#!/bin/bash # NextCloudPi function library # # Copyleft 2017 by Ignacio Nunez Hernanz # GPL licensed (see end of file) * Use at your own risk! # # More at ownyourbits.com # export CFGDIR=/usr/local/etc/ncp-config.d export BINDIR=/usr/local/bin/ncp export NCDIR=/var/www/nextcloud export ncc=/usr/local/bin/ncc export NCPCFG=${NCPCFG:-etc/ncp.cfg} [[ -f "$NCPCFG" ]] || export NCPCFG=/usr/local/etc/ncp.cfg [[ -f "$NCPCFG" ]] || { echo "$NCPCFG not found" >2; exit 1; } #unset TRUSTED_DOMAINS #declare -A TRUSTED_DOMAINS #export TRUSTED_DOMAINS=( #[ip]=1 [dnsmasq]=2 [nc_domain]=3 [nextcloudpi-local]=5 [docker_overwrite]=6 #[nextcloudpi]=7 [nextcloudpi-lan]=8 [public_ip]=11 [letsencrypt_1]=12 #[letsencrypt_2]=13 [hostname]=14 [trusted_domain_1]=20 [trusted_domain_2]=21 [trusted_domain_3]=22 #) command -v jq &>/dev/null || { apt-get update apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends jq } NCLATESTVER=$(jq -r .nextcloud_version < "$NCPCFG") PHPVER=$( jq -r .php_version < "$NCPCFG") RELEASE=$( jq -r .release < "$NCPCFG") # the default repo in bullseye is bullseye-security RELEASE="${RELEASE}-security" command -v ncc &>/dev/null && NCVER="$(ncc status 2>/dev/null | grep "version:" | awk '{ print $3 }')" function configure_app() { local ncp_app="$1" local cfg_file="$CFGDIR/$ncp_app.cfg" local backtitle="NextCloudPi installer configuration" local ret=1 # checks type dialog &>/dev/null || { echo "please, install dialog for interactive configuration"; return 1; } [[ -f "$cfg_file" ]] || return 0; local cfg="$( cat "$cfg_file" )" local len="$(jq '.params | length' <<<"$cfg")" [[ $len -eq 0 ]] && return # read cfg parameters local parameters=() for (( i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ )); do local var="$(jq -r ".params[$i].id" <<<"$cfg")" local val="$(jq -r ".params[$i].value" <<<"$cfg")" local vars+=("$var") local vals+=("$val") local idx=$((i+1)) parameters+=("$var" "$idx" 1 "$val" "$idx" 15 60 120) done # dialog local DIALOG_OK=0 local DIALOG_CANCEL=1 local DIALOG_ERROR=254 local DIALOG_ESC=255 local res=0 while test $res != 1 && test $res != 250; do local value value="$( dialog --ok-label "Start" \ --no-lines --backtitle "$backtitle" \ --form "Enter configuration for $ncp_app" \ 20 70 0 "${parameters[@]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 )" res=$? case $res in $DIALOG_CANCEL) break ;; $DIALOG_OK) while read val; do local ret_vals+=("$val"); done <<<"$value" for (( i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ )); do # check for invalid characters grep -q '[\\&#;'"'"'`|*?~<>^"()[{}$&[:space:]]' <<< "${ret_vals[$i]}" && { echo "Invalid characters in field ${vars[$i]}"; return 1; } cfg="$(jq ".params[$i].value = \"${ret_vals[$i]}\"" <<<"$cfg")" done ret=0 break ;; $DIALOG_ERROR) echo "ERROR!$value" break ;; $DIALOG_ESC) echo "ESC pressed." break ;; *) echo "Return code was $res" break ;; esac done echo "$cfg" > "$cfg_file" printf '\033[2J' && tput cup 0 0 # clear screen, don't clear scroll, cursor on top return $ret } function set-nc-domain() { local domain="${1?}" domain="$(sed 's|http.\?://||;s|\(/.*\)||' <<<"${domain}")" if ! ping -c1 -w1 -q "${domain}" &>/dev/null; then unset domain fi if [[ "${domain}" == "" ]] || is_an_ip "${domain}"; then echo "warning: No domain found. Defaulting to '$(hostname)'" domain="$(hostname)" fi local proto proto="$(ncc config:system:get overwriteprotocol)" || true [[ "${proto}" == "" ]] && proto="https" local url="${proto}://${domain%*/}" [[ "$2" == "--no-trusted-domain" ]] || ncc config:system:set trusted_domains 3 --value="${domain%*/}" ncc config:system:set overwrite.cli.url --value="${url}/" if is_ncp_activated && is_app_enabled notify_push; then ncc config:system:set trusted_proxies 11 --value="" ncc config:system:set trusted_proxies 12 --value="::1" ncc config:system:set trusted_proxies 13 --value="${domain}" ncc config:system:set trusted_proxies 14 --value="$(dig +short "${domain}")" sleep 5 # this seems to be required in the VM for some reason. We get `http2 error: protocol error` after ncp-upgrade-nc ncc notify_push:setup "${url}/push" fi } function start_notify_push { pgrep notify_push &>/dev/null && return if [[ -f /.docker-image ]]; then local arch arch="$(uname -m)" [[ "${arch}" =~ "armv7" ]] && arch="armv7" NEXTCLOUD_URL=https://localhost sudo -E -u www-data /var/www/nextcloud/apps/notify_push/bin/"${arch}"/notify_push --allow-self-signed /var/www/nextcloud/config/config.php &>/dev/null & else systemctl enable --now notify_push fi sleep 5 # apparently we need to make sure we wait until the database is written or something } function run_app() { local ncp_app=$1 local script="$(find "$BINDIR" -name $ncp_app.sh | head -1)" [[ -f "$script" ]] || { echo "file $script not found"; return 1; } run_app_unsafe "$script" } function find_app_param_num() { local script="${1?}" local param_id="${2?}" local ncp_app="$(basename "$script" .sh)" local cfg_file="$CFGDIR/$ncp_app.cfg" [[ -f "$cfg_file" ]] && { local cfg="$( cat "$cfg_file" )" local len="$(jq '.params | length' <<<"$cfg")" for (( i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ )); do local p_id="$(jq -r ".params[$i].id" <<<"$cfg")" if [[ "${param_id}" == "${p_id}" ]] then echo "$i" return 0 fi done } return 1 } install_template() { local template="${1?}" local target="${2?}" local bkp="$(mktemp)" [[ -f "$target" ]] && cp -a "$target" "$bkp" { if [[ "$3" == "--defaults" ]]; then { bash "/usr/local/etc/ncp-templates/$template" --defaults > "$target"; } 2>&1 else { bash "/usr/local/etc/ncp-templates/$template" > "$target"; } 2>&1 || \ if [[ "$3" == "--allow-fallback" ]]; then { bash "/usr/local/etc/ncp-templates/$template" --defaults > "$target"; } 2>&1 fi fi } || { echo "ERROR: Could not generate $target from template $template. Rolling back..." mv "$bkp" "$target" return 1 } rm "$bkp" } find_app_param() { local script="${1?}" local param_id="${2?}" local ncp_app="$(basename "$script" .sh)" local cfg_file="$CFGDIR/$ncp_app.cfg" local p_num="$(find_app_param_num "$script" "$param_id")" || return 1 jq -r ".params[$p_num].value" < "$cfg_file" } # receives a script file, no security checks function run_app_unsafe() { local script=$1 local ncp_app="$(basename "$script" .sh)" local cfg_file="$CFGDIR/$ncp_app.cfg" local log=/var/log/ncp.log [[ -f "$script" ]] || { echo "file $script not found"; return 1; } touch $log chmod 640 $log chown root:www-data $log echo "Running $ncp_app" echo "[ $ncp_app ] ($(date))" >> $log # read script unset configure source "$script" # read cfg parameters [[ -f "$cfg_file" ]] && { local cfg="$( cat "$cfg_file" )" local len="$(jq '.params | length' <<<"$cfg")" for (( i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ )); do local var="$(jq -r ".params[$i].id" <<<"$cfg")" local val="$(jq -r ".params[$i].value" <<<"$cfg")" eval "$var=$val" done } # run (configure) 2>&1 | tee -a $log local ret="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" echo "" >> $log [[ -f "$cfg_file" ]] && clear_password_fields "$cfg_file" return "$ret" } function is_active_app() { local ncp_app=$1 local bin_dir=${2:-.} local script="$bin_dir/$ncp_app.sh" local cfg_file="$CFGDIR/$ncp_app.cfg" [[ -f "$script" ]] || local script="$(find "$BINDIR" -name $ncp_app.sh | head -1)" [[ -f "$script" ]] || { echo "file $script not found"; return 1; } # function unset is_active source "$script" [[ $( type -t is_active ) == function ]] && { # read cfg parameters [[ -f "$cfg_file" ]] && { local cfg="$( cat "$cfg_file" )" local len="$(jq '.params | length' <<<"$cfg")" for (( i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ )); do local var="$(jq -r ".params[$i].id" <<<"$cfg")" local val="$(jq -r ".params[$i].value" <<<"$cfg")" eval "$var=$val" done } is_active return $?; } # config [[ -f "$cfg_file" ]] || return 1 local cfg="$( cat "$cfg_file" )" [[ "$(jq -r ".params[0].id" <<<"$cfg")" == "ACTIVE" ]] && \ [[ "$(jq -r ".params[0].value" <<<"$cfg")" == "yes" ]] && \ return 0 } # show an info box for a script if the INFO variable is set in the script function info_app() { local ncp_app=$1 local cfg_file="$CFGDIR/$ncp_app.cfg" local cfg="$( cat "$cfg_file" 2>/dev/null )" local info=$( jq -r .info <<<"$cfg" ) local infotitle=$( jq -r .infotitle <<<"$cfg" ) [[ "$info" == "" ]] || [[ "$info" == "null" ]] && return 0 [[ "$infotitle" == "" ]] || [[ "$infotitle" == "null" ]] && infotitle="Info" whiptail --yesno \ --backtitle "NextCloudPi configuration" \ --title "$infotitle" \ --yes-button "I understand" \ --no-button "Go back" \ "$info" 20 90 } function install_app() { local ncp_app=$1 # $1 can be either an installed app name or an app script if [[ -f "$ncp_app" ]]; then local script="$ncp_app" local ncp_app="$(basename "$script" .sh)" else local script="$(find "$BINDIR" -name $ncp_app.sh | head -1)" fi # do it unset install source "$script" echo "Installing $ncp_app" (install) } function cleanup_script() { local script=$1 unset cleanup source "$script" if [[ $( type -t cleanup ) == function ]]; then cleanup return $? fi return 0 } function persistent_cfg() { local SRC="$1" local DST="${2:-/data/etc/$( basename "$SRC" )}" test -e /changelog.md && return # trick to disable in dev docker mkdir -p "$( dirname "$DST" )" test -e "$DST" || { echo "Making $SRC persistent ..." mv "$SRC" "$DST" } rm -rf "$SRC" ln -s "$DST" "$SRC" } function is_more_recent_than() { local version_A="$1" local version_B="$2" local major_a=$( cut -d. -f1 <<<"$version_A" ) local minor_a=$( cut -d. -f2 <<<"$version_A" ) local patch_a=$( cut -d. -f3 <<<"$version_A" ) local major_b=$( cut -d. -f1 <<<"$version_B" ) local minor_b=$( cut -d. -f2 <<<"$version_B" ) local patch_b=$( cut -d. -f3 <<<"$version_B" ) # Compare version A with version B # Return true if A is more recent than B if [ "$major_b" -gt "$major_a" ]; then return 1 elif [ "$major_b" -eq "$major_a" ] && [ "$minor_b" -gt "$minor_a" ]; then return 1 elif [ "$major_b" -eq "$major_a" ] && [ "$minor_b" -eq "$minor_a" ] && [ "$patch_b" -ge "$patch_a" ]; then return 1 fi return 0 } function is_app_enabled() { local app="$1" ncc app:list | sed '0,/Disabled/!d' | grep -q "${app}" } function check_distro() { local cfg="${1:-$NCPCFG}" local supported=$(jq -r .release "$cfg") grep -q "$supported" <(lsb_release -sc) && return 0 return 1 } function nc_version() { ncc status | grep "version:" | awk '{ print $3 }' } function get_ip() { local iface iface="$( ip r | grep "default via" | awk '{ print $5 }' | head -1 )" ip a show dev "$iface" | grep global | grep -oP '\d{1,3}(.\d{1,3}){3}' | head -1 } function is_an_ip() { local ip_or_domain="${1}" grep -oPq '\d{1,3}(.\d{1,3}){3}' <<<"${ip_or_domain}" } function is_ncp_activated() { ! a2query -s ncp-activation -q } function clear_password_fields() { local cfg_file="$1" local cfg="$(cat "$cfg_file")" local len="$(jq '.params | length' <<<"$cfg")" for (( i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ )); do local type="$(jq -r ".params[$i].type" <<<"$cfg")" local val="$( jq -r ".params[$i].value" <<<"$cfg")" [[ "$type" == "password" ]] && val="" cfg="$(jq -r ".params[$i].value=\"$val\"" <<<"$cfg")" done echo "$cfg" > "$cfg_file" } function apt_install() { apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" "$@" } function is_docker() { [[ -f /.dockerenv ]] || [[ "$DOCKERBUILD" == 1 ]] } function is_lxc() { grep -q container=lxc /proc/1/environ &>/dev/null } function notify_admin() { local header="$1" local msg="$2" local admin=$(mysql -u root nextcloud -Nse "select uid from oc_group_user where gid='admin' limit 1;") [[ "${admin}" == "" ]] && { echo "admin user not found" >&2; return 0; } ncc notification:generate "${admin}" "${header}" -l "${msg}" || true } function save_maintenance_mode() { unset NCP_MAINTENANCE_MODE grep -q enabled <("${ncc}" maintenance:mode) && export NCP_MAINTENANCE_MODE="on" || true "${ncc}" maintenance:mode --on } function restore_maintenance_mode() { if [[ "${NCP_MAINTENANCE_MODE:-}" != "" ]]; then "${ncc}" maintenance:mode --on else "${ncc}" maintenance:mode --off fi } function needs_decrypt() { local active active="$(find_app_param nc-encrypt ACTIVE)" (! is_active_app nc-encrypt) && [[ "${active}" == "yes" ]] } function set_ncpcfg() { local name="${1}" local value="${2}" local cfg cfg="$(jq '.' "${NCPCFG}")" cfg="$(jq ".${name} = \"${value}\"" <<<"${cfg}")" echo "$cfg" > "${NCPCFG}" } function get_ncpcfg() { local name="${1}" jq -r ".${name}" < "${NCPCFG}" } # License # # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this script; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA