name: "Build and test LXD image" on: workflow_call: inputs: git_ref: required: true type: string outputs: artifact_name: value: "${{ }}" artifact_file: value: "${{ }}" push: branches: - "**" pull_request: branches: - "master" - "devel" jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: artifact_name: "${{ env.ARTIFACT_NAME }}" artifact_file: "${{ steps.pack-lxd.outputs.artifact_file }}" env: VERSION: "${{ inputs.git_ref || github.head_ref || github.ref_name }}" ARTIFACT_NAME: "${{ github.run_id }}-lxd-image" steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: "${{ env.VERSION }}" - uses: whywaita/setup-lxd@v1 with: lxd_version: latest/stable - name: Build LXD image run: | ./build/ - name: Pack LXD image id: pack-lxd run: | . ./build/ ARTIFACT_FILE="NextCloudPi_LXD_${VERSION//\//_}" lxc image export -q ncp/"${version}" "output/${ARTIFACT_FILE}" echo "::set-output name=artifact_file::${ARTIFACT_FILE}.tar.gz" - name: upload LXD image to artifact store uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: "${{ env.ARTIFACT_NAME }}" path: "output/${{ steps.pack-lxd.outputs.artifact_file }}" if-no-files-found: error build-previous: runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: artifact_name: "${{ env.ARTIFACT_NAME }}" artifact_file: "${{ steps.pack-lxd.outputs.artifact_file }}" previous_version: "${{ steps.checkout_previous_version.outputs.previous_version }}" env: VERSION: "${{ inputs.git_ref || github.head_ref || github.ref_name }}" ARTIFACT_NAME: "${{ github.run_id }}-lxd-image-previous" steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: "${{ env.VERSION }}" fetch-depth: 0 - name: Checkout previous release id: checkout_previous_version shell: bash run: | set -e if [[ -n "${{ github.base_ref }}" ]] then version="${{ github.base_ref }}" elif [[ "${{ env.VERSION }}" == "refs/heads/devel" ]] then version="master" else if [[ "${{ github.ref_type }}" != "tag ]] || ! git describe --tags > /dev/null then git fetch -fu --tags origin ${{ env.VERSION }}:${{ env.VERSION }} fi version="$(git describe --tags)" [[ "$version" =~ .*-.*-.* ]] || { git checkout HEAD~1 version="$(git describe --tags)" } version="${version%-*-*}" fi echo "Previous version is '$version'" git checkout "$version" echo "VERSION=$version" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" echo "::set-output name=previous_version::${version}" - uses: whywaita/setup-lxd@v1 with: lxd_version: latest/stable - name: Build LXD image run: | ./build/ - name: Pack LXD image id: pack-lxd run: | . ./build/ ARTIFACT_FILE="NextCloudPi_LXD_${VERSION//\//_}" lxc image export -q ncp/"${version}" "output/${ARTIFACT_FILE}" echo "::set-output name=artifact_file::${ARTIFACT_FILE}.tar.gz" - name: upload LXD image to artifact store uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: "${{ env.ARTIFACT_NAME }}" path: "output/${{ steps.pack-lxd.outputs.artifact_file }}" if-no-files-found: error update-previous: needs: - build-previous runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: artifact_name: "${{ env.ARTIFACT_NAME }}" artifact_file: "${{ steps.pack-lxd.outputs.artifact_file }}" env: VERSION: "${{ inputs.git_ref || github.ref }}" ARTIFACT_NAME: "${{ github.run_id }}-lxd-image-updated" steps: - uses: whywaita/setup-lxd@v1 with: lxd_version: latest/stable - name: download LXD image from artifact store uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ }} - name: Launch ncp container run: | set -x lxc delete -q -f ncp || true lxc image import -q "./${{ }}" --alias "ncp/update" systemd-run --user --scope -p "Delegate=yes" lxc launch -q "ncp/update" ncp lxc exec ncp -- bash -c 'while [ "$(systemctl is-system-running 2>/dev/null)" != "running" ] && [ "$(systemctl is-system-running 2>/dev/null)" != "degraded" ]; do :; done' sleep 30 ip="$(lxc list -c n4 -f csv | grep '^ncp' | cut -d ',' -f2)" ip="${ip/% *}" echo "${ip} nextcloudpi.local" | sudo tee /etc/hosts - name: Update ncp run: | set -ex BRANCH="${VERSION/refs\/heads\//}" BRANCH="${BRANCH/refs\/tags\//}" if [[ "$BRANCH" =~ "refs/pull/"* ]] then UPDATE_ARGS=("${{ github.base_ref }}" "$VERSION") else UPDATE_ARGS=("$BRANCH") fi echo "VERSION=${VERSION}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" echo "Running update ${{ }} -> ${VERSION}" lxc exec ncp -- bash -c "DBG=x ncp-update ${UPDATE_ARGS[*]}" lxc stop ncp - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: "${{ env.VERSION }}" - name: Pack LXD image id: pack-lxd run: | set -x . ./build/ ARTIFACT_FILE="NextCloudPi_LXD_${VERSION//\//_}" lxc publish -q ncp -f --alias "ncp/updated" mkdir -p output lxc image export -q "ncp/updated" "output/${ARTIFACT_FILE}" echo "::set-output name=artifact_file::${ARTIFACT_FILE}.tar.gz" - name: upload LXD image to artifact store uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: "${{ env.ARTIFACT_NAME }}" path: "output/${{ steps.pack-lxd.outputs.artifact_file }}" if-no-files-found: error test: needs: - build - update-previous strategy: matrix: build: - source: install artifact_name: ${{ }} artifact_file: ${{ }} - source: update artifact_name: ${{ needs.update-previous.outputs.artifact_name }} artifact_file: ${{ needs.update-previous.outputs.artifact_file }} fail-fast: false runs-on: ubuntu-latest env: VERSION: "${{ inputs.git_ref || github.head_ref || github.ref_name }}" steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: "${{ env.VERSION }}" - uses: whywaita/setup-lxd@v1 with: lxd_version: latest/stable - name: Setup Firefox uses: browser-actions/setup-firefox@latest - name: Setup GeckoDriver uses: browser-actions/setup-geckodriver@latest - name: Setup Selenium run: pip install selenium - name: download LXD image from artifact store uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ }} - name: Launch ncp container run: | set -x lxc delete -q -f ncp || true lxc image import -q "./${{ }}" --alias "ncp/test" systemd-run --user --scope -p "Delegate=yes" lxc launch -q "ncp/test" ncp lxc exec ncp -- bash -c 'while [ "$(systemctl is-system-running 2>/dev/null)" != "running" ] && [ "$(systemctl is-system-running 2>/dev/null)" != "degraded" ]; do :; done' sleep 30 ip="$(lxc list -c n4 -f csv | grep '^ncp' | cut -d ',' -f2)" ip="${ip/% *}" echo "${ip} nextcloudpi.local" | sudo tee /etc/hosts - name: Test LXD Image working-directory: ./tests run: | lxc exec ncp -- bash -c 'tail -f /var/log/ncp.log' |& awk '{ print "NCP::" $0 }' & python --no-gui "nextcloudpi.local" 443 4443 || { echo "Activation test failed!" echo "Geckodriver logs:" tail -n 20 geckodriver.log >&2 || true echo "================" echo "ncp.log: " lxc exec ncp -- "tail -n20 /var/log/ncp.log" exit 1 } python --non-interactive || { echo "System test failed!" exit 1 } python --no-gui "nextcloudpi.local" 443 4443 || { echo "Nextcloud test failed!" echo "Geckodriver logs:" tail -n 20 geckodriver.log >&2 || true echo "================" echo "ncp.log: " lxc exec ncp -- "tail -n20 /var/log/ncp.log" exit 1 } lxc stop ncp