{ "id": "SSH", "name": "SSH OpenSSH is a remote login program", "title": "SSH", "description": "Activate or deactivate SSH - OpenSSH is a remote login program", "info": "In order to enable SSH, the password for user 'pi' can NOT remain set to the default 'raspberry'. \nYou HAVE to create a NEW password for 'pi' if you want this program to enable SSH, it will fail if you dont!\nThe same will happen with user 'root' and password '1234'\nNote: Use normal AlphaNumeric, the only special characters allowed are .,@-_/", "infotitle": "SSH notes", "params": [ { "id": "ACTIVE", "name": "Active", "value": "no", "type": "bool" }, { "id": "USER", "name": "User", "value": "root", "suggest": "root" }, { "id": "PASS", "name": "Pass", "value": "1234", "type": "password" }, { "id": "CONFIRM", "name": "Confirm", "value": "1234", "type": "password" } ] }