{ "translations": { "Password policy" : "Paroles politika", "Minimal length" : "Minimālais garums", "Forbid common passwords" : "Aizliegt kopīgas paroles", "Enforce upper and lower case characters" : "Uzspiest lielos un mazos burtus", "Enforce numeric characters" : "Uzspiest skaitļus", "Enforce special characters" : "Uzspiest speciālos simbolus", "Password need to be at least %s characters long" : "Parolei ir jābūt vismaz %s simbolu garai", "Password need to contain at least one lower case character and one upper case character." : "Parolē ir jābūt vismaz vienam mazajam un vienam lielajam burtam.", "Password need to contain at least one numeric character." : "Parolē ir jābūt vismaz vienam skaitlim.", "Password need to contain at least one special character." : "Parolei jāsatur vismaz vienu speciālo rakstzīmi.", "Password is within the 1,000,000 most common passwords. Please choose another one." : "Parole ir vien no 1,000,000 izplatītākajām parolēm. Lūdzu, izvēlieties citu." },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);" }