{ "id": "nc-database", "name": "Nc-database", "title": "nc-database", "description": "Move your database to a new location, like a USB drive", "info": "Note that non Unix filesystems such as NTFS are not supported\nbecause they do not provide a compatible user/permissions system.\n\nYou need to use a USB drive that is permanently on and is responsive \nor the database will fail.\n\nPlease note that the default location, when first installed is /var/lib/mysql/. \nMove it to the desired location by editing the DBDIR= field, the one shown is an example.\n\n** If it ever fails with a white page, move the database back to the SD **", "infotitle": "", "params": [ { "id": "DBDIR", "name": "Database directory", "value": "/media/USBdrive/ncdatabase", "suggest": "/media/USBdrive/ncdatabase", "default": "/var/lib/mysql", "type": "directory" } ] }