// GPL licensed (see end of file) * Use at your own risk! // // More at https://nextcloudpi.com /// include ('csrf.php'); session_start(); $cfg_dir = '/usr/local/etc/ncp-config.d/'; $l10nDir = "l10n"; ignore_user_abort(true); // // language // require("L10N.php"); try { $l = new L10N($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"], $l10nDir, $cfg_dir); } catch (Exception $e) { die(json_encode("

Error while loading localizations!

")); } // CSRF check $token = isset($_POST['csrf_token']) ? $_POST['csrf_token'] : ''; if ( empty($token) || !validateCSRFToken($token) ) exit( '{ "output": "Unauthorized request. Try reloading the page" }' ); // // launch // if ( $_POST['action'] == "launch" && $_POST['config'] ) { // sanity checks if ( !$_POST['ref'] ) exit( '{ "output": "Invalid request" }' ); $ncp_app = $_POST['ref']; preg_match( '/^[0-9A-Za-z_-]+$/' , $_POST['ref'] , $matches ) or exit( '{ "output": "Invalid input" , "token": "' . getCSRFToken() . '" }' ); // save new config if ( $_POST['config'] != "{}" ) { $cfg_file = $cfg_dir . $ncp_app . '.cfg'; $cfg_str = file_get_contents($cfg_file) or exit('{ "output": "' . $ncp_app . ' read error" }'); $cfg = json_decode($cfg_str, true) or exit('{ "output": "' . $ncp_app . ' read error" }'); $new_params = json_decode($_POST['config'], true) or exit('{ "output": "Invalid request" }'); foreach ($cfg['params'] as $index => $param) { // don't touch missing parameters $id = $cfg['params'][$index]['id']; if (!array_key_exists($id, $new_params)) continue; // sanitize $val = trim(escapeshellarg($new_params[$id]),"'"); preg_match( '/ /' , $val , $matches ) and exit( '{ "output": "Invalid parameters" , "token": "' . getCSRFToken() . '" }' ); // save $cfg['params'][$index]['value'] = $val; } $cfg_str = json_encode($cfg) or exit('{ "output": "' . $ncp_app . ' internal error" }'); file_put_contents($cfg_file, $cfg_str) or exit('{ "output": "' . $ncp_app . ' write error" }'); } // launch echo '{ "token": "' . getCSRFToken() . '",'; // Get new token echo ' "ref": "' . $ncp_app . '",'; echo ' "output": "" , '; echo ' "ret": '; exec( 'bash -c "sudo /home/www/ncp-launcher.sh ' . $ncp_app . '"' , $output , $ret ); echo '"' . $ret . '" }'; } // // info // else if ( $_POST['action'] == "info" ) { exec( 'bash /usr/local/bin/ncp-diag', $output, $ret ); // info table $table = ''; foreach( $output as $line ) { $table .= ""; $fields = explode( "|", $line ); $table .= ""; $class = 'val-field'; if ( strpos( $fields[1], "up" ) !== false || strpos( $fields[1], "ok" ) !== false || strpos( $fields[1], "open" ) !== false ) $class = 'ok-field'; if ( strpos( $fields[1], "down" ) !== false || strpos( $fields[1], "error" ) !== false ) $class = 'error-field'; $table .= ""; $table .= ""; } $table .= "
"; // suggestions $suggestions = ""; if ( $ret == 0 ) { exec( "bash /usr/local/bin/ncp-suggestions \"" . implode( "\n", $output ) . '"', $out, $ret ); foreach( $out as $line ) if ( $line != "" ) $suggestions .= "

‣ $line

"; } // return JSON echo '{ "token": "' . getCSRFToken() . '",'; // Get new token echo ' "table": ' . json_encode( $table ) . ' , '; echo ' "suggestions": ' . json_encode( $suggestions ) . ' , '; echo ' "ret": "' . $ret . '" }'; } // // sidebar // else if ( $_POST['action'] == "sidebar" ) { require( "elements.php" ); // return JSON echo '{ "token": "' . getCSRFToken() . '",'; // Get new token echo ' "output": ' . json_encode( print_sidebar( $l, true ) ) . ' , '; echo ' "ret": "0" }'; } // // cfg-ui // else if ( $_POST['action'] == "cfg-ui" ) { $ret = $l->save( $_POST['value'] ); $ret = $ret !== FALSE ? 0 : 1; // return JSON echo '{ "token": "' . getCSRFToken() . '",'; // Get new token echo ' "ret": "' . $ret . '" }'; } // // path field // else if ( $_POST['action'] == "path-exists" ) { if (file_exists($_POST['value'])) $ret = 0; else $ret = 1; // return JSON echo '{ "token": "' . getCSRFToken() . '",'; // Get new token echo ' "ret": "' . $ret . '" }'; } // // poweroff // else if ( $_POST['action'] == "poweroff" ) { shell_exec( 'bash -c "( sleep 2 && sudo halt ) 2>/dev/null >/dev/null &"' ); } // // reboot // else if ( $_POST['action'] == "reboot" ) { shell_exec('bash -c "( sleep 2 && sudo reboot ) 2>/dev/null >/dev/null &"'); } // License // // This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this script; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ?>