installation/integration support (mail, telephone, video call) (€ 990)');?>

t('Price: ');?>


t('I have read and agree to the');?> t('terms and conditions');?>

Note: all prices excl. VAT

t('Some required fields are not filled.'); ?>