#!/bin/bash # update latest NextCloudPi code from github { [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ] && { printf "Must be run as root. Try 'sudo $0'\n"; exit 1; } BRANCH="${1:-master}" [[ "$BRANCH" != "master" ]] && echo "INFO: updating to development branch '$BRANCH'" TMPDIR="$( mktemp -d /tmp/ncp-update.XXXXXX || ( echo "Failed to create temp dir. Exiting" >&2; exit 1 ) )" trap "cd /; rm -rf \"${TMPDIR}\"; exit 0" 0 1 2 3 15 echo -e "Downloading updates" git clone --depth 20 -b "$BRANCH" -q https://github.com/nextcloud/nextcloudpi.git "$TMPDIR" || { echo "No internet connectivity" exit 1 } [[ -f /.ncp-image ]] || cd "$TMPDIR" # update locally during build echo -e "Performing updates" ./update.sh || exit 1 cd "$TMPDIR" VER=$( git describe --always --tags | grep -oP "v\d+\.\d+\.\d+" ) # check format grep -qP "v\d+\.\d+\.\d+" <<< "$VER" || { "Error: missing version"; exit 1; } echo "$VER" > /usr/local/etc/ncp-version echo "$VER" > /var/run/.ncp-latest-version # write changelog git log --graph --oneline --decorate \ --pretty=format:"[%D] %s" --date=short | \ grep 'tag: v' | \ sed '/HEAD ->\|origin/s|\[.*\(tag: v[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\).*\]|[\1]|' | \ sed 's|* \[tag: |[|' > /usr/local/etc/ncp-changelog echo -e "NextCloudPi updated to version $VER" exit 0 } # force to read the whole thing into memory, as its contents might change in update.sh