{ "translations": { "Phone Sync" : "手機同步", "An app to sync SMS with your cloud" : "一個將SMS與您的Nextcloud同步的應用程式", "Cancel" : "取消", "Confirm" : "確認", "No contact found." : "找不到聯絡人。", "Settings" : "設定", "Max messages to load per conversation" : "每個對話最多可載入的訊息", "Invalid message limit" : "無效的訊息限制", "Default country code" : "默認國家代碼", "Contact ordering" : "聯絡人排序", "Last message" : "最新訊息", "Label" : "標籤", "Reverse ?" : "反向?", "Notification settings" : "通告設定", "Enable" : "啟用", "Disable" : "停用", "Are you sure you want to wipe all your messages ?" : "您確定要刪除所有訊息嗎?", "Reset all messages" : "重設所有訊息", "%s messages shown of %s messages stored in database." : "顯示數據庫中存儲的 %s 條消息中的 %s 條消息。", "Please select a conversation from the list to load it." : "請從列表中選擇一個對話以進行加載。" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;" }