t('In-depth knowledge');?>

t('White papers, case studies, data sheets, and industry analysis give a deep insight in what Nextcloud has to offer.');?>

t('Whitepapers and case studies');?>

t('The Nextcloud white papers and case studies give a deep-dive in Nextcloud technology, processes around security, scalability and real-world benefits of deployments.');?>

t('Note: unless you opt in to the newsletter, we do not store your email address, we just email you the link to the whitepaper.');?>

t('Architecture Overview');?>

t('Get an overview of the Nextcloud architecture and capabilities like user management, external storage and more.');?>


t('The Nextcloud security white paper gives an overview of the security features and processes designed to keep data in Nextcloud confidential.');?>

t('Server-side Encryption');?>

t('Nextcloud features server-side encryption to encrypt data at rest. It is particularly powerful when used with external storage as it ensures keys never leave the Nextcloud server.');?>

t('TU Berlin Migration');?>

t('The TU Berlin successfully migrated 30.000 users to Nextcloud, achieving near 50% lower database load and feature benefits. Find out what their setup looks like today.');?>

t('German Radio and TV');?>

t('IVZ, Germany’s public radio and television deploys Nextcloud with ONLYOFFICE for efficient file exchange and online content collaboration.');?>

t('North-West University Study');?>

t('The North-West University of South Africa improves user storage mobility, collaboration and productivity with Nextcloud and Collabora Online.');?>

t('Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Case Study');?>

t('Keeping data secure for a globally distributed organization working with politically sensitive data.');?>

t('End-to-end Encryption');?>

t('Nextcloud end-to-end encryption offers the ultimate protection for data, encrypting it on the client before sending it to the server.');?>

t('NCC Group review');?>

t('We had the security experts from the independent NCC Group review our security processes and capabilities. Read their full report!');?>

t('Global Scale');?>

t('Global Scale delivers aglobally scalable solution for deployments with hundreds of millions of users, control over data locality and significant cost reductions.');?>

t('Casestudy DEGES');?>

t('Nextcloud provides project management organization DEGES a content collaboration platform to efficiently manage over € 22 billion in construction projects in Germany');?>

t('North-West University Study');?>

t('The North-West University of South Africa improves user storage mobility, collaboration and productivity with Nextcloud and ONLYOFFICE.');?>

t('15K teachers in Luxembourg use Nextcloud');?>

t('Nextcloud partner HNK has delivered a super fast Nextcloud setup to protect student and teacher data in Luxembourg, working for the Centre de gestion informatique de éducation');?>

t('Nextcloud for 33K middle school students in France');?>

t('SIB offers digital services that supports over 500 healthcare structures and public entities in France. Learn about their deployment of Nextcloud in middle schools (English version).');?>

t('Nextcloud audit by Swiss Kyos');?>

t('The second largest city in Switzerland, Geneva, contracted Swiss IT Security firm Kyos to audit the Nextcloud code base they use. Get the results.');?>

t('HackerOne Case study');?>

t('Why Nextcloud puts Hacker-powered security front and center. A case study by HackerOne.');?>


t('Bareos Backup Whitepaper');?>

t('How to backup Nextcloud efficiently and safely using the open source Bareos backup tool. Case study by Bareos.');?>


t('Data sheets and Industry Analysis');?>

t('The experts at Nextcloud keep a close watch on the needs of enterprises. Our data sheets showcase the capabilities and benefits of Nextcloud while our Industry Analysis documents our insights in various industries.');?>

t('Health care analysis');?>

t('The Health care market poses a special challenge to IT, requiring immediate availability of life-saving data while securing Protected Health Information. Nextcloud is an uniquely fitting solution.');?>

t('Privacy Shield and GDPR analysis');?>

t('With Privacy Shield struck down by the highest EU court, GDPR risks have increased massively for all manners of organizations. On-premises hosting is one of the easiest way to avoid legal risks.');?>

t('GDPR Overview');?>

t('Our GDPR Overview document offers a basic 12 step process to GDPR compliance, as part of our GDPR Compliance Kit. Customers can download the complementing GDPR Admin Manual on our customer portal.');?>

t('Monitoring and Auditing');?>

t('Monitoring is crucial to keep servers running smoothly. Nextcloud also features powerful activity tracking and compliance-ready auditing capabilities.');?>

t('Workflows and Access Control');?>

t('Nextcloud features a powerful File Access Control feature to ensure only authorized file access. Our Workflow and data retention capabilites help optimize processes in the enterprise.');?>

t('User management with LDAP');?>

t('Nextcloud features integration with external user directories like LDAP/Active Directory or others as well as built-in account management, two-factor authentication and Single-sign-on support.');?>

t('Windows Network Drive');?>

t('Nextcloud supports a wide range of External Storage solutions, enabling enterprises to keep their data where it is while making it seamlessly available through Nextcloud. Windows Network Drive is one such integration available.');?>

t('SharePoint Integration');?>

t('Nextcloud supports a wide range of External Storage solutions, enabling enterprises to keep their data where it is while making it seamlessly available through Nextcloud. SharePoint is one such integration available.');?>

t('Nextcloud Outlook Add-in');?>

t('Microsoft Outlook is a standard in most offices and Nextcloud offers integration through our add-in, making sharing large files easier & more secure and tracking downloads or uploads by recipients.');?>

t('Videos and talks');?>

t('At our events customers sometimes talk about their use of Nextcloud.');?>

t('Interviews and blogs');?>

t('We regularly cover customer interviews and case studies on our blog.');?>

t('Learn more about the Nextcloud Enterprise Subscription.');?>